Like when I grabbed the lights, it took the American SEALs half a day to find out that they weren’t hiding at all, they stayed at home, and even watched the game at home. Who would have thought that he was also a dead house, huh?

“Look who’s coming,” Justin smiled at Evan’s arrival. Really, how can you do this to my friend, uncuff him? ”

It’s clear that the appearance of the Avengers caused an uproar all over the world, with people adoring and despising these superheroes, but it’s safe to say that they’ve won a lot of fans and sisters.

Ivan’s rudimentary equipment was scrapped on the spot, he himself was corona, his hair stood on end, black smoke was still spraying in his mouth, his eyes were staring ahead, and then he fell straight to the ground.

“Bruce Banner doesn’t know where he went.” Black Widow Natasha replied.

Thor looked at Schiff and the others and said, “My friends, I’m just a mortal stripped of my abilities. I’m here to get in the way, even to get in your way, but I can make others safer. ”

At this time, a virtual screen appeared in front of Pierce, a middle-aged man named Nick who launched the nuclear bomb.

After comic book fans bought the comics, they naturally turned around and shouted ah, starting with the recruitment of the Avengers, and then two notable wars took place one after the other.

“I promise you, I’ll come back for you.” Thor said he saw the Rainbow Bridge activated and warmly took Jane’s hand.

Li Xiao looked at the sky and whispered: “The Odin family ethics drama is finally over, and even bigger troubles have begun!” ”

Max wanted to dodge, but he almost subconsciously sent a powerful electric current away from his state of mind, and the huge current and magnetic field caused the already fast-moving warhead to be constantly shocked by the magnetic field.

The frost giant Wang Laofei stared at the sleeping Odin with blood-red eyes, holding an icy dagger in his hand, ready to kill his archenemy Odin in one fell swoop.

“Did you know that since you were promoted to Minister of Security, the complaint rate in our company has immediately increased by 300%, and the complaint calls are about to explode.”

But one thing is certain, and that is that the discussion of the evil god Loki about to lead a Zetari army to invade Earth has become more heated, and Li Xiao’s cartoon has also added fire to the banquet.

“Sir, Agent Patton attacked the aircraft carrier Sky with personnel, and now the right wing of the aircraft carrier has suffered a lot of damage, and if it is not repaired immediately, the aircraft carrier will soon crash!” Hill’s voice was equally anxious.

The victory was completely locked, and the remaining hundreds of Zetari fighters were not afraid at all.

At this time, in the sky, Black Widow Natasha appeared on the Kun Kun fighter, put the machine gun down, pointed it at Loki, and then warned through a megaphone: “Loki, drop your weapons and stop resisting.” ”

After a while, in Ivan’s constant twists and turns, Tony’s Mark V suit was already tattered, a wisp of black smoke came out, and even the armor on his head was cracked, and if Tony did this again, he would have to be disfigured.

However, Is Loki really Odin’s biological son? That must be him.

Ha, Maya directly rolled a white eye and took the business card to Tony, Tony took a closer look, only to find that this formula corresponds to the virus of despair, but this formula is not perfect and needs to be modified.

The news of the invasion of New York City by foreign troops immediately spread to all parts of the world through the developed network, attracting attention from all sides, and various discussions emerged one after another, forcefully swept the entire network, and there was no other topic.

But just then, one of his cell phones rang, he picked up the phone and answered it, but when he found that the person on the phone was looking for a black widow, he felt that something was wrong and immediately handed it to the officer.

However, after taking a look, Li Xiao was disappointed, for the simple reason that now Strange is still doing well, there is no car accident, no injury to his hand, no knowing where Camatich is, and not starting his own magic journey.

Such people manifest themselves as a lack of confidence in everyday life, or excessive pride in some respects, as well as a sense of revenge against society as a result of this pride and lack of identity.

There are many familiar faces in the video, including Charlie, Savin, and brown-haired women whose bodies are more or less disabled when their bodies are injected with a magma-like drug.

In front of us are dense icons and bars, only a few places remain, only one of which explodes at temperatures up to 3000 degrees Celsius – Rose Mountain in Tennessee!

Of course, none of this matters anymore. It is important that Mandarin did not take the United States seriously at all, and even threatened the president of the United States in the video, put it in a scarecrow, and burned it in the fire.

Under the horror of Tony and Rhodes, the terrifying star beast slowly opened his gluttonous mouth, once again showing the world the ferocious spirit of the soul, and the devastating smell of death immediately enveloped the entire magician’s body.

In fact, this is also because Dormam voluntarily gave up, it turns out that an ancient cosmic class is difficult enough, and now there is a cosmic force that does not know where it comes from, and it is still afraid of the power of space.

Heimdall wanted to know exactly what Loki had said to the Frost Giant King, but Loki used magic to cover up their conversation, which made Heimda very suspicious and sad.

A few days later, while Ivan was preparing dinner, he discovered another mystery in his career. There is a note. He opened it curiously, and there was only one sentence on it. Please enjoy your mashed potatoes.

“Rice, you know who I am, but you don’t know where I am, you can never predict my arrival, believe me, it’s not the end, your fears are just beginning.”

Ivan went to operate the host, his fingers tapped quickly in front of the keyboard, and instantly cracked the password program and invaded the host’s firewall.

Yes, the man in front of her was Black Widow Natasha. Li Xiao secretly finds Natasha and gives her the task, which is to let her take Chili and Maya away safely.

Malakis, Lord of the Dark Elves, Marduk, Satan, Lucifer, leader of the fallen angels and, of course, Domammu, the Lord of Darkness in the more distant dimensions of time and space.

As soon as the voice fell, Bruce saw the terrifying Leviathan battleship, the body of the beast obscuring the sun’s brilliance. It opens its bloodstream as if it can devour everything in front of it!

“In my opinion, the name is. I haven’t even heard of it. Tony’s tone became cold again.

Suddenly, a loud sound came from the wormhole in the sky, like the roar of a dragon. A group of Avengers looked up at the sky and saw a behemoth slowly flying out of the space gate.

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