Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 25 Anti-killing

A smile suddenly appeared on Renault's face.

Because the poisonous insect jumped into his trap on its own initiative!

The poisonous insect had just crossed the heat shield, and at that moment it felt as if it had fallen into an extremely cold ice cave.

That's right, the area inside the heat shield, except where the three of them were standing, has completely turned into a field of extreme cold!

When he realized that the poisonous bug might have other intentions, Renault set up this trap.

When he was making the heat shield, he raised the temperature of the air by a large amount. The large amount of venom sprayed by the poisonous insects was evaporated as soon as it entered the heat shield, and the evaporation speed was faster. Not a single drop of venom penetrated the heat shield. .

Renault also deliberately drew heat only from the central area of ​​the heat shield, gradually reducing the temperature in this area to a very low level.

The poisonous insects didn't notice the hands and feet made by Renault. Although it has magical infrared vision, it doesn't mean that it can see all infrared rays.

Any substance above absolute zero can produce infrared rays, but the wavelength of infrared rays is different depending on the temperature. The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength of infrared rays, and vice versa.

Just as human eyes can only see electromagnetic waves between 400 and 760nm, infrared vision is limited to infrared rays of a certain frequency band, and the longer the wavelength, the harder it is to be observed.

Therefore, when Renault uses [Reverse Heat Conduction] to cool down, the wavelength of the infrared rays emitted by the low-temperature air becomes longer and longer, beyond the visible range of the poisonous insects. Coupled with the interference from the high-temperature area, the poisonous insects do not notice it at all, and the place it is about to jump into That area has become an extremely cold ice field!

As cold-blooded animals, insects are much weaker in resisting cold than warm-blooded animals. They have no mechanism to regulate their own temperature in their bodies, and their adaptability to the environment is quite weak.

Therefore, insects that are accustomed to living in a warm environment, once the temperature starts to drop, their metabolic rate will start to drop, and their body temperature will also drop. When the temperature drops to a certain level, they have to choose to hibernate.

What if the temperature continues to drop? What will happen?

Before crossing, Renault was an otaku addicted to his hobbies. In a documentary called "Frozen Planet", he learned that there is an extremely tough life on the earth, which is the larvae of the arctic lamp moth.

The arctic lamp moth larvae can be summed up in one sentence, that is, "exhaust a lifetime to break out of the cocoon"!

When the Arctic winter comes, the arctic lamp moth larvae will be frozen a little bit, the free water in the body will freeze, the blood will freeze, and finally even the heart will stop beating.

But when it returned to the earth in the spring of the second year, a miracle happened. After the ice in its body thawed, it came back to life!

The arctic lamp moth larva will desperately eat and get more nutrients during the short arctic summer, until winter comes again, and it turns into ice again.

After experiencing more than 10 cold and heat, and being repeatedly frozen more than 10 times, it finally started to spin silk, and officially evolved into an adult insect!

In the documentary, Renault learned two things. The first one is that life is extremely miraculous, and the second one is that he once again understood the saying "water will freeze when the temperature is low"!

The same is true in this world, and the laws of nature cannot be reversed, so although poisonous insects have magic substances such as mana in addition to salt, the freezing point of water may be lower, but he believes that as long as the temperature is low to a certain level, poisonous insects Free water in the body also freezes.

The progress of the matter was as expected by Lei Nuo. After the poisonous insects entered this area, under the invasion of a large amount of cold air, the body temperature began to drop sharply, the interstitial fluid in the cells began to condense instantly, and various chemical reactions in the body also slowed down. The reaction speed also greatly reduced.

As a result, it didn't even have time to spray out the poisonous mist, and its body was frozen, and it kept its mouthparts open ridiculously.

Seeing that the poisonous insect fell into the trap, Lei Nuo gritted his teeth again, and the remaining magic energy in his body poured into the rune array crazily, and the chill in the air deepened again.

With a muffled sound of "bang", the huge body of the poisonous insect fell heavily to the ground. The three of them clearly felt a slight vibration from the ground, and the posture of the poisonous insect when it landed was very bad, because its mouthparts were directly facing the ground. Moose.

As soon as Moose saw this great opportunity, he immediately roared, a large amount of mana gathered on his right arm, his muscles bulged instantly, and Lao Gao suddenly threw the other epee in his hand.

At this time, Moose was no more than 5 meters away from the poisonous insect, and the heavy sword pierced into the mouthpart of the poisonous insect almost as soon as he let go, and then sank deeply into its body, only half of the hilt was exposed.

A large stream of light green juice flowed out from the poisonous insect's mouthparts, and as soon as the juice came into contact with the cold air, it froze instantly.

The poisonous insect was severely injured, its body trembled violently, and it even let out a slight hissing sound. As the freezing continued to deepen, its body became more rigid, and its trembling gradually eased. The original emerald green body surface color gradually turned gray .

At this moment, anyone can see that the poisonous insect is dead!

Most of its internal organs were destroyed by the epee, coupled with the deadly freezing, even top-level potions could hardly revive it!

The powerful poisonous insect became dying in an instant, and the original crisis was instantly reversed!

Immediately, joyful smiles appeared on the faces of the three of them!

Lei Nuo breathed a sigh of relief, the mana in his body was almost exhausted at this moment, if the poisonous insect delayed a little longer, his mana might not be enough to freeze it.

He began to slowly withdraw the surrounding heat shields, but he always maintained the low temperature around the poisonous insects. He knew very well the reason why centipedes were dead but not stiff, so he would rather waste some magic energy and be careful.

Angela looked at Renault with admiration, and asked, "How do you know that the poisonous insects are going to launch a surprise attack?"

Renault thought for a while and said, "It doesn't hesitate to kill us at the risk of being injured. I don't think it's right. In fact, the behavior of animals has a fixed pattern. I don't know if you have heard of animal behavior... ..."

Angela and Moose looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The same thought came to their minds: Is this the wisdom of the devil? But why does the devil like to study this kind of thing instead of studying how to torture humans?

What a strange devil!

The girl asked curiously: "What is animal behavior?"

Renault immediately explained ostentatiously: "Most of the behaviors of animals are for the purpose of ensuring survival, but also evolved slowly to adapt to the environment..."

"So behind all the behaviors of animals, there are extremely profound principles, such as why certain mosquitoes swarm, why many birds have the habit of migrating..."

"Study the principles of these phenomena systematically, and collect and sort out the knowledge, which is called animal behavior..."

Listening to Renault's eloquent talk, Angela seemed to have opened a new door and suddenly discovered a whole new world.

She was originally an extremely studious girl. She had heard some nursing knowledge from Lei Nuo before, and she would practice it by herself in private. When she heard this kind of unheard of knowledge, she was even more shocked in her heart.

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