And the familiar prompt sound had already sounded the moment Su Chen arrived in this universe.

   The full release of the Omega effect not only helped Su Chen pull Daxed into this distant universe, but also helped Su Chen raise his resistance to its full value!

   At this time, in this universe, no peaceful space can be seen. In this universe, a black void can be seen from time to time, swallowing everything around, and the entire universe has begun to become shaky.

   The collapse of a universe is only a matter of a very short time.

   "Unexpectedly, a universe would be so casually tossed."

   After happily releasing for a while, Su Chen also discovered that this universe was about to collapse. Su Chen shook his head and said with some dissatisfaction.

   Immediately after Su Chen's gaze, he suddenly locked on Darkside, who was still running away.

   "But okay, you took me far enough, and there are many parallel universes worth visiting, right?"

   Su Chen locked onto Darkside, who was in motion, and said with a smile.

   Then Su Chen stretched out his hand and waved gently.

   Accompanied by the surging of power, from Su Chen's palm, endless black began to diffuse, and the universe from the place Su Chen touched officially declared its collapse!

   And this kind of black swallowed this universe at a speed that surpassed the light, and Su Chen also came to Darkside with this ubiquitous black.

   Seeing Su Chen suddenly appeared in front of him, Darkside's pupils shrank, and Omega rays surged out again, but this time the target was not Su Chen, but himself.

   He wants to force himself out of this universe!

   It's just that Su Chen's hand is faster. At the moment when Daxide is about to disappear, Su Chen grabs Daxide!

   Two people disappeared into this universe again!

   There is the first universe to collapse, so naturally there will be a second and a third.

  Darkside, who had also collapsed, didn't know how many universes he had fled to. He only knew that it was always so terrifying behind him, chasing after him jokingly like a cat catching a mouse.

   During this process, Darkside did not feel that in his own body, the Omega effect seemed to weaken bit by bit.

   The dark red power began to gradually become thinner, and the same dark red effect power seemed to gradually diffuse around Su Chen.

   Su Chen is not only chasing down Darkside, but also refining the Omega effect! .

Chapter 452:

The Omega effect is a very powerful force, especially for an overlord who wants to conquer the multiverse. This force is an indispensable weapon. With this power, they can easily break through. The barrier between the universe and the universe made their army's offensive not like the Utopian alliance in the past, and they need to wait until the barrier between the two universes is weak before launching an attack.

Of course, it is precisely because of this reason. Before the Utopian Alliance occupied Universe 1, Daxed had already invaded multiple parallel universes through this wonderful force, and completely transformed these universes into its own colony. .

   and the Utopia Alliance simply occupy this universe, and then fully develop it as effectively as possible, but do not harm the resources of this universe, and it is different in that it is recycled and used to make this universe a part of itself for a long time.

Daxai generally uses destructive excavations, draining all the resources in this universe as much as possible, and then turning all of your species into their own demon-like soldiers, and so on, and then invading one Another parallel universe.

This has led to a result. Although Daxay has conquered multiple parallel universes, in fact, among these parallel universes that have been conquered, the only one with traces of life activities is probably only the one where Daxed is located. The apocalyptic star, whether it is a planet or a parallel universe, has long been a dead silence.

  The Omega effect and Omega power that created all of this are still owned by Darkside, but at the beginning, this power did not belong to Darkside.

To be precise, it was Daxed’s brother who had this power in the first place, and Daxed’s fancy to the potential of this power and the innumerable possibilities that can be extended in the future, he forced it. Deprived of this power from his brother.

   It is true that the Omega effect has helped Daxide have so many parallel universes. While Daxide has become more and more comfortable with it, it has also become more dependent on this kind of power.

   Under this kind of situation, if there is an existence that can have resistance to Omega, the result will inevitably be a one-sided state, which is also the thing that Darkside is most unwilling to see.

   This is like the previous day of destruction, even after a little resistance related to the Omega effect has evolved, it will cause Dagside to panic and seal it into a huge black hole at all costs.

   And now facing Su Chen, who has evolved complete Omega resistance, Daxed is no longer just panic, now he is more in a state of confusion and disorder.

  Is there really such a species that can evolve complete resistance to Daxedau?

   How can monsters like this be allowed to appear in these parallel universes?

   Now Darkside's brain is completely filled with this kind of voice, so that when his thinking pauses, he does not notice the Omega effect on his body, and is becoming weaker by bit.

   This scene is exactly like when he defeated his brother and deprived him of this power.

   is exactly the same!

   From the very beginning, when I saw that Su Chen had resistance, Darkside's heart had been messed up, and now it was not just his heart that was messing up!

Darkside does not know how many universes he has gone through. Now he is only mechanically fleeing in different parallel universes. Once he senses that the universe he is in is about to be completely destroyed by Su Chen, he is about to appear in Su Chen. When Chen was in front of him, he would not hesitate to use the Omega effect again to expel himself to another universe to escape Su Chen's pursuit.

   And immediately after he felt that this universe was about to be destroyed, he subconsciously activated the Omega effect again.

   Once he wrapped his body with the power of the Omega effect before, he would immediately be repelled to other universes.

   But this time, as Darkside closed his eyes and then opened his eyes again, he was a little surprised to find that he was still in place.

And that familiar feeling of being teleported did not appear as promised this time. After 4 weeks of looking around him with a little surprise, he found that the original strong Omega effect beside him had long since disappeared. Without a trace.

   "What's the matter?  〃?"

  Darkside, who almost tremblingly said this sentence, suddenly saw a faintly invisible red mist floating from his body, spreading towards the distance.

   This is the last omega effect in Darkside!

Darkside stretched out his hand subconsciously, trying to catch the red effect, but in vain, he could only watch his Omega effect, as if attracted by something, drifting to the side. The ground floated past.

   Darkside seemed to realize something suddenly, and suddenly his eyes widened.

This power that originally belonged to him drifted away to another place, as if being attracted by something, and then Dakside saw that the ultimate absorber of this power was the one he was most attracted to now. I don't want to meet, and I am the person most afraid to meet.

   That Omega effect is slowly drifting to Su Chen!

   In the shocked gaze of Darkside, Su Chen also stared blankly at the Omega effect floating towards him.

   In the process of breaking through one parallel universe after another, Su Chen also entered a state of subconscious combat, and he didn't think too much.

   After all, it is too easy to destroy something than to create something. In this process, you only need to destroy it, and you don’t need to consider other things.

   This can be regarded as a kind of alternative happiness.

   And in this process, Su Chen did not notice that the Omega effect that originally belonged to Darkside was entangled with himself bit by bit.

   When the dumbfounded Darkside appeared in front of Su Chen, Su Chen only noticed the big guy in front of him, and it seemed that he could no longer release the omega rays...

  ".¨ This is my thing, this shouldn't belong to you..."

   In contrast, Darkside's language seems so pale and feeble. .

Mime private 453

   "Maybe it's just that you don't deserve to have him anymore."

   Seeing the crimson power slowly entwining, Su Chen noticed that a kind of energy that had never been seen before was slowly gathering in his body.

The power of the Omega effect, as if it is a single existence, will not increase or disappear, as if the total amount is only this, and what they do is more to induce changes in other energies around them to reach infinity. The marvelous effect is like going to an endless parallel universe.

   It is difficult to explain whether this power has its own sense of autonomy, but at least from the current situation, they abandoned Darkside and chose a stronger master.

   "I think now you can no longer use Omega rays to attack me."

   Feeling this kind of other energy expressing surrender to himself, Su Chen smiled lightly and said to the somewhat dazed Darkside.

   This time Darkside finally felt the kind of despair that his former brother felt.

   "As an existence that has also conquered parallel universes, I can give you the corresponding respect."

   Su Chen 100 came to Daxedang, this time it was finally Su Chen's turn to look down at Daxedan with the same high attitude.

"I can let you choose your own way of death. You can choose to face the end of your life in this universe, or you can choose to be exiled by me into the endless and evil universe, slow in that environment. End your life slowly."

   Su Chen's mouth still has a smile, but he can't feel the slightest temperature.

If the first method is Su Chen’s consistent choice, then the second option is the retribution of Darkside. I don’t know how many people have been exiled by his method and how many people have been in other parallels. Little by little in the universe, he suffered torment and died, and now it was finally his turn.

Hearing Su Chen's words without the slightest temperature, Darkside slowly raised his head and looked at this thin human who had never been seen directly by him. Suddenly, some inexplicable colors appeared in his eyes. .

   "No one can decide my ending, no matter the past, present or the future, no matter who it is, including you!"

   Looking at the expressionless Suchen Darkside, the expressionless face was also expressionless, but his tone seemed to become harder and harder.

   "Do you want me to welcome death with this most humiliating attitude? I tell you it is impossible!"

   Darkside raised his head vigorously.

   "Although I don't know how you returned, you must have a way, but I think it will take some time for you to return..."

  I don't know why, a hint of mockery suddenly appeared in Darkside's eyes.

   Su Chen frowned slightly, but before Su Chen had any reaction, Darkside suddenly stretched out his right hand forcefully, and then fiercely inserted his chest into his chest with lightning speed!

   Then Dakside used a set of abrupt, and took out a group of soft objects from his chest. Upon closer inspection, the group of soft objects was still beating slightly!

   This crazy monarch took out his heart abruptly!

"You have to understand one thing. My life is not a pure life. My life is also related to the existence of a black hole outside the Apocalypse star. In this black hole, I seal the most vicious monster in all parallel universes. , The day of destruction!"

   Without a heart, the voice of Darkside, who was about to die, began to quickly become weak, but it could not conceal the full of hatred and resentment contained in the tone.

"I think what you stay on that planet belongs to your elite, maybe even all of you... Otherwise, when I wanted to do something with them before, you wouldn’t be like that. Worry, this time I have to see if you can return before killing all of you on the Day of Doom, hahaha..."

   Darkside's voice gradually fainted, but he could not conceal the pleasure in his voice.

   There used to be an infinitely adaptable day of destruction, even Darkside could not completely kill him.

   In desperation, Darkside sealed him in a black hole, and this super black hole was not far away from the Apocalypse.

   And Darkside also made a move that no one had thought of. He connected his life detection device to the release switch of this super black hole.

This is no different from a very crazy approach, but Darkside understands the significance of doing this. If in the future he really meets some power he cannot resist and dies, then the peerless one he once sealed The murderous thing will be released again!

   Then let this monster replace yourself and vent your anger to all the parallel universes!

   No one can understand his shortcomings better than himself, and no one can kill himself faster than himself. The person in front of him seemed to be different from himself. He seemed to care more about the survival of the group of ants under his control.

   As long as the Destruction Day is released, there is no possibility of survival for that group of ants!

   Even if you fail, you must let your enemies live in a certain amount of pain!

   It's just that a big hand covers Darkside's chest at this time.

   A soft green light rippling out slowly, and continuously transmitted to Darkside's chest, making his dying body seem to glow with a ray of vitality.

   It's just that this ray of life is so insignificant in the face of the overwhelming fog of death. Although it played a little role, it only delayed the death of Darkside a little bit.

   But this little time is enough for Su Chen!

   "Don't be so anxious to go to the country of death, you will stay there for a long, long time in the future."

   Seeing Daxai's eyes widened, Su Chen spoke with a leisurely face.

   "You are right. The Day of Destruction will be released after all. It is impossible for me to watch such a threat next to me and ignore it, but it is not released in your way..."

   Su Chen continued to speak slowly, and at the same time, it had just belonged to the Omega effect of Su Chen, and it began to gather in Su Chen's hands bit by bit.

   "I will let you witness his appearance and his death...".

Chapter 454:

   "You idiot, with such a powerful weapon, but you haven't used all of his power, it's just a waste of it in your hands."

   Accompanied by Su Chen's merciless words, the Omega effect was slowly released from Su Chen's hands, but this time, no rays were formed.

   The power released along with the Omega effect, and the 7 supreme rings in Su Chen's hands. At this time, the 7 different emotional spectra represented by these 7 rings are slowly released and entangled with each other.

   7 kinds of colors will eventually be synthesized into one color, from colorful colors to pure white.

  Although it is not because of the reason that this is Universe No. 1, the white that represents the creation of the world looks incredibly faint, but it exists after all.

   And this faint white light slowly pointed in a direction, and continued to walk along this direction. I don't know how far it would be Universe 1.

   And the Omega effect can just save this time!

The Omega effect previously mastered by Darkside is only able to penetrate the enemy into a random parallel universe. Such directional teleportation cannot be achieved. To be precise, Darkside did not develop it. With such power, it is no wonder that Su Chen would be so mocking.

   There is Baoshan in the sky and it has not been fully developed. It is really low enough~.

   And now with the guidance of the Supreme Ring, coupled with the existence of the magical power of the Omega effect, Su Chen no longer needs to transit through the kingdom of death, and can return to Universe 1 again.

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