Chapter 99 You have been beaten by mortals!

Millennium Ice Prison!

Hundreds of huge ice prisms folded together, freezing Gabriel in the ice prison, which looked spectacular from the ground.

Fortunately, there was a magic circle set up by Gabriel in advance, and the range covered the vicinity of the hospital, blocking the vision and perception of ordinary people.

Otherwise, the huge ice prison that suddenly appeared in the sky would have caused a great uproar in Los Angeles!

"Win? We won! Hahaha...I don't have to die!" Constantine's face was covered in frost, and he was curled up in a corner of the wall, shouting ecstatically.

Since Gabriel was defeated by Lord, it means that he doesn't have to commit suicide any more!

"Defeat? Stop joking."

A sneer flashed across Lord's eyes, and he broke Constantine's fantasy mercilessly: "The highest-ranked Seraphim is not so simple, this trick can only seal her for a while at most!"


A crisp ice cracking sound suddenly sounded, causing Constantine's face to change suddenly, and then he hurriedly looked up at the huge ice prison!

Gabriel, who was trapped inside the ice prison, radiated a dazzling divine radiance from his six wings, his power surged like a raging wave, constantly impacting the sealed ice layer!

clack clack......

The surface of the ice cell was covered with cracks, making a crackling sound like a firecracker.

As Lord said, this huge ice prison could only trap Gabriel for a moment.

And from the current situation, Gabriel can get out of the ice prison in one minute at most!


This is exactly what he needs!

Just being trapped for a minute is enough, because his real ultimate move is to connect everything!

It can be called one of the most bug-level abilities among the gods of death. Between the muzzle and the target, everything touched by the beam's advancing track will be penetrated instantly, and there is no way to offset or defend against this kind of power.

The only defeat in the connection of all things at present is only the god of the underworld, Sishorn, who has blocked it head-on!

Can Gabriel stop it?

Not necessarily, but he estimates that there is a high possibility that Gabriel can't stop conceptual attacks like the penetration of everything!

And the reason why he had to trap Gabriel in the thousand-year ice prison first was because the connection of all things had a big disadvantage!

The power of connecting all things must be attached to the spiritual beam, and the beam's flying speed is too slow, perhaps it is very fast for others, and it is very difficult to react.

But if the opponent is Gabriel, then the speed of penetration of everything is too slow.

As long as he is prepared in advance and Gabriel intentionally dodges, his all-connection will never hit!

but now......

Gabriel is trapped in the ice prison, and it is impossible to dodge, so the connection of all things is a must!

Jingle ~

I saw Lorde let go of his left hand, and a silver-white Cross Medal chain fell.


Constantine's face twitched, thinking that Lord was crazy, and actually wanted to take the cross to Gabriel?

Not only Constantine thought it was weird, but even Gabriel, who was trapped in the ice prison, had a strange expression on his face when he saw the cross medal in Lord's hand.

After living for thousands of years, she was the first time she had ever seen someone holding a cross against her!

Lord sneered and injected spiritual power into it, and the shape of the cross medal turned into a silver-white revolver.

"This is the final blow, Gabriel!"

Lord aimed the muzzle at Gabriel, plundered the spiritual power at all costs, and injected it all into the gun body.


The sky is like a crack, spreading around Lord, and from the dense small cracks, the blue spirits flow out!

These spirits are manipulated,

The madness poured into the silver-white muzzle, and was continuously compressed, gathering into a terrifying energy!

Starting Point: The Muzzle of the Convict.

Target: The clouds behind Gabriel.

Two o'clock and one line, everything is connected!

"Large... Sacred Arrow!"

Lord pulled the trigger, the Convict's muzzle roared and roared, and then a huge azure blue arrow suddenly shot at Gabriel in the ice prison!

boom! ! !

The large sacred arrow instantly shattered the layers of void, roaring like a huge meteor, lighting up the dark night sky!

With the addition of the power of the rule of all things, this large sacred arrow is enough to penetrate any obstacle in front of it!

"not good!"

The expression of Gabriel in the ice prison changed instantly, and from the huge arrow that was shot, he sensed the palpitating aura of destruction!

Can't be hit!

Otherwise...she is likely to die!

"Great Father, give me strength!"

Gabriel roared, and the six wings of light bloomed brightly, releasing astonishing heat and fluctuations, shattering the ice prison that bound her in one fell swoop!


The huge beam of light was already in front of him, and Gabriel had no choice but to protect the two wings of light in front of him, and let his body deflect a little.

boom! ! !

The beam penetrated the entire ice prison, and Gabriel could not stop the terrifying power. Not only were the two light wings of the protective body pierced, the golden blood was scattered in the sky!

A huge beam of light came out through the body, and after Gabriel let out a scream, the beam turned into a star twinkling in the sky.


The thick cloud layer was smashed by a single blow, followed by an astonishing roar, and a deafening roar erupted in the calm night sky!

Look at Gabriel again.

The six divine Seraph wings that should have been perfect, but two of them had a fist-sized hole on the surface, which looked extremely conspicuous.


A look of helplessness flashed in Lord's eyes, and the connection of all things was still a little bit biased, but Gabriel's wings and shoulders were penetrated.

"I kill you!!!"

Gabriel screamed furiously, and a cold murderous aura erupted in his eyes, filling the entire world as if it were real!

Seraph's Wings are her source of strength, and it is related to her status in heaven, but now she has been injured by a mortal, and even left a hole!

It's a shame!

If other seraphs see this, how can she still hang out in heaven in the future?

Just imagine, when she returned to heaven and met the three archangels Michael, Raphael, and Uriel, how would they feel when they saw the holes in their wings?

Gabriel: "I am the Left Hand of God!"

Michael: "You have been beaten by mortals."

Gabriel: "I am the angel of judgment, the angel of death, the most trusted angel of the Father!"

Raphael: "You were beaten by mortals."

Gabriel: "I am one of the four archangels, in charge of half of the angels in heaven!"

Uriel: "You were beaten by mortals!"

Gabriel: "...can you leave this alone?"

Raphael, Michael, Uriel: "You have two holes in your wings that were beaten by mortals."

Gabriel: "..."


"no solution anymore......"

Lord sighed softly, his eyes fell on Constantine below, and the meaning was self-evident.


Constantine's heart trembled, and he could see that he meant to forcibly sacrifice him!

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