Chapter 258 Be a Grim Reaper, Tony

have to say.

This was the first time he had observed his dead body from an outsider's perspective. The appearance of blood and flesh is completely lacking in the demeanor of the past, and there is even a hint of disgust.

It feels amazing...

Tony felt that there was always an unspeakable strange feeling, and opened his mouth: "Does the human soul actually exist?!"

As a super genius who graduated from MIT and holds several doctorates, Tony has always believed that the world is made of matter, and scoffed at the so-called soul.


What happened today completely shattered his view.

The soul really exists!

That means that most of the current theories will be completely overturned!

and many more......

Tony's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Since the soul has been confirmed to be a real substance, does it mean that the hell and heaven mentioned in those myths are also real?


A burst of footsteps, neither light nor heavy, came slowly from a distance.

Tony turned around stiffly, and cast his slightly trembling eyes towards the source of the sound.

That's... a person.

Wearing a loose black long coat with a white belt, short silver hair and deep blue eyes, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, he exudes a breath that makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Tony Stark?"

Lorde's deep eyes are extremely calm, as if containing a tame ocean, slowly authentic.

"Phew...I am." Tony Stark took a deep breath, then swallowed and asked nervously, "Who...are you?"

"In your human words..." Lord paused slightly, then smiled: "Death, this word may make it easier for you to understand."

Die... grim reaper?

Although Tony already had some guesses in his heart,

But after getting the answer from Lord himself, there was still a storm in his heart, his eyes widened, and he said in shock: " say you are the god of death?"


Lorde nodded slightly and said, "I will extradite your soul and go to the Soul Realm."

"Soul World?" Tony's expression changed slightly when he heard this unfamiliar word: "Is this place you're talking about hell?"

"of course not."

Lord shook his head and said, "Unlike the present world, the Soul World is a leisurely place, where all souls go after they die."

Tony hesitated for a moment, looked back at Potts, who was crying bitterly, and asked, "I... can I not go?"


Lord shook his head again and said, "All souls after death must not stay in this world without authorization."

"This god of death, can't you be accommodating?" Tony's face showed a bit of bitterness, and he clenched his fists and said: "I can't go yet, at least not yet."

Lorde raised his eyebrows slightly, looked past Tony and landed on Potts, and said, "It seems that you love this woman very much, but unfortunately the law of the Soul Society does not allow the souls of mortals to stay in this world after death. ."

Who knows, Tony shook his head slightly and said solemnly: "No, it's not just because of Potts, I still have one thing to do!"

Lorde's eyes narrowed slightly: "You mean... the human in the green armor?"

"That's right, it's him!"

Tony's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth: "The lunatic is not dead yet, and the people here will be in danger at any time, so I can't go with you yet!"

"Huh...does it work?"

Lorde chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Don't forget, you are already dead, a soul like you just born, the spiritual power is not enough to affect the entity in this world, so it is better to give up."

"Impossible... I clearly..." Tony's face changed dramatically, and he reached out to touch Potts next to him, but it ended up going straight through her body.

"Look at it~"

Lord put his hands on his chest, shook his head and said, "The soul pressure of the newly-dead is too weak to affect the world at all, so even if you stay, it is impossible to help the people here."

Tony slowly withdrew his hand, and after a long silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Death, you said just now, 'people who have just died cannot affect the world', does that mean that you can affect the world?"

He is very smart and a super genius, and he has grasped the key points revealed in Lorde's words from just a few words.

Lord smiled inwardly, pretending to be slightly surprised, and said, "Yes, it seems that you are very smart, and the god of death can indeed affect the world."

"Death, please... can you help them?" Tony said with a hint of hope in his eyes.

This is the first time he has asked for help, just so that this god of death can take action and save these defenseless people.

Lorde's eyes flashed slightly, facing Tony's hopeful eyes, he shook his head ruthlessly, and said, "No, the god of death will not interfere in disputes between humans."

Tony's eyes darkened, his lips opened and closed slightly, as if he was about to say something, but in the end he was swallowed back, leaving only a touch of bitterness hanging on the corner of his lips.


The other party is a god of death, without any obligation or position, to save the lives of human beings, harvesting the soul is the work of the god of death!

"Mr. Death..."

Tony took a deep breath and said, "Please forgive me for refusing to go to Soul Realm, I want to stay here, even if I can't do anything, I won't leave here!"

Lord said: "Does it make sense?"

Tony frowned and didn't quite understand what he meant: "What do you mean?"

Lorde looked at Tony deeply, and said slowly: "I'm asking you... would rather sacrifice yourself, even after death, you are unwilling to leave, with such a strong obsession, you are meaningful ?"

Tony opened his mouth, his eyes alternated between light and dark, and a thousand words finally turned into a sigh: "I don't know if it makes any sense, but I... I just want to save these people, even if I can't do anything, I don't want to leave like this."

"Interesting humans..."

Lorde smiled from the bottom of his heart, his eyes lit up with a glimmer of light, as if he had made up a certain determination: "If... I give you a chance, a chance to save them, but the price is the end of it. Are you willing to be bound all your life, and maybe even die?"

Hearing this, Tony's breathing suddenly became rapid, without even the slightest hesitation, his eyes firmly said: "I do!"

"Even if you're bound for the rest of your life? Even if you might die?"


Between questions and answers, Lord and Tony looked at each other.

From the eyes of this man, he saw unshakable determination and persistence that he would never give up no matter what!

"In that case..."

Lorde smiled indifferently like a spring breeze, and said, "Then become a god of death, Tony Stark!"

next moment.

A long knife with light blue brilliance all over the body pierced into Tony's chest unexpectedly!

"Stay alive."

"Then... become Death, Tony Stark!"

This was the last sound that came to Tony's ears, and then he felt like he was being drowned by the storm!

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