Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 53 The Third Night (Part 1)

After falling all night, the heavy rain seemed to have let go of its last strength, and gradually eased down in the morning. Finally in the afternoon, the sky began to clear.

In the evening, the Big Apple City seemed to be cleaned up, and the high-rise buildings in Manhattan shone brightly under the afterglow of the setting sun and the already lit neon lights.

Because of the slippery road in rainy days, serial collision accidents occurred on several main roads, and due to the evening rush hour, crowded vehicles formed a long queue. The spacious road suddenly became impenetrable.

Anxious car owners kept complaining on the phone, while frantically honking their horns to urge them, and the beeps resounded through the entire street.

Several traffic policemen who are dealing with the accident have put on reflective uniforms. A black traffic cop with a baton complained to a colleague: "Don't these bastards see we're busy? Damn, I'm going to have a nervous breakdown, or I should apply for that goddamn Medicaid. "

His colleague was a tall and strong white man with a beard. The guy raised his eyebrows and suddenly asked, "Paul, what are you doing tonight?"

"It's nothing serious, I plan to go to the bar for a drink with my colleagues." The black traffic policeman shrugged.

"That's good, let's move slowly and let these bastards wait a little longer!" The white policeman said with a smirk.

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" The black traffic policeman raised his eyebrows and said.

The two traffic policemen bumped their fists together, did a break dance, and moved even more slowly...

In the crowded traffic, Li Mo, who was going to NBC, was also stuck there. George, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked around anxiously, beating the horn from time to time.

Li Mo, who was sitting in the back seat and playing mobile games, frowned and said, "I said, why are you in a hurry? That's not an accelerator key, and it's useless if you shoot badly."

"But boss, we're going to be late." George said with some concern.

"So what? It's not my fault that I'm late." Li Mo put down his phone, shrugged and said, "It's the Tonight Show crew that should be anxious. Has it fallen from the headlines on the front page to the third page? It doesn't matter if you go or not."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." George was right after thinking about it, he put his mind at ease, inserted the CD and listened to the music.

I don't know how big the accident was in the front, and the traffic flow didn't move for a long time. George waited and waited, and suddenly felt a little cramping in his lower abdomen. This feeling became stronger and stronger, and he began to writhe uneasily.

"I said what's wrong with you?" Li Mo asked strangely.

"Boss, there seems to be something wrong with the barbecue we ate at night." George said with difficulty, clutching his stomach.

"Well, I felt that the texture of the meat was a bit wrong, damn Mexican!" Li Mo said indignantly.

"But boss, why are you alright?" George asked strangely.

"Because I'm Chinese!" Li Moli replied naturally.

After a while, a feeling that the lower abdomen was about to fall swept through George's nerves, "Boss, I can't hold it anymore!"

George began to look around in a panic. The surroundings were full of high-end office buildings. To find the bathroom, he had to register with the security guard first, and then he had to wait for the elevator...

Li Mo knew what was going on at a glance, curled his lips and said, "What are you thinking, quickly find an alley to solve it."

ah? Poop anywhere! George was in a terrible embarrassment. He had never done such a thing in his life. But when he hesitated, the sudden strong feeling had completely overwhelmed his nerves of shame.

do not care! George opened the door to solve it on the street.

At this time, Li Mo suddenly handed over a bag.

"Boss!" George said with tears in his eyes, "Don't tell me you want me to solve it in the car?"

"What are you thinking? Go outside and put it in the bag, don't let people scold us." Li Mo shook his head and said.

George looked at the bag in embarrassment, "But this one is not big enough, and there is a hole!"

"Stupid, don't you know how to put it on your head!" Li Mo was also anxious.

George was flustered by the wind for a while, finally gritted his teeth, picked up the bag, put it on his head, and got out of the car.

However, it was too late...

George stood on the street with a bag on his head, trembling all over, and the passers-by on the side of the road looked at him strangely.

"Boss, you can go by yourself, I...I want to go home." George said with his back to Li Mo, his voice had a hint of crying.

"Well, go back, don't come these two days, relax at home." Li Mo comforted softly.

"Well, thank you boss." George tore off the bag on his head, sighed, and walked away slowly.

Looking at George's lonely figure in the traffic, Li Mo shook his head with thoughtful eyes.

The strength has stagnated for a while, perhaps, I should synthesize a powerful laxative?


The banks of the Hudson.

Bruce Banner took Betty by the hand and disembarked from a private ferry. He looked up at the tall buildings in the distance and the people passing by. Even though he was wearing a baseball cap, he still put on the hood of his coat .

Betty patted Bruce Banner's hand comfortingly, "Honey, don't worry, our nightmare will soon be over."

Bruce Banner nodded, took Betty's hand and joined the crowd.

Betty hasn't been to New York for a long time. Since Banner's accident, she has been living in isolation, living a life of two points and one line between the laboratory and home. Now holding her lover's hand, she seems to be back in college, looking around in excitement, pointing at something and joking with Banner from time to time...

Bruce Banner looked at the childish woman in front of him, feeling warm in his heart. The damn thing was about to end, and he was going to take Betty around the world and enjoy life.

They came all the way to the subway station, and when they were about to go down, Bruce Banner suddenly hesitated, "Betty, I suddenly feel that the idea of ​​taking the subway is terrible. In the crowded carriages, there are all kinds of people. If something happens, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it."

Betty thinks about it too, in case Banner transforms in the subway...

Thinking of that situation, Betty couldn't help shivering. But after looking through the wallet, he was a little embarrassed and said: "We only have 30 dollars in cash. If we take a taxi, we won't even have enough money for dinner at night."

"It's okay, as long as the results of the antidote are as expected, we can use the credit card immediately." Bruce Banner said comfortingly.

As soon as they stopped on the side of the street, a yellow taxi stopped.

"Welcome to New York, let's just say yes, Queens and Brooklyn are out of the question!" the black driver said in rhyme.

"We're going to Graben College." Bruce Banner said hastily.

"Okay, do you want me to take you around and see the Statue of Liberty?" The black boy shrugged and said.

Betty was shocked. She had heard that taxi drivers in New York liked to rip off customers, but she didn't expect to be so blatant. She quickly said, "We only go to Graben College, and we don't go anywhere. Let's just say, we only have $20 with us!"

"Shit! Oh no, I mean there is no problem." The black driver was a little frustrated, started the car and jumped out.

"Where are you going? Also, can you slow down!" Betty felt that the route was wrong, and the speed was a bit fast. Bruce Banner was already holding the handrail nervously.

"Hey, beauty, those two streets have been completely blocked, and this is already the most streamlined route." The black brother felt a little wronged.

"I know, this is a trick you are used to. The extra money is not counted, otherwise I will call 311 and complain about you!" Betty said angrily.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say!" The black boy was a little aggrieved, driving the car like a wild horse, speeding up and driving out of the level of a formula car.

Bruce Banner and Betty were thrown back and forth in the back seat, and Betty was horrified to find that Bruce Banner was covered in cold sweat, and his eyes had started to turn green...

"You bastard! Drive slowly, or you'll regret it!" Betty yelled at the black driver in hysterics.

"Sorry... I have intermittent tinnitus... I can't hear what you are saying." The black driver shrugged proudly, turned the volume of the black rap music in the car to the maximum, and the speed was even faster...

Fortunately, Bruce Banner has been able to control his anger a little after a long period of training. The taxi arrived safely outside the gates of Greyburn College.

After getting out of the car, Bruce Banner retched while leaning on the telephone pole. Betty kicked the tire of the car a little out of control, and yelled at the black driver: "Asshole, f**k you!"

"Come on, f**k me." The driver of the black brother made a frivolous gesture and hurried out of the car.

"Shit! Shit!..." Betty was furious, and kept venting her dissatisfaction on the spot.

Bruce Banner slowed down, came to comfort her and said, "Forget it, don't be angry, you know I know some ways to control your anger, you just need to..."

"Shut up!" Betty interrupted, "Let's go!"

Bruce Banner didn't dare to speak anymore, he followed Betty's ass like a wronged little wife, and walked into Graben College...


Inside a S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance van outside Grayburn College.

"Target found, Bruce Banner is here." A staff member said excitedly.

"Activate the emergency plan immediately, evacuate the crowd as much as possible, and let me go in and talk to him." Coulson straightened his tie, took a deep breath and said.

"It's too late, General Ross has already led a group of people to rush here." A staff member said helplessly.

"Shit!" Coulson was a little confused, what if they started a fight, this is Manhattan with dense crowds, and General Ross couldn't let General Ross know they were here.

"How is the production of Dr. Samuel Stern's antidote?" Coulson asked suddenly.

"The success rate of these experiments is not bad." The staff replied.

"I hope they can succeed." Coulson sighed, he had no confidence in communicating with Hulk. In his opinion, it would be better for this dangerous beast to disappear.


Half an hour later, the laboratory of the Department of Cell Life.

"God, we succeeded!" Dr. Samuel Stern watched the green monster on the operating table gradually return to its adult form, and couldn't help saying obsessively: "It's really a wonderful life reaction..."

Bruce Banner, who had recovered, was ecstatic, and finally got rid of this nightmare! He squeezed Betty's hand next to him: "Honey, we can finally live a peaceful life."


The door to the laboratory shattered open.

A gloomy Russian rushed in and slapped Bruce Banner severely.

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