Marvel’s Princess Becomes King

Chapter 196: Expedition archaeological team

Regarding Bella's so-called search for ancient Christian sites, the attitude of the Stanford Research Center is indifferent.

The research center can receive 800 applications for such topics in a year.

The Da Vinci Code is well written in the eyes of ordinary citizens, and has now occupied the top position of the sales charts for six consecutive months.

But in the eyes of those scholars, you are a little girl who knows a fart! We have eaten more salt than you have eaten. If you don’t come to visit the dock, you don’t know how to bring the original manuscript to let the predecessors correct it. Don’t you know if you add the names of the experts and professors and publish it yourself?

This is not to put the predecessors of the academic circle in the eyes! The academic circles' verbal criticism of Bella has never stopped.

Old Professor Charles called her specifically to let her not get excited, and everything will be resolved within the rules.

Bella was scolded very embarrassed, and after the publication of The Hunger Games, the ridicule and ridicule of the academic community can be seen every day.

She would not send Triangle Head and Jason up to kill the door, but she was unhappy for sure.

You said I have no academics? I'll get you something academic!

The Jordan Iron Book is what she used to search for her memory and prepare to use it for face slaps.

The research center persuaded her twice, and seeing that she was determined, she no longer blocked her.

It’s okay to find it, and it’s okay to find it. Stanford has a big business. Compared with the cost of laboratories in science, the liberal arts side is really very simple. How much money can be spent on a trip to Israel?


Bella's visit to Israel has two goals.

On the one hand, it is to make her famous. In order to make her books sell better, she needs greater fame. The more upset the group of scholars who rely on the old and sell the old, the happier she will be.

On the other hand, I am going to meet 006. The truth behind the scenes in Prosperity Town has been investigated, but it is not clear on the phone.

It was still an expedition archaeological team composed of Bella, Barbara and Heather. After comprehensive consideration and voting, Barbara's prospective boyfriend, Sam Winchester brother, was also brought on board.

There is a man in the team, which is more convenient.

Anyway, all expenses are spent on project funds. If you don't go for nothing, you will treat it as tourism! Although he studied philosophy, Sam happily followed.

They first flew to Washington, DC, to participate in a training on matters needing attention in the Middle East.

Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly urged several points that need to be paid attention to. For example, don't comment on the other party's religious habits at will, don't think that you believe in God, and people around you also believe in God. There will always be people who do not believe!

The United States is not the center of the world. When it is time to keep a low profile, keep a low profile.

The place Bella and the others are going to is the largest freshwater lake in Israel. Of course, the Israelis stubbornly call it the sea, the Sea of ​​Galilee. Whoever calls this lake is anxious to you.

The Sea of ​​Galilee is 21 kilometers long and 13 kilometers wide, with a total area of ​​166 square kilometers and a depth of 48 meters. Even if you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can't find this freshwater lake on the world map.

The name is Hai. The actual lake is located on the border between Israel, Jordan and Syria. Not far to the east is the Golan Heights, which often appears in the news every day...

There are many attractions worth visiting here, such as Mount Hermon, Jamla Sanctuary, Hamat Gader Springs, but ordinary people do not dare to travel here.

Bella and the others took a plane from New York to Cairo, Egypt, and then took the road into Alexandria, and then took a boat across the Eastern Mediterranean and landed in Tel Aviv, Israel for repairs.

The U.S. military will send a four-person team to **** them to complete scientific research tasks.

The **** is definitely not free. How to calculate the money is Stanford's business and has nothing to do with Bella.

The four U.S. troops were fully armed, and the headed was a black man.

After confirming the identities of several people and knowing that they were not here to travel, the headed black sergeant looked bitter, and he was tired of this kind of task. These young masters had nothing to do in the country and ran around! Do you know how cruel the outside world is?

Especially the looks of a few people are so beautiful that they don't look like they can endure hardship.

Despite his unhappy heart, he set his mind right and completed the task earnestly: "I am sergeant Sam Wilson of the 58th Airborne Division. This time, my comrades and I will **** a few of them to complete scientific research tasks."

Sam Wilson? Bella looked the black man up and down. Is it a falcon? She is not very sure, there are too many Americans by this name.

She shook hands with Sam very kindly. It was more or less convenient for the U.S. military to follow where the bullets rained.

According to her research, this Jordanian iron book was buried on the east side of the Sea of ​​Galilee, on a hill overlooking the Sea of ​​Galilee. It is located in Jordan and very close to the Golan Heights.

Sam Wilson looked at their road map and was slightly surprised.

The young lady in his eyes turned out to be a military map, which was more professional than the group of young men and women who were going to party in the Sea of ​​Galilee.

Barbara's brief and efficient narration made him look up at several people again.

"Miss, have you been in the army?"

"...No, but four generations of my family are soldiers." Barbara said proudly.

To go to such a dangerous place in the Golan Heights, weapons are definitely needed.

The emperor Tian Gao is far away, and there is no question of holding a gun license or not. Sam asked several people: "How many, do you know how to use weapons?"

Bella would definitely be able to. She picked up an M9 and fired three shots at a distant target, all on the heart.

Barbara also played the same result.

Sam Winchester has been trained as a demon hunter since he was a child. He has been studying hard all these years. Marksmanship has been ruined a lot, but he can reach the level of six or seven.

Heather is the worst! Her talent in shooting is not high, but because her body has been burdened with heavy objects for many years, her upper limbs are very strong. The second elder Hogarth also trained her, and her current level is slightly worse than Sam , But not much difference.

The dazzling performance of the four made Sam Wilson shocked his chin. Are ordinary people in China using such good marksmanship?

Especially after seeing the movements of a few people skillfully stuffing their pistols into their back waist, Sam wanted to ask, why are you so skilled?


Tel Aviv has a population of 3 million. It is an urban agglomeration formed by cities such as Bat Yam, Holon, and Ramat Gan. It is the second largest city in Israel after Jerusalem.

Unlike Jerusalem, where the trees are full of wind, the city of Tel Aviv is beautifully built and has a comfortable climate. The night view of the city is no different from those big cities in the United States. There is sweet love under the night, as well as bloodshed and conflict.

Bella is going to stay in Tel Aviv for three days. On the one hand, she has to prepare all kinds of supplies. On the other hand, she has to wait for 006 to come and meet herself, but she can't wait on the left or wait on the right and no one is seen...Where is this guy running? went?

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