Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 101: Forgetting Curse and False Memory Curse (Third Watch)

Putting down the information in his hands, Nick Fury looked at Agent Hill, and although he seemed to be complaining about being tricked, there was a smile on his face.

In fact, the stronger and more capable the wizard is, the happier Nick is, because this means that the potential value of the wizard is greater than previously estimated.

Facing the threat posed by powerful alien civilizations, the stronger the Avengers, the better.

Especially for a wizard who has justice in his heart and fights against criminals every day.

In the current list of Nick's Avengers, Hawkeye and Black Widow, as senior agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., naturally have no problems at all.

But like Tony Stark, according to the current assessment report given by the Black Widow, although he has justice and a spirit of sacrifice, his personality is really not in line with his wishes.

Moreover, as a giant in the military industry and a super entrepreneur, he has no good means to contain the opponent.

Like Dr. Banner, he is very disgusted with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the army. Although the transformed Hulk is very powerful, the problem is also very big, and it is impossible to communicate and control normally.

Maybe it is still a hidden danger that threatens the security of the world.

In contrast, the problem of wizards is much better. At most, it is because they have watched too many movies, and they don't trust the government or S.H.I.E.L.D.

This can be done slowly, because S.H.I.E.L.D. is originally defending the world and protecting the safety of the earth.

"I didn't expect her to be a little girl. When I heard her voice, I thought it was a boy!"

Hill obviously knew Nick well, and it wasn't surprising to see him laughing, but making a joke.

Nick waved his hand:

"For a child of her age, the voice characteristics are not obvious. If she pays more attention, the voice will become more like a boy, which is normal.

Now most importantly, I need to meet and chat with her in person! "

Hill nodded. In fact, she knew it, so she just said that. After all, it is not difficult to change the voice of a person. Some agents of SHIELD can even imitate the voices of different people.

And the imitation is so vivid that even the machine can't recognize it.

"Director, according to our information, this Miss Wizard seems to have moved, and now she no longer regularly appears from that warehouse, but randomly flies out of an alley in Hell's Kitchen every day.

Therefore, it may be necessary to stay in Hell's Kitchen at night in advance to guard her! "

A wry smile appeared on Hill's face.

In the past, wizards would go to the abandoned warehouse in Queens regularly at night, so as long as they went to the warehouse, they could squat and watch her.

But for nearly a month, the other party was in Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan every night, and the location captured by the satellite was different every time. It was not that simple to find the wizard flying around on a broom.

"Well, if you go with Phil, his Laura should be able to catch up to the wizard's broom!"

"I feel that there is no teacher's guidance. Even if I barely learn it, there are still flaws!"

Sitting in the corner of the classroom, Jerry frowned as he watched the explanations and precautions for casting the Forgetting Charm and False Memory Charm in "Standard Spells, Level 2".

The Forgetting Charm and the False Memory Charm are the spells in the second grade textbook that he has been studying these days.

To be honest, although they have no actual destructive power, they are also two very practical spells, just like the illusion spell.

The Forgetting Curse, as the name suggests, is a spell that can directly delete the memory of the caster. It is a common spell used by wizards to eliminate Muggle's memory of magic and prevent the wizarding world from being discovered by them.

The false memory spell is a spell that is cast in conjunction with the forgetting spell to add false memories to the caster's mind.

In the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters of the Ministry of Magic, there is even a special position called amnesticist, which requires wizards who are very proficient in forgetting spells and false memory spells to apply for it.

This spell is in the second grade textbook, and it is not difficult to learn it, but it is not that simple to actually use it, and it requires a certain amount of talent.

Because, many wizards can't accurately delete the memories they want to delete, and they can't add perfect false memories that can't be found, even some old wizards with very good strength.

In many cases, it may be an amnesiac spell, and the other party directly becomes an idiot without any memory.

Or if a forgetting spell goes on, although the memory is successfully deleted, it also damages the other party's brain, resulting in mental damage or always easy to forget.

Just like that Neville Longbottom in Gryffindor.

However, Jerry speculated that Neville's situation might also have something to do with his being too young at the time and his brain not yet fully developed.

Therefore, the current situation is that although he has learned the Forgetting Charm and the False Memory Charm through self-study, he is not too daring to use it, because without the teacher's more detailed guidance, the result may become an offensive spell.

"Perhaps, I need to do more real body exercises, so that I can better master the skills of releasing these two spells!"

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He shouldn't have killed those four mercenaries so easily yesterday, and should have used them to practice the Forgetting and False Memory Charms.

It's a waste, maybe he can make the four of them turn over a new leaf with a single operation!

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, the bell for the end of get out of class rang, and school was over!

After closing the magic book and skillfully throwing it into the box space, Jerry tidied up the desk a little bit, put on his schoolbag and started to leave the classroom.

The teachers in this school don't have the habit of procrastinating. They run faster than the students after class, so there is no need to wait after school, just take your schoolbag and go.

But just as he walked to the door of the classroom, a trendy girl with blue curly hair, a denim short skirt, and earrings put her hand on the door frame, blocking his way:

"Hey, Jerry, are you free after school, how about I treat you to a disco?"

"Sorry, I still have something to do, next time!"

Jerry seemed to have predicted it in advance. The moment the girl blocked the way, a short body passed through, and then he smiled back and left quickly.

Since he appeared in the school newspaper at the beginning of school, he has also become a man of the school.

Although he was already very low-key, his handsome appearance and perfect figure still attracted the attention of some students.

The senior who was just two grades higher than him just stopped him at the door of the classroom for the third time this month, wanting to have a date with him.

And Jerry has no time to play house with the adolescent girl. He still has to pick Elsa from school, cook, learn magic, and earn little red stars. There are so many things to do.

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