Chapter 166 Loki’s plan to destroy Jotonheim [4 more] T

Take care of Thor.

Lin Feng has already understood that it is difficult to change Thor’s thoughts. Everything can only wait for the plot to develop.

When the Destroyer arrives and Loki intends to kill Thor, he will wake up and Thor will return. Now it is useless to persuade Thor. This guy’s thinking has been fixed.

Too lazy to communicate with Toldo anymore, Lin Feng flew back to the alliance headquarters and decided to speed up the manufacturing process of spacecraft and space fleets.

The most terrifying thing about Loki is the Ability that manipulates the hearts of others. He has something to do with the ‘Zirita’ race in the universe. In the future, Loki will control this powerful mechanical race to invade the earth. Lin Feng intends to create spaceships and space fleets as soon as possible. In the future, when the Kirita race invades, in addition to superhero and alien fleets, humans will also have powerful warships. By creating spaceships and space fleets earlier, more people on Earth can be saved.

After Lin Feng left Erik and Zhen on the phone, he asked Yanhuang to monitor Thor around the clock and report to himself if he had any situation. Lin Feng concentrated on being busy for the spacecraft.


The eternal kingdom, Asgard. 02

In the Golden Hall, Loki wore a double-horned helmet and held a sharp gun representing Asgard’s supreme Odin, and finally sat on the throne.

After Odin fell asleep, Loki passed the news that Thor personally promised that the throne would be inherited by himself to the gods. No one in Asgard dared to refute Loki. Loki’s wish was fulfilled, and he temporarily became the king of Asgard.

On the throne, Loki didn’t have much excitement. Since childhood, he has always hoped that Odin can value himself. He has always hoped that Odin can care for himself more. He is jealous of Odin’s love for Thor and his disregard for himself.

So when Thor was about to become king, Loki used the Jotun’s Qibao ‘Ice Box’ to create a tunnel, put the Jotun in, and ruined King Thorden’s affairs.

What Loki did was nothing to hide from Odin. Just yesterday, after Loki sneakily prepared to return the stolen “Ice Box”, he was caught by Odin.

Odin pressed Loki why he did this, and Loki finally gave his reasons.

He told Odin that he was jealous of Thor, because since childhood, Odin loved Thor the most, and he has always been ignored. In order to attract the respect and attention of others, Loki kept playing various pranks in Asgard. He wanted to prove that he was not Thor bad.

Odin also told Loki a great secret. Loki and his own son, but the adopted son, is the offspring of Giants of Jotunheim, so Loki can come across the ‘Ice Box’ and nothing happens at all.

Odin told Loki that Asgard defeated the Giants of Jotunheim in the battle against the Jotuns. Odin lost one eye in this battle.

In order to convince Giants of Jotunheim that he is peace-loving, he took in the orphan Loki and raised Loki as an adult. Odin made Loki the prince of Asgard, just like Thor. Odin was showing his kindness to the Jotunheim. .

Loki was stunned. He finally understood why Thor was able to get Odin’s care since he was a child, and he has been ignored. All of this is the reason of identity.

Loki understood that from beginning to end, he was just a political tool, just a bargaining chip for Odin to truce with the Yodons in order to show his kindness. Loki finally understood that Asgard would never allow the descendants of Giants of Jotunheim to ascend the throne.

Loki was mad, and he scolded Odin for concealing the incident and using himself as a political tool. Odin fell into a deep sleep during the argument.

Odin’s fall made Loki see the hope of ascending the throne, so he descended on the earth and deceived Thor the reason for Odin’s coma. He did not expect that Thor really thought that Odin was pissed off by himself, and in regret, he personally killed him. The throne was surrendered to Loki.

Loki got everything, but still unhappy. Everyone thinks that Loki is inherently evil, and he keeps playing pranks and opposing Thor because of his power.

But in fact, Loki also has a human side. What he desires most is that Odin treats himself the same way he treats Thor. What he wants most is to have a complete home. What he wants most is to get the true love of Odin and Asgard. respect.

Although Odin fell into a deep sleep, he would wake up at any time. His throne was only temporary. If he couldn’t get Odin’s appreciation, the throne would still be unable to sit firmly.

Loki already has a plan in his heart. He intends to destroy the Yodons for Asgard, and proves to Odin with actions that he is no worse than Thor, and he is absolutely loyal to Asgard.

Loki already has all the conditions. As long as he kills Lauf, the leader of Giants of Jotunheim, Loki can use Bifrost to transmit the terrifying energy in the’Ice Box’, destroy’Jotonheim’, make the Giants of Jotunheim extinct, and gain Odin with his combat exploits. Respect, to win the heart of Asgard.

Loki was on the throne, thinking about how to lure the Yodons into Asgard. Before the Golden Hall, Valkyrie Sif brought three warriors to intercede, hoping that Loki would let Thor return to Asgard.

Loki cunningly rejected Valkyrie on the grounds that the ‘first order of the current king’ cannot be violated the ‘last order of the previous king’.

Angrily, the four of Sif rushed to Bifrost, begging Heimdall to let them come to the earth to find Thor through Bifrost.

Heimdall, on the grounds that he could not violate the king’s order to close Bifrost, turned and left, but left the sword that opened Bifrost.

Goddess Sif was overjoyed and opened Bifrost personally, and the four of them sent to the earth.

On the throne of the King of God, Loki has already figured it out, using his identity as a descendant of Giants of Jotunheim, coupled with the condition of Odin’s faintness, to lure the Jotuns into Asgard, and then stabbed him in the back to kill him. Giants of Jotunheim can make a remarkable achievement for Asgard.

Using his teleporting Ability, Loki easily reached Jotun 140heim, and Odin fell asleep. The Ice Box was hidden in Asgard’s Golden Hall and told Lauf the secret.

Lauf was tempted. Taking advantage of Odin’s sleep, attacking Asgard and regaining the Ice Box that had been robbed for thousands of years is now the best opportunity.

Under the temptation of interest, coupled with Loki’s clever tongue, the Yotons made a deal with Loki, allowing Loki to open Bifrost, and they attacked Asgard.

Seeing that the plan to lure the Yotons succeeded, Loki returned happily, but on Bifrost, he met Heimdall, and Heimdall asked why Loki was going to Jotonheim and conspiring with the Yotons. In a rage, Loki used the Ice box to freeze Heimdall.

Loki returned to the Golden Hall. After learning that Valkyrie had betrayed Asgard, he was furious and sent the ‘Destroyer’ robot to the earth to kill the traitor and Thor.

Loki naively thought that as long as he destroyed Jotonheim and the Jotonians, he would gain the respect of Asgard and Odin.

But Loki may not know that Thor was exiled and Odin suddenly fell into a faint. He wanted to win the respect of Asgard to destroy the Yorton. All this may be Odin’s game.

The most sinister and vicious person may not be Loki, but the old fox Odin, who has lived for 5,000 years. This game may have been laid out since Odin adopted Loki that year, and it was seamless.

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