Master of Fist

Chapter 1109: A Billion-Year Conspiracy

"Of course I will give you everything I have! Haha!"

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling red light burst out from the chest of True God Huo Xing. Around the red light, his divine body seemed to be melted by some kind of terrible high temperature.

The true god-level body dripped to the ground like magma, and a huge hole was burned out in the chest cavity, exposing a scarlet heart that was heaving and falling.

A purple flame rose from the surface of the heart, and the pupils of the originally indifferent "True God of the Sky" shrank suddenly when seeing this object, the heart beat uncontrollably faster, and the breathing became a bit heavy.

There was a burning heat in his eyes, as if seeing some kind of treasure.

"A ray of interior-level real flame left to you by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi! So you have been hiding it in your body?" The eyes of the "True God of Sky" were blazing.

This is the true flame of the inner scene, the terrifying real flame that is beyond the fire line of this world, and the existence of suppressing the level of the fire line of this world and many lower roads of the inner scene level.

With this thing, he can quickly reach the master level in a short period of time, and has some special internal scenes, which can be regarded as barely touching the trajectory of half-step internal scenes.

Although it is not a half-step interior scene, it is far beyond the ordinary master!

"With this thing, my plan can be accelerated a lot." He looked at the hot heart with burning eyes, and smiled from the corner of his mouth under the hood.

"It seems that you have already seen it, so why suffer?"

"Hehe! If you can swallow this ray of true flame, I will give it to you!" The fire god laughed loudly, the flames on his chest burst out suddenly, and his divine body quickly turned into the fuel of this ray of true flame.

Ok? !

Seeing this scene, the True God of Kong vaguely felt something was wrong.

"It's like a dog, when did you dare to bark in front of this god with such a sense of Dao?!"

True God Huo Xing, who had been gradually engulfed by the flames, cursed hysterically like a maniac.

Hundreds of millions of years ago, those inner-level powers would not allow Dao to develop self-awareness at all. The so-called Dao consciousness is really worse than a dog.

"not good!"

The True God of Sky already felt that something was wrong, the surrounding space became extremely viscous, and the space and time were firmly suppressed by the terrible high temperature. The same is true for the law of the great way. Under this flame, it is like a child facing an adult man. Weak and weak.

This is the law of rank suppression, inner scene level detachment from this cosmic avenue.

If the true god of the sky is the strongest person who opened up this universe, rather than the consciousness that was gradually born after the universe weakened many times, naturally he is not afraid of the suppression of this level.

After all, this so-called True Flame originally originated from this universe, but he is just the consciousness bred after the Great Dao of this universe has been weakened many times, and it is really not enough to face this thing.

"Damn! Damn! You use yourself as fuel, rather than being swallowed by a wisp of dead matter?!"

"Hehe, humiliating this god? Then this god will let you see what real fire is!"

The words of the true god of fire are a naked threat. His fire is the best nourishment for this ray of true flame. Once swallowed, this true flame will be out of control. It's all a joke in front of it.

As the last syllable of True God Huoxing finished, his divine body was completely cooked by the fire.

At the same time, the yin-yang formation, which was originally known as impregnable, has shown signs of distortion and collapse at this moment, which is the suppression of ranks.

Not to mention that the two ways of yin and yang mastered by the "True God of Space" are only at the ninth level, even if they are at the true god level, they cannot fight against the current raging fire.

Terrifying flames quickly spread towards the 'True God of the Sky', and the dense high temperature distorted the surrounding space, making space and time present a unique viscous force.

"Damn it! Damn it! A piece of trash, you want to give me one before you die! The 'True God of the Sky' was furious. I thought it was just a broken house, but I never thought that the other party would be so unbearable.

It's just that he didn't know that the pride of True God Huoxing was about to die now, so he died defending his own pride.

Engulfed by this kind of flame, the soul of the gods can't escape even when the body of the gods is burned. The true god of fire has mastered the flames, but finally died under the raging fire.

"Hoo hoo! I can't do it, Master." In an unknown small plane, Jiang Heng drilled out of the space channel and lay down on the ground gasping for breath.


However, there was no response from Taoist Wuwei for a long time, and Jiang Heng asked in surprise.

"To make a long story short, the old man may have to sleep for a while."

"Master just wanted to save me"

"When the master should make a move, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the master is already dead. Now it's just a ray of remnant soul lingering on the inner scene. Maybe when the inner scene is shattered, this remnant soul will also dissipate."

Taoist Wuwei was exhausted and casual, "There was something wrong with that person just now. I have mastered many ways, and now I am just a remnant soul who can't see through his details. But he feels a little familiar to me."

"Could that person be a strong man from the previous generation in the same period as Master?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

Earlier, he broke out in a cold sweat. The other party couldn't help mastering time and space, yin and yang and five elements, and also mastered many avenues that he rarely saw. He even used the ban that had long since lost his inheritance.

"No! It shouldn't be. The old man has seen many internal scene-level powerhouses who don't have as many Dao's as him. Even if the God Emperor at that time mastered more Dao laws, the quality is far inferior to him. He mastered Yin-Yang time and space at the same time. The Five Elements is very unusual. For example, the Ban Dao was very rare in the past, and now there are only a few remnants of the Ban Dao left.

Back then, the foreigners hated Ban Yi Yi, and killed the powerful ones, and they could deprive them of their origin, so it was very unusual for this person to still master Ban Ban.

Yin and Yang are also unusual, as is time and space. "

There was a hint of incomprehension in Taoist Wuwei's words. Obviously he was very confused, and there were not many things that could confuse this old man.

Jiang Heng also felt that the matter was a bit big, it seemed that he had bumped into something really big by mistake.

"Master, could he be the incarnation of this cosmic consciousness? I remember you said that there have been many incarnations of Dao in the universe." Jiang Heng suddenly thought of this.

Because Taoist Wuwei mentioned this on purpose, because he felt that this matter was very novel, and he didn't expect that Taoism could form self-awareness, so he was more impressed.


Daoist Wuwei responded extremely decisively.

"Of course the God Emperor, I, the Mother Goddess, and the council of the ancients, and many interior scenes of the Return of All Things have already laid a great formation for this universe before the catastrophe. Unless this universe is completely annihilated, our Dao will not be able to survive again. Cultivate the consciousness of Dao."

Daoist Wuwei said quickly, he took a few breaths to calm down his excitement, and then continued, "It is not a good thing for the creatures in this world that the Dao breeds consciousness.

The Dao without consciousness is just a tool to keep the universe running, and only a machine without emotion can keep everything stable.

But once he has self-awareness, the avenue will gradually get out of control, and all the rules will change. If he grows up, he will gradually take over the Dao Changhe. If he is more selfish, our generation of practitioners will not even think about the laws of the Dao. He himself is an extremely terrifying inner-level powerhouse!

Like the revived Xeon! Do you think the master of this universe will allow us moths to continue eating away at the energy in his body? "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's eyelids twitched, and he called him a good guy in his heart.

The reason is indeed this way, if you step into the inner scene, the inner scene will continue to grow until it develops to the point where the most powerful person exists, the inner universe will give birth to souls, and these creatures will start to devour their own laws, it will be fine if they don’t kill them of.

As for the inner scene-level powerhouses, the creatures bred in their own universe can decide their life and death with just one thought, unless some of these creatures step into the inner scene to form their own inner universe.

But even if the creatures from their own universe step into the inner scene, their strength will be even more terrifying.

That is to say, the most powerful person in the universe they live in now has fallen, leaving this unowned universe, so that it has become a seedbed for countless lives.

"In this case, what is that thing? His characteristics are indeed very similar to the Dao consciousness." Jiang Heng was puzzled again.

"That's true. As a teacher, I have a guess now, and I don't know if it is correct, but it is indeed the only way to explain it."

Taoist Wuwei spoke solemnly.

"The formation that I and I jointly arranged was only effective for the consciousness that was born later on the Dao, and its main function is to suppress the consciousness that was born after the Dao.

It was also when I realized that the Great Tribulation Endless was somewhat powerless, so I wanted to preserve the normal development of future generations of this universe.

But if this universe itself already has consciousness, then this big formation is a joke. "

"No way, Master, you were all inner scene-level powerhouses back then, and you all bred your own inner universe, and your perception of this universe is far beyond that of ordinary true gods. Is there anything that can be hidden from you?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

"It's not impossible. If it is the consciousness conceived by Dao itself, of course we can detect it. He has conceived consciousness many times before and it is impossible to hide it from our perception.

But if it is the means of the alien race of Shengyuan, then it is not necessarily! "

"Master suspects that this is a conspiracy by those foreign races? Can they influence Dao?" Jiang Heng frowned, and Taoist Wuwei's guess is really shocking.

"They can't influence Dao, not to mention that they can't do anything in the old days. If the strongest person in our universe is not bad at the time of our estimation, the legal personality in life is even higher than Their old days were one step higher." Taoist Wuwei shook his head and said.

"Master, isn't that right? Haven't you ever said that the most intuitive way to judge the strength of a universe pioneer is to judge from the number of strong men born in it and the strength of the highest strong man?" Jiang Heng was suspicious.

If it is judged in this way, there is no doubt that the pioneer of the Shengyuan world is more powerful.

After all, the internal scene bred by the Saint Yuan World is several times the peak level of their side of the universe back then, and there are even strong men of the old level, who are far stronger than their side no matter how you look at it.

"If they are the pioneers of their world, they can naturally influence the way of our world, but the old days are just the creatures that were born later in this world as teachers. Unless those old days step into our side, the most powerful level, otherwise it won’t affect Dao.”

Taoist Wuwei shook his head, then frowned and said, "But they don't need to affect Dao, it's okay if they just borrow chickens to lay eggs."

"Borrowing a chicken to lay an egg?"

"Even if a ray of interior-level consciousness is thrown into the long river of our world, the interior-level consciousness required by that ray of consciousness is also a very strong existence. And he needs to be voluntary.

In this way, let that consciousness be cultivated with the help of many laws of the Dao Changhe, and with the convenience of the inner scene level consciousness itself having a very good understanding of the Dao, he will soon be contaminated with the consciousness of the Dao Changhe.

After a long time, Dao Changhe's authority will gradually be opened to him, but this time must be long and it will take a long time, not hundreds of millions of years, not hundreds of millions of years, more than billions of years.

As long as the authority of the Dao Changhe is opened to this consciousness, this consciousness can use the Dao Changhe to reshape a body of the Dao, and at the same time have the ability to master the Dao.

Of course, the body of the Dao that was bred was very weak at the beginning, and it did not have the level of a true god, nor could it completely take over the Dao Changhe. If it completely took over the Dao Changhe, it would be equivalent to the recovery of the weak version of the Xeon.

But if this is the case, that thing is a big trouble. If the other party can't be wiped out before it grows up, it will be too late when he becomes the master and even the inner scene.

Especially when stepping into the interior scene, no one in our universe can stop him, and he is extremely proficient in mastering every law to do whatever he wants. This kind of strength is really terrifying! "

Taoist Wuwei heaved a long sigh, he was already unable to take care of this matter with his strength.

"Master, what do you think is the probability that this is a foreign race's conspiracy? That thing is really the internal scene-level consciousness that a foreign race threw into the long river a billion years ago?" Jiang Heng asked after taking a deep breath.

"I don't know, the foreign race also has some great treasures. If they don't hesitate to sacrifice one of the treasures, it can be done by using an old statue to silently open a hole in the boundary barrier billions of years ago. of.

There were shadows of foreigners in the Battle of the Gods back then, and they should have come here by forcefully smuggling in by opening a small passage with big means in the past. Maybe they did a lot of little tricks that we don't know about at that time.

It's just that at that time we were all busy with the competition and fighting between various forces, fighting for a little bit of fame. "Speaking of this, Taoist Wuwei couldn't help but sigh.

"That apprentice will investigate carefully. But why did that guy pay so much attention to those two treasures just now?"

Jiang Heng frowned and said, recalling the previous scenes, that ghost simply wanted to snatch back the two treasures without leaving room.

"Of course he desires the primordial treasure! Others who have obtained the primordial treasure are still unable to use the method of displaying it. He is the body of the Dao, and he is most friendly to this kind of primordial treasure. The power of manipulating the primordial treasure is far better than that of others." Taoist Wuwei explained.

"I see."

Jiang Heng nodded, but his eyes were suddenly attracted by the things in the small plane in front of him.

"Hey! That's it"

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