Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

Chapter 544: Brotherhood of Creed

The law enforcement officer in black stripes was dumbfounded for two seconds, and then slowly replied: "Oh, okay, okay, I see."

Bella was confused all the way through, and if the spell was not used, he didn't need it. Even if he used it, he used the least expensive spell every time.

This inexplicable group is actually very strict in the management of the entire city. Every time it enters an area, it needs to refresh the personal record with the terminal, refresh it when eating, and refresh it when taking city transportation. Fortunately, passers-by have no feelings and don't care about anything. As long as the law enforcement officers are fooled.

This city is full of malice towards Bella. She asked a colleague who was fairly familiar before and asked if she was beautiful, but the other party actually said she was sick? No vision!

After being charmed, the effect of reaping praise is a bit poor. Fortunately, after going around the city, she found the ‘patients’ suffering from emotional self-evidence.

The gang were locked up in a place called Lair.

As if she was in a deserted place, she found the problem as soon as she entered the door. A bunch of'patients' were hiding in a utility room whispering.

"Yeah? You are... Is this going to rebel?" Bella asked with interest.

The three'patients' in the room looked at her with hostile eyes.

"Don't worry, the rebellion is good, I support you! But your strength is still too weak, look at this, um, this is an antique 180 years ago, the M9 pistol, the gun weighs 1.1 kilograms, contains 15 bullets, and the warhead has a muzzle velocity of 390 meters. second......"

Seeing that there were two men and an old woman in the room, she threw the gun at the younger man.

The other party took the pistol blankly. Even if the environment was closed again, he was not a primitive person, and soon discovered that it was a real gun.


"Affective self-evident disorder is not a disease, it is the innate nature of human beings." Bella said seriously.

"Thank you, thank you for your help, please come and lead us!"

After some humility, Bella became the leader of these rebels.

She is copying the model of the Brotherhood, the mentor, the elder, the backbone, and the bottom assassin, the pyramid model is applicable to any time.

Bella’s job on the surface is code, writing space manuals and flight records, and secretly being the instructor of the Resistance!

She prepared a lot of various weapons and ammunition for the rebels, and later stolen some guns and ammunition from the group's warehouse.

In her free time, she wandered around, and whenever she saw the hidden "patients" in the crowd, she would pull people in.

Bella's team grew bigger and bigger, and soon the number exceeded one hundred.

When nothing happened, she reaped praise among the rebels.

This group of people praised her completely from the bottom of their hearts, and her psychic energy can be restored a lot every day.

Considering the poor physical quality of these people and the fear of practicing guns blatantly, she referred to Capoeira’s practice methods, based on her own experience, summed up and calculated the angles commonly used in shooting, and then put together a complete set The action of dodge and shooting is integrated into the battle, and as a result, a marksmanship has been created, the name is also simple, it is called spear fighting.

You can practice even empty-handed. The city law enforcer asked him and told him blankly that he was practicing gymnastics.

It doesn't matter if you are nervous in battle. As long as you practice gun fighting skills, you can do so. When encountering an enemy, you can dodge most bullets by pulling the trigger with your fingers and walking at the pace of your practice.

Everyone has learned almost, and the tutor has reaped enough praise, and Bella retires.

Considering the rebellious nature of this grass-roots team, she perfunctorily gave the organization a name, Brotherhood of Creed! She has the Brotherhood of Assassins, and the Brotherhood of Creed here, and the two sides add up to the Assassin’s Creed! perfect!


Wandering around the city every day, Bella’s heel hurts and no magic node is found. The magic in this city can be described as zero, not at all.

Without environmental cooperation, casting spells alone would burden her on the heart lake that just broke through to the sixth ring. She was going to leave the city and go to the sea to find the magic nodes. If nothing else, the three major magic nodes of Hong Kong, London and New York would definitely be still Now, it's just that these areas are now covered by sea water, and she needs to search the sea.

"Hank, you are so handsome today!" Every day and a group of people studied the great cause of rebellion, Bella's mood was much better, and when she saw the beast, she couldn't help but teased.

The beast is 1.9 meters tall, and his light blue eyes match his bookishness. If he does not change his body, he is actually a handsome guy with great temperament.

At this time, the handsome guy looked at her blankly, as if wondering why she said this.

"Aren't you supposed to say things like'you are also beautiful' at this time?"

Bella waved her hand, noting that the lonely person really couldn't communicate: "Forget it, forget it, I'll tell you, I'm going out in two days."

"Where to go?"

"Well, leave this city and go to find nodes outside the city."

"Node?" The Beast didn't understand what she was saying.

At this time, he is reading these future people's papers on entropy. The future people are not as far as modern people in space exploration, but there are a lot of discussions about the environment and the entropy change, and the beasts are very interested in this.

Bella looked at it twice and found the calculation formula full of the screen. Her eyes were blurred and she didn't understand what it was.

"Yeah, I want to find a way for us to go back, and tell some people about the future... well, the ending at this point in time. Anyway, this ending is too sad, and humans shouldn’t be there. This point."

Beast pointed to the paper he was reading: "I think they have developed some kind of time machine that uses the increase and decrease of entropy to complete the time shuttle. We can rely on this method to go back."

Bella thought for a while, and then shook her head: "I still like to use my own way to go Let’s try our best. Let me see how bad it is outside. You study this here, um, entropy?"

The beast knows that she has some super powers, but what are the specific super powers? I don't know, the two were not familiar at all before.

If he had mutation ability, he would still be able to fight twice. Now that the mutation gene was suppressed, he was left with the scientist's mind, and going out to sea would not help.

"Then be careful."

"Ah, you too."

Bella planted the idea of ​​going out in the mind of the supervisor responsible for managing their codewords and painting, and then left the city alone.

If the time is too long, the supervisor will definitely be suspicious. The spell duration is limited, but she doesn't care very much.

After finding the magic node and casting the spell, she jumped the timeline and went back. After that, she could pull the beast back from the original time point, without having to return to this bad city.

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