Marvel Live Fortune Telling: Sister Widow and Catwoman Cry

Chapter 206 Superman can't be resurrected! Doctor Strange is the one to blame?!

Several people pushed the coffin to the interior of the gas star spaceship, many hidden compartments of the spaceship were automatically opened, and several sets of brand-new Superman costumes were shown to everyone.

Lin Chen sighed, "It seems that the spaceship also knows that Superman is coming."

They put Superman into the culture tank of the spacecraft.

Cyborg controls the operation of the spacecraft, "Luthor made Doomsday before, causing irreversible damage to the spacecraft's capacitors, the main capacitors for electricity.."

Aquaman was stunned, "Speak human words!

"Not enough power to wake up the mother box"

Lin Chen said that he can perform the Five Thunders!

Everyone discouraged them one after another, for fear that he would smash the spaceship!

"I can wake it up." The Flash raised his hand, "When I approach the speed of light, it will generate super power."

Iron Man nodded, "According to the theory, this can be"

Batman agreed, "Then do as you say.

Everyone started to prepare, and Kayla, who was bored, walked up to Lin Chen, "Daoist, they all said that you are very accurate in counting "eight six seven", so let me do the math."

Lin Chen originally wanted to refuse, but also wanted to see if he could tell the fortune-telling of Qi Xingren, so he nodded in agreement.

He activated the water mirror physiognomy and began to say,

"Kayla, you are a handsome nobleman. Your parents love you very much. You lived a happy life when you were young. Later, you were sent by your parents to protect your cousin Carl.."

Kayla nodded, she slept for nearly 20 years, and now her mentality and appearance are still in her teenage state,

"I miss Mom and Dad" Kayla's eyes filled with tears.

Lin Chen patted her head pitifully, "It's okay, when Superman wakes up, you will have relatives.

Lin Chen continued the water-mirror physiognomy, and suddenly his face changed greatly and his forehead was sweating.

Kayla is very strange, "Daoist, what's the matter? Is it difficult to count later?"

At the moment Cyborg had activated the mother box, he shivered, as if he saw the future, but at the moment the mother box had fallen towards the cultivation pool.

Cyborg shouted excitedly, "no! 33

The Flash in the distance heard it, "go?!"

"Let's get started then" The Flash charged towards him.

Lin Chen waved his hand sharply, and the free-falling mother box was thrown aside by Lin Chen's telephoto camera!

Everyone was shocked, what is the Daoist doing?!

"Master Dao! 99

"What's wrong?"

"I can't explain it for a while, Tony, go and save Superman's girlfriend Louise! Lin Chen is in a hurry.

Iron Man stopped talking nonsense and went outside.

Lin Chen grabbed the Flash, "Quick, let's save Louise too! 99

"You must not wake up Superman!" Lin Chen finished, and hurriedly flew away!

Superman Memorial Plaza,

Louise came here early in the morning to remember Superman, she came every day, rain or shine.

The police thought she was commemorating Superman, but she actually came to see Clark in her heart.

"chatter, I really envy your love"

A strange voice came from behind her.

Long time no see, the clown in an electric wheelchair came behind her and made a face at her.

Louise is clearly in danger!

"Who are you?!"

| The clown touched his oily green hair, "I'm a Superman fan, I'm very envious that he has a girlfriend like you and will have children"

Louise took a step back, "You know I'm pregnant?"

"I still know a lot, and Superman will be resurrected later, but unfortunately you can't see it"

The clown looked at Louise and smiled strangely, "Ma'am, we have no hatred, but I want this world to be destroyed, haha"

"Batman and Taoist priest, I am waiting for you in hell!

After speaking, he pressed the button of the bomb!

"Hey Iron Man, rush over here!


"Om!" Huge amounts of explosions, ground shaking, and dust flying!

Iron Man hugged Louise by the waist and flew out of the thick smoke.

Louise, who was covered in blood, did not react at all.

Lin Chen flew over and took Louise over, and found that she was severely injured, her face was covered in blood, and her bones were broken.

Lin Chen quickly used a few healing spells on her body, and then pressed her acupuncture points to stabilize her injury first.

"She has serious blood in the back office and needs emergency surgery"

Lin Chen inserted a dozen silver needles into her body, hurriedly carried her and flew to the hospital.

Listin Zhao and Doctor Strange had an overnight shift and were planning to return.

Lin Chen and Iron Man flew over,

"Stephen needs first aid here!"

Doctor Strange quickly arranges surgery for Louise!

He looked at Louise's injuries and said, "She's badly wounded, she should be dead, but she's still alive, strange. 99

He looked strangely at the healing magic rune glowing with white light.

Louise was pushed for surgery, and Lin Chen followed, but other doctors wanted to stop her.

Doctor Strange and Listin Zhao decided to keep him inside.

They had emergency surgery, Lin Chen reminded, "she's still pregnant"

Doctor Strange frowned, "She's going to die herself, should she be older or younger?"

Zhao Listin said, "She is already so pitiful, and she has to lose her child. 9

Doctor Strange shook his head, "You are a policewoman!

Lin Chen walked over and whispered to Doctor Strange, "This kid belongs to Superman, you can figure it out for yourself."

Doctor Strange was stunned, and with a chill in his heart, he whispered, "If I didn't save her child, I would be a sinner?!"

"Sinner? You think too much. If Superman is resurrected and sees that the child is gone, what do you think he will do? The heat rays penetrate you, or will you be thrown into outer space?"

Doctor Strange..."I just added a night of work, and I didn't even drink a sip of water. You throw me such a big black pot, I can't carry it!

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up to operate" Lin Chen lost a few more healing runes, and then input spiritual power to the fetus 0...

Three hours after the operation, Louise's fate was saved, and the fetus was fine. Maybe the fetus has the Superman gene and is very tenacious.

Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the operating room, and found that everyone was outside, disheveled.

Kayla said, "A monster just came, stole the mother box, and injured the ugly brother."

She just came to Earth, her strength is not strong, and she still needs more sunshine, so she is not a combat power yet.

Aquaman raised his hand, indicating that the ugly brother was himself.

Diana was very depressed. "The mother box was activated, and Steppenwolf was teleported. We couldn't stop him from taking the mother box."

Iron Man sighed, "So, that Steppenwolf already has three mother boxes?"

But Batman was thinking about something else, "How did the Joker show up and kill Louise? Who saved him?"

Lin Chen is also puzzled, "The Joker killed Louise and her children at this time, just to provoke Superman, Blacken Superman, let him and Darreside work secretly, and destroy the earth.

"But who taught the clown to do this and knew we were going to resurrect Superman, I don't know who it was"

Lin Chen said that this is not the case. The more he has been involved since 1.8, the less he can see the future.

It was because Kayla was new, and he just saw her future: Dased invaded the earth to find the anti-life formula, and Superman asked him to make a brutal rule over the earth.

Kayla fought to stop it, but was killed by Darseid.

Other heroes die, run away, and go underground!

"Walter set?" Diana asked.

Lin Chen shook his head, "Uncle Walter Jizao is a pure businessman who just wants to make more money and should not be interested in destroying the earth. 9

Batman said in a deep voice, "Is it Luther?

"Luther? I don't know, maybe some people hiding in the dark!"

The Flash asked suddenly, "Is Blacken's Superman better?"

Lin Chen nodded, "How is Superman Energy Absorbing?


"What color absorbs light the most?"

"Black?! The Flash finally understands,

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