"Hey! Awakening, it feels like you bastard has become different!"

At the dinner table, Batman smiled and teased.

Zhou Luo tossed his hair and said, "This is inevitable. I am looking handsome every day."

Batman rolled his eyes, too lazy to compare with him.

"Katana still hasn't been found. It is estimated that she has left Gotham City."

Zhou Luo nodded, already guessing.

He waved his hand indifferently, and said, "It's okay, without Joker, she can't make too much waves."

After eating breakfast, Zhou Luo bid farewell to Batman and came to Xavier Genius Academy, but was told that Phoenix had left early in the morning.

After the security guard Andre finished two rounds of bullets on a routine basis, Zhou Luo asked him to tell Phoenix that he was back to Washington for himself, and told her that there was nothing to call her phone number at any time.

Then, he drove out of the unfathomable city of Gotham and returned to Washington.

Back to the penthouse at No. 72 Sangli Avenue, holding a cup of pancakes, looking down at the city.

Zhou Luo looked calm.


Take a picture and relax.

After drinking a glass of champagne, he left the apartment and went to a remote beach outside Washington to start training his Phoenix force.

In the afternoon, Suicide Squad finally got news.

They have found Tony Stark, but they weren't rescued by them, but after fighting with the Ten Rings who kidnapped him, they rushed out in a strange steel armor.

"History is always surprisingly similar."

Zhou Luo snapped his fingers, and the abstract fire horse formed by Phoenix force dissipated in an instant, falling into the sea water immediately caused the sea to boil frantically, and even some fish and shrimps were cooked directly and exuding the fresh fragrance of seafood.

"Bring Tony back soon."

After leaving the beach and returning to the apartment, Zhou Luo changed into a formal attire and came to S.H.I.E.L.D.

After passing the news to Nick Fury, he found Captain America, who was working hard to practice vegetable cutting skills.

"Hey! Steve! How are your shredded potatoes?"

Zhou Luo greeted Roar with a smile, then picked up his shield and sat down under his P stock.

The corner of Captain America's mouth twitched, and he pointed to his shield and said, "Zhou, you can disrespect me, but I think you should have a minimum of respect for the national emblem!"

Zhou Luo looked down and waved his hand: "Steve, I respect you very much, and I also respect the national emblem. So how is your potato shreds cut?"

The temples of Captain America were about to bulge, staring at Zhou Luo almost violently.

This bastard, who puts his own words on deaf ears, is this respect?

Seeing how he might burst his blood vessels at any time, Zhou Luo raised his hand and muttered: "Okay, okay, isn't that stingy just to put down P shares, why bother to be so serious."

Afterwards, he threw the shield over and asked for the third time: "Steve, let me see your potato shreds."

After receiving the shield, Captain America's face looked a little better, but when he heard him ask the potato shreds, his face flashed with an unnatural look.

"That... potato shreds... was taken by Phil Coulson to eat."

Captain America's eyes were erratic.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps sounded, and Phil Coulson walked in with a paper bag.

Inside the bag, there are French fries.

"Mr. Rogers, I have made the French fries in the restaurant ready. Would you like to have some?"

Steve's face turned dark, full of embarrassment.

Zhou Luo walked over, picked up a chopstick-thick French fries and stuffed it into his mouth. He turned around and said, "Steve, it's been three days, you are so good.

It's not enough, but do you feel that you have better control over your power? "

Steve smiled awkwardly and said, "This... the first time I did this kind of thing, it was a bit slow. But the method you said is really good. I feel that I have a lot better control over my muscles now, at least not. There will be things like crushing eggs."

Zhou Luo nodded, "That's good."

He walked over and patted his shoulder again, and said, "Come on, cut two and show me to see how far you are."

There are not many opportunities for Captain America to perform shredded potatoes!

Zhou Luo clapped his hands and invited Phil Coulson to sit down and observe.

Captain America swallowed and suddenly felt a sense of fear that he hadn't lived in for a long time.

It's just like……

The pupil was drawn by the teacher and asked him to recite the text!


You must play well this time!

Captain America twisted his neck, picked up the kitchen knife and potatoes, took a deep breath and cut the first cut with a sense of ritual.

Next to him, Zhou Luo patted Phil Coulson on the shoulder and said, "Phil Coulson, there are not many opportunities to see Steve cutting potatoes. Don't you go and take a photo?"

Phil Coulson has a question mark on his face.

group photo?

Cut a potato, what's a good photo for?

"Phil Coulson, don't share your personal DNA..."

"OK! OK!"

Phil Coulson raised his hand to surrender, and approached Captain America with his head full of question marks, compared to a scissor hand.


Zhou Luo picked up the camera and clicked it.

Then, the experience value increased!


Captain America was so distracted by his actions that he almost shredded the cutting board in one cut.

He raised his head to speak but stopped, and finally held back forcibly.

Can't argue with the bastard Zhou, even Natasha Romanoff couldn't resist even Natasha Romanoff, let alone himself! .

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