That's right, it's beauty!

Gaara and Otsutsuki Sheren, one is an oriental guy with no eyebrows, and the other is a handsome boy.

And Superman Clark Kent is the kind of European and American handsome guy who is handsome and muscular.

These three types of handsome guys can always get information.

In fact, Uchiha Madara is also a handsome guy.

And his current temperament is that kind of iceberg-like handsomeness.

It is even more attractive.

But the problem is, with his high strength and arrogance, if he uses his beauty to obtain information, it would be easier for him to directly destroy the entire Zandar Star!

Therefore, Wu Chen, the wooden avatar, decided to let Uchiha Madara stay where he was and wait.

And Uchiha Madara didn't mean to run around.

He just sat on the public seat, looking at the appearance of this different world.

However, Uchiha Madara had no intention of looking for trouble, but 'trouble' found him by himself.

"Hey, handsome guy, did you just come to Zandar?"

A green-skinned, long-haired woman came over and sat down beside Uchiha Madara unceremoniously.

This made Uchiha Madara frowned, "Is there something wrong?"

"So straightforward?" The woman was slightly surprised, and then said, "Can I have a drink with me?"

"No, I don't drink."

At any rate, Uchiha Madara knew that it was not suitable to do it now, so he didn't expel this woman.

But this woman is not forgiving.

This made Uchiha Madara a little tired.

Without even thinking about it, he directly activated the ability of the space gem and sent the woman outside the city.

The green-skinned woman stared blankly at the wilderness, with a very ugly expression on her face.

Her name is Gamora, and she is the adopted daughter of Thanos.

The purpose of coming to Planet Zandar at this moment is to snatch the power gem from the thief Star Lord.

According to her information, the buyer of the star-lord power gem is on Zandar.

That's why she came here to wait and see.

But just now, after she noticed those four people suddenly appearing in the city, her eyes lit up.

These four people look very powerful.

So Gamora had an idea.

That is, sell the power gems to these four people.

Although Thanos sent Ronan the Kree accuser as an assistant, Gamora did not intend to give Ronan the Power Stone.

Because that guy is a lunatic, he actually wants to destroy the entire Zandar civilization.

Such a guy, how could Gamora, who is still very kind in heart, give the power gem to the other party?

Therefore, she plans to find a force or person who can protect the power gem, and get a sum of money from the other party.

Then, with the help of this money, she and her sister Nebula escaped from Thanos' grasp.

And the four people who appeared suddenly seemed to meet Gamora's requirements.

That's why she went to talk to the silver-haired man who stayed behind.

But I didn't expect that because she used inappropriate techniques, she was actually regarded as a strike-up by the other party, and then sent directly outside the city!

It takes dozens of minutes to go back and forth.

And in these tens of minutes, it is very possible to let Xingjue go!

Thinking of this, Gamora ran up.

However, in the process of running, she suddenly thought of it.

Since the white-haired man is so powerful, isn't he more suitable to be a buyer of power gems than a collector?

Therefore, Gamora quietly changed her mind.

And at this time, the three of Gaara also came back.

They lived up to expectations and brought back corresponding news.

The specific location of the abandoned planet Morag, and the fact that no one has fought in the center of the city and was taken away.

"So, the plot hasn't started yet, is the power gem still on Morag?"

Datong Musheren analyzed: "In this case, let's go directly to Morag!"

"Master Madara, you go too!"

"If the Power Gem is really on Morag, you just put it on the Infinity Gauntlet."

Ever since, the four of them instantly moved back to the previous valley.

Then, they boarded the spaceship, and the spaceship appeared on the side of the abandoned planet Morag in an instant.

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