Bella even suspects that the so-called super soldier serum is probably some kind of biochemical virus. Kind people will be kinder, and evil people will be more evil. This is very similar to the residual consciousness of plants in the virus.

It's just that Wieland scientists have reduced plant consciousness to the limit, and the super soldier serum seems to amplify this consciousness to the point where it affects the host.

It’s hard to judge which is better. Maybe Captain America’s reinforcement can burst out incredible power at a critical moment, but Natasha doesn’t like the same way of fighting as explosives. Reinforcement is a tool and a weapon. A key indicator of weapons and bad weapons is security. She likes security, and Bella also likes it.


This is the third Christmas that the Swan family has spent together. In two months, they will be upgraded to a family of five.

Early in the morning, Charlie began to make various preparations, including Christmas trees, lanterns, ribbons, and a red Christmas hat for one family member.

Bella also prepared their own Christmas gifts for the family.

Necklaces, earrings, rings, shoes and bags, now she has enough financial resources, and her knowledge of magic has been improved after obtaining those ancient books. Various magic items are made more ingeniously and the effect is more powerful.

"Unfortunately, there is no snow in Los Angeles this year." Natasha lay on the window frame, very rare, complaining like a child.

Bella and her huddled side by side. She also looked at the sky. The weather this year was indeed abnormal. The weather at the end of December felt like mid-November. Not to mention snow, the temperature was not much different from autumn. In addition to Bella, who is really not afraid of the cold, there are also a lot of young girls in short skirts and shorts.

"Maybe it's global warming?" She said nonchalantly.

After three years of travelling, she still does not have much Christmas atmosphere. Although she is trying to pretend to be very happy and devoted, compared with the lively and lively appearance of the people around her, she often feels that she is acting very much. Like an outsider.

Natasha turned her head quickly. Seeing that Mom and Dad were still busy with the baby room on the second floor, she grabbed Bella's cheek and pulled it to the sides: "Be happy, don't think about your mess, smile! "

Bella couldn't talk about her own thoughts, and could only respond with a bright smile.

Seeing her laugh, Natasha immediately made her request: "I want to watch it snow!"

Bella was stunned by what she said, and she thought about it a few times before she understood the meaning.

She looked at the clouds in the sky, and then thought about her psychic abilities.

When she froze those explosives in Moscow, it did cause snowfall throughout the city, but that was Moscow, where it snowed for many years, not the same as Los Angeles.

She secretly figured it out.

Looking at Natasha's expectant eyes, the thought of pretending to be in front of her lover appeared from time to time, but she felt that this was too high-profile.

"Try, try, just try once!" Natasha raised a finger, her expression eager to try.

Bella also felt that she was always suppressing her desire to express. This was very inappropriate. She had to pretend to be pretended to be pretended to be, or she would practice until the world was invincible, and no one knew how sad it was!

But before it snowed, she had another question: "Nata, who do you say is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

Faced with the torture of her soul for three days and two, Natasha went from initial consternation to perfunctory, from funny to plain, and now she is able to control her emotions freely.

Knowing that Bella has the means to know whether her answer is sincere, she also coughed and put her attitude extremely correct: "In my heart, you are the most beautiful woman!"

Bella is so happy, isn't it just snowing? For the sake of Pomeranian smile, this is a fart.

She roughly calculated: "Just these two blocks near us?"

Natasha promised in one fell swoop that it was beyond her consideration whether it would snow in other places: "Okay, okay!"

Bella's right hand stretched out the window and closed her eyes, preparing to cast a large-scale ice storm without any lethality.

"Huh? Actually, it can be more clever, Sakura, Sakura, come and help!" Halfway through the spell, Bella interrupted the spell and pulled out the Lolita who was sleeping on her shoulder.

"Hey, what? Xiaobei, Xiaona, what are you doing?" Yinglong didn't catch a cold at Christmas and fell asleep early. At this time, she opened her dim eyes and looked at them curiously.

"You help me accumulate the clouds a little thicker, the cloud from the dragon, the wind from the tiger, you must have this ability, right?" Bella smiled very kindly.

Yinglong looked at the night outside. It was already more than ten o'clock in the evening. The lights on the street were already on. From time to time, children knocked on the neighbor's door to beg for Christmas candy, which seemed very lively.

She scratched her head: "Why do you want clouds?"

"Because of the thick clouds, I can have a heavy It is more festive!" Bella said her thoughts, and Natasha nodded quickly.

Yinglong said in a little adult's tone: "It's so naive! You are no longer kids!...Forget it, Benlong will help you!"

She is just a dragon, but her talent is still there. Under the control of Yinglong, the surrounding clouds began to converge in the direction of Los Angeles.

In less than ten minutes, Yinglong completed the task. For fear that Bella would find something for herself, she twisted the waist of the water snake and went back to the room to sleep.

On this basis, Bella manipulated the moisture in the air and used psychic energy to accumulate. The clouds became heavier and heavier. When the pointer on the clock reached eleven o'clock, heavy snow covered the entire Los Angeles.

Although Daxue consumed more than two-thirds of the psychic energy in Bella's heart lake, it brought her a rare inner peace. The inexplicable sentiment before disappeared and her mood suddenly became better.

"Are you in a better mood?" Natasha asked with a smile.

Bella was surprised: "You know magic too?"

Natasha raised her chin: "I don't understand magic, but I understand psychology. Many principles are interlinked. The more you use martial arts, the more accurate you practice marksmanship. All kinds of skills are like this, yours The hard practice of closing the door will definitely not work."

This is a bit one-sided, and specific issues need specific analysis. What can Bella do? Go to Kama Taj to kick the club?

It's not realistic at all, but it's not bad to indulge occasionally!

"Boom!" Just as Bella and Natasha were making a wish together, suddenly they heard a muffled noise from the direction of the fireplace, and it seemed that something heavy had fallen.

what? The two were on alert at the same time.

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