Text Chapter 746 Pursuit

The finger of death contains the magic law that kills everything. Bassaze's body is just an ordinary person. He is not a divine creature or a magical creature. He has no resistance at all in his body. The consequence of being hit is death!

He finally woke up, but he didn't want to fall asleep again. At this time, he didn't care about accepting David as a disciple. His fingers broke through the space distance and grabbed David's neck.

He didn't hesitate to catch outsiders to block his guns.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Don't don't!" Although I don't know what the death finger is, the black cyclone rushing toward him still makes David incoherent.

"Run!" Bella threw the Thunder God's sword with the characteristics of thunder and lightning. It has the blessing of her own strength. The speed of this sword is much faster than the obvious flight path of Death Finger. The lightning whizzed past, ploughing on the ground. Out of a deep ditch, he whirled and cut off Bassaze's outstretched arm.

David was somewhat clever, although he was frightened, he still ran back holding his head.

With a broken arm and death finger close in front of him, Bassaze had to use the biggest hole card, he took out a Russian matryoshka.

The outermost seal of the matryoshka was opened extremely rudely. An Asian man with a naked torso and a long braid just got out of trouble. He was turned into fly ash by death without a grunt.

Bassaze gritted his teeth, picked up the matryoshka that had been significantly smaller, and opened the seal again.

A middle-aged man with a mustache, a fat body and a staff in hand appeared on the battlefield out of thin air.

Bella is speechless, what kind of tricks are these!

The middle-aged man turned out to be a mage as well. He had completely withstood Bella's three breaths when he lost his first opportunity and his state was extremely poor.

When Bella got rid of the middle-aged mage, Bassaze on the other side had already screamed, and a metal iron bird with its wings spread five meters long rushed into the old church, grabbed his shoulder and flew into the distance.

Bassaze doesn't think much of the current body, so it's a big deal to change it, but right now in the battle, without an arm, he doesn't have much ability to cast spells, this is a fart! Run!

Bella couldn't help but glanced at the metal iron bird. It was a bit like a Transformer, but it was essentially different, it was just a pure alchemy item.

"Huh, want to run?" The floating cloak started and Bella rushed into the sky.

In New York, she didn’t use the Frost Dragon, and ordinary people couldn’t handle the huge undead breath. If Smaug flies around in New York, one-tenth of the people will die immediately, and this one-tenth will be three days later. Get up and become a living corpse.

At present, she can only rely on the floating cloak to pursue.

Bassaze turned over and jumped on the iron bird, looking back from time to time.

This battle was fought inexplicably. If you win, it's okay to say that he is worse in spells, and worse in physical aspects. The gaps in all aspects accumulate, making him no opponent at all.

"Woman, I don't know you! Could it be that the owner of this body is your friend? I can return the body to him."

He could only think of this reason when searching for intestines.

Bella is unmoved. She has no relationship with Ben Gates, and it is impossible for a passerby to let go of Bassaze who is already an enemy.

She didn't say a word, and continued to chase her head down, Barthazze's pride did not allow him to cry in tears.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, he raised the doll for the third time.

"Don't force me! The people I release this time will destroy the world!"

Bella was stunned for a moment. She really didn't know where Bassaze came from, so she didn't know the opponent's hole cards either.

The matryoshka made her a little confused, she couldn't understand the original intention of the design of this thing at all, the layers of seals looked cool, but they were actually full of loopholes.

Seeing that the other party raised this strange doll again, she had to be more cautious.

But when she observed it twice, she smiled.

"Fool! I don't know who you have sealed in it, but I want to tell you a cruel fact that it is empty! I didn't see any traces of the seal. I am afraid your seal failed in the first place!"

Obvious panic appeared on Bassaze's face. He hurriedly unlocked the third seal of the matryoshka, and there was indeed nothing in the seal.

One Mach, two Mach, when Bella increased her speed to Mach three, she was getting closer and closer to the iron bird.

They left New York and headed east, and now they are above the Atlantic Ocean. As an ancient Englishman, Bassaze mostly intends to return to England, at least Bella thinks so.

When Bella was only a hundred meters away from the iron bird, she accelerated again. Not only did she jump on the iron bird's back, she grabbed Bassaze by the neck.

"This is not a personal grievance. If there is no entanglement between the Brotherhood and the Knights, maybe we can discuss magic together. Now, please go and die!"

Her fingers pressed hard, even the power that could be grabbed by steel was acting on Bassaze’s neck. The flesh and blood body did not have any magic protection. His neck was broken on the spot, and a small piece of **** trachea stretched out~www.wuxiaspot .com~Bai Sensen's spine also pierced the skin behind his neck.

Bassaze's eyes were full of weakness, resentment, pain, and emotions that were too complex to understand.

"Are you a dramatist? Who do you show for?" Bella's fingers went from top to bottom, like a sharp blade, cutting Bassaze's body down from his forehead and cutting in half.

Bassaze was a bit hotter than she expected, and this guy blew up Iron Bird before he died.

The huge magical explosion forced Bella to let go, and her stature retreated thousands of meters.

Her eyes passed through the magical smoke and dust, through the distance of space and time, looking far away.

"The 777-level master...There are indeed two tricks, but in front of the Supreme Master, you are a scum!"

In Bella’s eyes, there are two souls pouring out of Bassaze’s body, one is ignorant, that is the soul of Ben Gates, and the other one is far away from the point in time, that is Bassaze, this old man. The guy is still alive! He is trying to travel through time, trying to escape to the time of King Arthur, his own time.

The other party's intention is very simple, leaving Ben Gates's soul is to delay time, and it will not be so easy to find Bassaze after Bella has handled Ben Gates' affairs.

"You really want to think too much!" Bella sneered. This 777-level archmage didn't know about the Time Gem. Using this method to escape in front of him was not considered a big sword dance in front of Guan Gong, but it was definitely not wise.

The soul of Ben Gates does not need to be dealt with at all. It takes only one second for Bella to return from the timeline. He can always hold on to it for one second, right?

A faint green light flashed, and she chased it along the timeline.

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