After getting in the taxi, Zhou Luo's slightly drowsy face became sober, he tapped his eyebrows and said, "Thank you, go to No. 72 Sangli Avenue."

The taxi rushed right and left in the traffic, and the surrounding neon kept retreating.

Zhou Luo took out his cell phone and dialed Stark's number.

"Hello, my friend, have you gotten that female scientist?"

Stark's chuckle came, somewhat intermittently.

Zhou Luo frowned and asked, "Where are you now?"

Stark’s voice came, “I’m on the plane now, and tomorrow I’m going to Afhan to show off the latest achievements of Stark Industries.

So sorry my friend, when I come back from there, I will definitely bring you a Middle Eastern girl back! "


Zhou Luo raised his eyebrows.

So, is the plot finally about to begin?

"Tony, that place in the Middle East is not safe, you have to be careful."

Zhou Luo reminded slightly.

Stark was taken aback for a moment, and laughed: "Don't worry, who am I? I'm the boss of Stark Industries, they will protect me!"

"I hope so, I wish you well. And don’t forget to bring me a Middle Eastern girl back, but remember to lift their veil first to help me see if it’s pretty. I don’t like a mouth that is too big, it’s not tight enough. To you, you know."

Zhou Luo broke off for a while, Stark laughed wildly.

"You bastard, there are so many demands, even the top and bottom are tight.

Don't worry, I have absolutely no problem doing things. I will definitely help you find two Middle Eastern girls who fit the oriental aesthetic! "

The two laughed and teased a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Zhou Luo calculated for a while, feeling that under his own intervention, Stark, who is already working on small reactor technology, will definitely increase the survival probability a lot.

He relaxes.

Iron Man.

It will appear soon!

Zhou Luo Roar let out a sigh of relief.



The harsh brake sound rang, and the taxi stopped in the middle of a small alley with the driver's crazy curse.

"Fuck! I hit someone!"

The driver's mouth trembled and his face turned blue.

Just now, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the car, making him subconsciously slam on the brakes.

But now, the figure is gone!

The driver unfastened his seat belt and prepared to get out of the car.


A faint voice sounded from the co-pilot.

"Uncle, are you looking for me?"

The driver looked back, but saw no one.

"Uncle, I'm here!"

There was another voice on his right.

The driver turned his head to the right.


With a soft sound, a ghostly figure stepped on the hood of the taxi.

The moment the driver looked up, the figure disappeared again.


A cold front blows, and the driver is scared to pee.


Amid the screams, the black driver opened the door and disappeared into the corner of the alley.


The breeze was blowing, and the figure suddenly appeared in the back seat of the car, with a hand on Zhou Luo's shoulder.

"Hi! Long time no see, dear Zhou, have you changed girlfriend again!"

It's a bit crappy Chinese, but I can hear it clearly anyway.

Zhou Luo sighed and said, "Miss Fang, can you not engage in such a big battle every time you show up?"

He tilted his head, a typical delicate and pretty face with oriental classical charm imprinted in his eyes.

Her name is Clarice Fang, a Chinese girl who was adopted by Sabretooth, aka---Blink!

"Huh! When I was with me, I used to call them Xiao Xing, now the newcomer is better than the old, I call them Miss Fang!"

The flashing tone seemed very resentful, like a deep-seated woman.

Zhou Luo's mouth twitched slightly.


I didn't expect to be found by her so quickly!

Zhou Luo is actually a little bit guilty about Mutant who is both good and evil, especially Mutant who is not very friendly to non-Mutants.

It's just that Black widow was brought to Washington at the beginning. When I joined S.H.I.E.L.D, there was nowhere to put my heart. I happened to meet the Chinese Mutant Shining, and she was 70% to 80% similar to a female celebrity in her previous life.

This natural attraction made her one of Zhou Luo's friends.

Then a man and a woman, and the villager saw that the villager had tears in his eyes, and it was natural for him to have normal feelings.

Then, because of some things, he chose to alienate this fellow.


Everyone is here, what can I do.

"Xiao Xing, you know, I'm protecting you."

Zhou Luo flickered half-true and half-false.

The flashing face suddenly became hideous, the whole person disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already sitting on Zhou Luo's lap.

"Then you can't leave suddenly! Also, who is the woman eating with you tonight?"


Thinking really jumps.

"Miss Foster is an astrophysicist, and you know that I am a high-level consultant of Stark Industries Group. Stark Group is going to invest in this scientist, so I came to contact her."

Zhou Luo spread his hands, and then said solemnly: "Also, you also took advantage of me to leave Fox and stay away from Bella. Why should you be so hostile to a woman you met for the first time?".

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