Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 91 A Beautiful New Day

Rocket Raccoon is gone,

Li Mo found a firepower upgrade plan for the spaceship in his room. It was detailed and clear, and even introduced the purchase method, as if he was afraid that he would not understand it.

"What a hard-talked guy." Li Mo shook his head.

Although the rocket raccoon, a creature created by scientists, has broken through the boundaries of race, but with a mind and a soul, it also has pain.

Under the violent disguise, it is still a small animal longing for warmth.

He boarded the spaceship and disappeared into the starry sky with his lonely little friend, the tree man Groot, and continued to wander in the vast universe...

Haru also left, he felt that if he continued to follow Li Mo, he would lose his life sooner or later.

The helpless Emile stayed, and he will serve as the co-pilot of the McQueen.

In the following time, Li Mo's life became a bit busy, learning magic, making magic facial cleanser to earn money, purchasing a lot of equipment and supplies to upgrade the McQueen.

Although he lost his leisure time, because Li Mo likes things, he enjoys it...

one day after january,

Fensalier Crystal Palace

The queen, Frigga, sat gracefully on a chair, and after asking Li Mo a few questions, she nodded and said, "Very well, you have almost mastered some basic theoretical knowledge, and you have to explore the rest by yourself. .It's a pity that you don't have divine power, so you can't learn my magic such as illusion and space hiding."

Li Mo was also a little depressed. After successfully releasing the energy shield in the Land of Fire, he thought that his magic journey would be smooth sailing. But that's all, he couldn't use any of the subsequent Asgardian spells.

He asked Frigg about this question, but Tianhou didn't have a definite answer, and it could only be attributed to his lack of divine power.

Seeing Li Mo's appearance, Frigga shook her head and said, "You are a Midgard after all, so you should start with your own magic system."

Li Mo bowed respectfully, "Anyway, thank you for your careful teaching during this time."

Frigga smiled, "It doesn't matter, it will always make people happy when they meet hardworking children, just like Rocky back then."

Speaking of this, the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, looked a little gloomy, and suddenly lost interest in talking.

Li Mo saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly said goodbye and left the Crystal Palace.

After leaving the Crystal Palace, Li took a suspension vehicle to the Rodney Market in a civilian area.

The prosperity along the way did not attract him, so he hurried to the dwarf's shop.

"Moradin! Moradin! Are my things back?" Li Mo yelled as soon as he entered the store.

The dwarf Moradin was sorting out his things, and he laughed when he saw Li Mo, "I'm about to find you, Li, the things are back. And you need to buy a drink, because I brought you a big client!"

After finishing speaking, the dwarf stepped forward, ready to give Li Moye a hug.

"Damn it, stay away from me, you smell too much!" Li Mo hurriedly took a step back, covering his nose.

Moradin is an oddity among the dwarves. Nidaville's forging technology is famous in the universe, and the dwarves will drop money from the sky when they sit at home.

But this guy is not interested in forging at all, he likes to wander around doing business, and he can't rest for a moment. While all five poisons are present, there is a perennial smell of sweat all year round.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I am comfortable, women only like my money anyway." Moradin replied shamelessly.

Li Mo shook his head speechlessly.

"Don't worry about these things. Your goods are in the port area. Let's talk about this big customer as we walk." After Moradin told a clerk, he led Li Mo out in a hurry.

On the way, Moradin told Li Mo in detail.

It turned out that Li Mo's high-end facial cleanser was so popular in Sovereign Star that the supply was in short supply.

Those guys who like to pursue perfection and are extremely arrogant even raised the price several times to monopolize all the sources of goods.

Their high priest, Ayesha, is a loyal fan of Li Mo's products. She not only requested that this product be exclusively used by Sovereign Star, but also proposed to customize a complete set of high-end skin care products.

Even sent a special envoy for this purpose, driving the spaceship to Asgard.

"Those are real local tyrants!" Li Mo's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

"Yes, we are going to get rich!" Moradin was also very happy.

When the two came to the port area, Li Mo first took a look at his goods, a container full of Sovereign high-energy batteries and high-energy laser modules made by Nidaville dwarves.

This is the strongest firepower he can get on the drawings left by the rocket, and the rest are secret weapons that other civilizations are forbidden to buy and sell.

Seeing Li Mo's happy look, Moradin said proudly: "Needless to say, Sovereign's battery, this set of laser modules is definitely the best of the best! I specially brought a large box of Frings's for those guys. Good wine, they not only optimized and upgraded the modules, but also enchanted runes."

"Oh, Moradin, you are such an awesome partner!" Li Mo couldn't help but admire.

"But what I want to remind you is." Moradin pouted, "You have already spent all your profits during this period, it's time for us to earn money. Let's go see the Sovereigns first."

"What's the hurry!" Li Mo was a little impatient, he couldn't wait to load McQueen with weapons, so he didn't care about these things.

"Now they are begging for my goods, let them wait another day, this is the skill of business negotiation." Li Mo said while checking the laser module.

"Well, let's make it tomorrow." Moradin felt a little helpless, shook his head and left.

Afterwards, Li Mo called Emil who had been staying in the spaceship, and the two together transported the cargo to the back cabin of the McQueen.

"McQueen, your dessert is here, let's start assembling according to the fourth plan." After moving out the battery and laser module, Li Mo said with a smile.

"Okay, Captain Li Mo."

As soon as McQueen's words fell, the ground where the batteries and modules were placed began to soften, and then everything was absorbed into it.

Don't worry about it at all, the bio-spaceship McQueen will assemble and install everything himself.

Half an hour later, the super laser module was loaded successfully.

Countless basketball-sized spherical laser emitters appeared on the back of McQueen's beetle, arranged along arc-shaped tracks, which looked like the stripes on the back of the beetle.

With this set of firepower equipment, the McQueen can hit the surrounding targets without any dead ends in flight. These ball launchers can even be combined by themselves to increase their power by hundreds or even thousands of times.

And the Sovereign battery pack can guarantee the continuous use of the laser. You must know that a few pieces of this thing can supply the electricity consumption of a city for several years.

So far, the transformation of the McQueen has come to an end. Its outer armor is as protective as a large Cree starship, and under the outer armor is a protective layer that combines metal and biological tissue properties, which can repair itself when damaged.

This advanced biological spaceship can also change and expand the cabin by itself. Although Li Mo has built all the functional cabins he can think of, there are still about 70% of the space to be used.

Li Mo showed his enthusiasm for decorating his new home, and added all the good things that can be bought in Asgard.

The top-level medical cabin, the most advanced detection equipment, space suits suitable for various extreme environments, virtual entertainment equipment... and even a set of cultivation cabins to grow a la carte.

Although the money was spent, Li Mo felt it was worth it.

Returning to the civilian area from the port area, it was almost dusk.

The people of Asgard came out of their homes one after another and started their daily night life.

Walking among the bustling crowd, looking at the men and women laughing loudly, Li Mo couldn't help but lament the rich and leisurely life of the people here.

"Hey, Lee!"

Suddenly a familiar shout came from behind, Li Mo's face darkened, and he speeded up as if he didn't hear it.

It's a pity that the guy behind him was extremely fast, and he circled in front of Li Mo in two or three strokes. He has the figure and face of a standard tough guy, but has a pair of wretched eyes. This guy is Skolchi.

This fanatical earth culture fan often comes to pester Li Mo, so that it makes people a little bored.

"Hey, Li, what a coincidence, are you coming out to play too?" Scorch asked with a smile.

"Well... why are you everywhere?" Li Mo said angrily.

"I live near here!" Scorch replied.

"Here?" Li Mo looked around. This is the place with the lowest land price in Asgard.

"Aren't you the guard of the Golden Palace? Why do you live in such a place?" Li Mo asked strangely.

"No way, because my hobbies cost too much." Skorchi shook his head helplessly, and then a wretched smile appeared on his face, "I have some good things from Midgard at home. , to appreciate and appreciate together?"

Li Mo's heart was a little moved. Seeing this guy's lustful appearance, he must be a good thing!

"Okay, let's go and have a look together." Anyway, it's okay to be idle, Li Mo agreed to Skorqi's invitation.

Scorch's home is in a tower block that resembles a condo, but with a vintage flair.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Mo was taken aback.

This is the room of the earth nerd, right?

There are posters of Marilyn Monroe and Julia Roberts on the walls, a football is placed on the floor, and various comics and magazines are piled up on the bookshelves next to it. There is also a box-type TV and VCD in the room!

What surprised Li even more was that there were actually two M-16 rifles on a shelf?

After seeing it, Skorchi picked up the two guns and kissed them respectively, "This is my baby. I got it from a place called Texas in Midgard. I enchanted and transformed them into flowers. All my savings, they're called Des and Troy!"

"There are many more powerful weapons than this, are you out of your mind?" Li Mo also shook his head and asked.

"But I just like them!" Scorch said seriously.

Li Mo thought about it for a while, it's hard to buy money, okay, and then asked: "What about the good things you said?"

Scorch blinked and raised his eyebrows, "Wait a moment."

He then took out several CDs from a safe.


After Li Mo realized it in a panic, he was a little curious. As this guy, could he do some internal things?

Skorqi smiled and turned on the TV and VCD.

A picture and text first appeared on TV, prohibiting those under 18 years of age from viewing and owning copyrights.

Then, accompanied by old images, a white woman in the 1980s started a one-vs-three process...

"Is this what you call a good thing?" Li Mo asked with a dark face.

"This is Kay Parker, she is the top female Y!" Scorch said unwillingly.

"When did you go to Earth?" Li Mo asked strangely.

"Not long ago, about twenty or thirty years ago." Scorch scratched his head and said.

"You've been out for a long time!" Li Mo shook his head, "Now the most famous ones are Stormy Daniels and Trae Patrick...Of course, I haven't seen them much. But they are definitely much better than you!"

Skorchi was a little dumbfounded, and then sat down sadly, "I don't have that many opportunities to go out, I still remember the wonderful night in Las Vegas... If only I were a Midgard person. "

What? !

This is the first time Li Mo heard such words.

"Asgard is the legendary kingdom of God in our place, and you have a lifespan of 5,000 years, and you still envy the Midgards?" Li Mo asked incredulously.

"What's the use of living longer?" Scorch's eyes were a little confused, "This place has remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years, people repeat a single life every day, and even the TM spaceship is still like a sailing ship, I'm really fed up It's..."

This guy is crazy!

Li Mo shook his head, ignored this self-pitying guy, picked up a tape of Dance Music Empire, took a Sony Walkman and left.

After walking out the door, he put on his earphones and merged into the bustling crowd.

After pressing the start button, Mr Blue Sky from the Electric Light Band came to my ears...

The sun shines in the sky,

Without the hindrance of clouds,

The rain stopped and everyone was high,

don't you know

It's a beautiful new day,


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