Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 550: mass production super villain

"No, I can't die here!"

Parker Robinston came to his senses in a jolt when his fingers touched the pistol in his pocket.

He still has a psychiatric hospital for treatment, and his wife who is due to give birth. If he just died here, the whole family would be over.


Thinking of this, Parker Robbins' eyes suddenly changed, he took out the pistol in his pocket and aimed it at the multi-headed bear monster in front of him, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

As a thief, sneaking is Parker Robbins' specialty, and shooting is clearly beyond his business. Fortunately, as a monster, the bull bear is huge and does not need to be aimed at all. In Parker Robbins' cathartic frantic shooting, the bullet slid through the dark warehouse and immediately fell on the bull bear monster.


As an unusual monster at a glance, the bullets in Parker Robbins' small pistol naturally couldn't cause much damage to him.

In fact, even if these attacks are placed on an ordinary black bear, it does not feel that they can cause too much damage.

After all, beasts are different from people, especially as rough-skinned beasts.

The thick, fatty fur on the black bear's body can only be shot with a submachine gun, or with a simple pistol. Such an attack will not kill the black bear. If it fails, it may arouse the ferocity of the beast and push itself to the brink of death. further.

In the warehouse, what happened is clearly in line with this scenario.

In the face of Parker Robbins, who was constantly shooting, the eight heads of the bull bear roared, and then the four front legs formed by the upper body of the two black bears stood up suddenly, with a fierce look.

"Escape, run away..."

The sound of bullets aroused the ferocity of the bull bear, but at the same time, it also brought back John King, who had collapsed on the ground, and looked up at the three-meter-high bull bear monster. Using both hands and feet, he crawled in the direction of the warehouse's mouth, and even Parker Robbins, who was shooting by the side, didn't make a sound.

Just kidding, at this time, let alone my cousin, even if he was a real father, he would have given up on John King without hesitation.

"Damn, John King, you bastard!"

Looking at his cousin John King who was running out almost without looking back, Parker Robbins let out a scolding, but he also moved his feet in the direction of the warehouse door at a faster speed. run away.

However, when he passed the wooden table, Parker Robbins stopped for no apparent reason, wasting his precious escape time to put the books on the table and the red hood that seemed to have a special meaning to him. also caught.

"Hey, Parker Robbins, hurry up!"

Using both hands and feet to get out of the gap in the warehouse door, John King looked back at Parker Robbins, who was desperately running towards the door, and the bear monster who was roaring and chasing from behind. The expression in his eyes flashed a hint of hesitation, but he didn't. Just lock the door of the warehouse.

Hearing John King's cry and the rumbling sound that was getting closer and closer behind, Parker Robbins burst out with a strong desire to survive, and almost tried his best to get out of the crack of the door, and at the same time, he closed the door with all his strength. The lock is re-locked.



After doing all this, Parker Robbins and John King were about to limp at the warehouse door almost immediately.

However, the next second, the huge vibration from the warehouse, and the loud and violent door made the two stand up again as if they had just woken up from a dream, and fled.


"well done."

Inside the warehouse, just seconds after Parker Robbins escaped, under a flash of white light, the iconic pyramid body of [Bill Sever] appeared in the bull who made a violent slam against the iron gate of the warehouse. Bear head.

"I don't like scary jobs that make me seem difficult to get along with."

With the appearance of [Bill Cypher], the bull bear who had been attacking the gate crazily stopped his movements immediately, and the head at the top made a humanized complaint.

"I must love lying in a cave listening to pop music..."

"I don't know what good music there is during this time, I like Taylor's..."

"Hey, I didn't say it, this time I will choose first."

Immediately after that, the other heads on Bull Bear also seem to be arguing about the music that follows.

"You promised me you would give me Taylor Swift and Barba's autographed album as soon as I finished this performance."

"Let's talk about it next time."

Under the expectant gaze of the bulls, [Bill Seifer] shrugged, then grabbed his hat and covered the huge monster in front of him.

In the next second, a red light wave emanated from [Bill Cypher]'s top hat.

"You lied to me again, [Bill Sever]!"

Under the action of the [weird light wave], the bull bear had no time to complain and disappeared into the warehouse like a phantom.

Of course, not only the bears in front of him disappeared under the power of the [Wonderful Light Wave], but even the entire warehouse also loomed in the waves. After a few seconds, the original location of the huge warehouse was replaced by a dense forest. .

"It's done!"

Looking down at the woods below, [Bill Seifer] blinked, grabbed the top hat and put it on his body, and the whole figure disappeared.


Brooklyn, in an old apartment.

Parker Robbins looked at the strange log with the number 3 printed in front of him and the red hood beside him, still with a somewhat frightened expression on his face.

Not only did the warehouse store not bring him money this time, but it almost killed him in the mouth of a long-headed black bear monster.

At the same time, because of what happened to the warehouse, John King was reluctant to continue stealing.

Obviously, the shock caused by the multi-headed monster, John King could not recover without a period of buffering.

And after losing the target provided by John King, Parker Robbins, who had not continued his work as a thief for a long time, could not find a suitable stealing target for a while.

"Don't tell me, you have to watch you get kicked out of the mental hospital right now."

Thinking of his current state of being in a mental hospital, Parker Robbins turned his head and glanced at the bedroom again. The spirit that he had been supporting all along fell into despair.

He hated his own uselessness, and even hated the society.


However, just when Parker Robbins fell into a desperate situation, the diary he originally co-authored was suddenly opened under the action of an invisible force, and the pages of the book kept turning and finally stopped on one of the pages. On this page, a red hood is clearly drawn.

"This is?"

The diary that suddenly opened in front of him made Parker Robbins' heart tremble slightly, but then his eyes were drawn to the contents of the book.

After reading what was described in the book, Parker Robbins unconsciously cast his eyes on the red hood on the other side.

The whole person began to let out a wild laughter like a desperate life.

"Ha ha ha ha……"


New York, Williams Invention Company.

As a family business with a glorious history, Williams Invention Company, at its peak, once served as a competitor of Stark Industries and occupied a place among the military's arms dealers.

However, this all began to change with the death of founder Sanford Williams and the succession of Simon Williams.

Under Simon's inexperienced management, the Williams Invention Company began to lose its competitive position in the market to rapidly growing companies such as Stark Industries, which Tony Stark took over, and the Ostrich Group. The history of the original scenery has only become history.

Today, people only remember Iron Man's Stark Industries, but they have long forgotten the Williams Invention Company.

Even, in pursuit of sales, many tabloids dug up the past that Williams Invention Company once competed with Stark Industries, and took out the achievements of the two companies' successors today, through the success of Tony Stark. Contrasting Simon Williams' incompetence, Simon Williams became the laughing stock of the entire New York City for a time.

"Mr. Tony Stark, what do you think of what Simon Williams of the Williams Invention Company said about you being a hypocrite and ruining him?"

At the entrance of the Avengers Building, reporters blocked Tony, who had finally appeared, and immediately responded to Simon Williams' public claim that 'Mr. Tony Stark ruined his speech' because of the ridicule of the media. Out of question.

"Simon Williams?"

Frowning, Tony, who has been following the progress of the government's "Superhero Registration Act" for a while, is obviously not aware of the hot topics the media has been paying attention to recently.

Hearing the unfamiliar name, Tony answered almost without hesitation: "Sorry, I've never heard of Simon Williams, so I don't care about the ruined words he claims. Comment, as Iron Man, it's my job to save people, and I don't have the heart to pay attention to the boring **** in the newspapers by a guy I've never heard of."

"Mr. Tony Stark!"

"Damn, damn, damn!"

In New York City, in a luxurious room, Simon Williams looked at Tony's understated response in the news screen, and his whole person suddenly fell into a huge anger.

The suppression of the Williams Invention Company by Stark Industries in the market position, as well as the incitement of major media in New York during this period, almost made Simon Williams have a strong hatred for Tony Stark. The hatred intensified as Williams Invented's increasingly difficult financial situation.

"Damn Tony Stark, you defiant guy, **** Iron Man, do you think you can cover up everything you've done by wearing an iron suit?"

Looking at the figure of Tony Stark turning around and walking into the Avengers Building without hesitation in the TV screen, Simon Williams' distorted expression was full of angry curses.

If there is no accident.

All Simon Williams can do is just keep cursing at the TV screen and vent his incompetence and rage.

"It seems that you have a very strong hatred for Tony Stark."

However, at this moment, a cold electronic sound suddenly sounded in the room where Simon Williams was.

"who is it?!"

Hearing the unfamiliar sound from the house, Simon Williams' face changed drastically, and he subconsciously grabbed the pistol placed on the mezzanine of the bookcase and pointed it in the direction from which the sound came.

"Don't be so nervous. If I want to kill you, this weapon in your hand will have no effect."

Facing the excited expression on Simon Williams' expression, the electronic voice replied in a still calm tone.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of Simon Williams, a tall figure in a white suit stepped in front of him.

The appearance of the figure looks exactly the same as that of a human being, but the red mechanical light flickering in his eyes proves that the figure in front of him is not a human but a machine.

"Wilson Fisk?!"

Noticing the appearance of the other party, Simon Williams subconsciously exclaimed.

"I didn't expect that someone still remembers Du's name."

Hearing the name that appeared from Simon Williams' mouth, a faint red light flashed in Jin Bing's mechanical eyes. It looked down at Simon Williams in front of him, and there was not the slightest emotional change in the electronic voice.

"Wilson Fisk, no, Kim isn't you missing, why are you here with me?"

As a former arms supplier, Simon Williams obviously has a certain degree of understanding of the underworld emperor who used to be Hell's Kitchen, and he also has a certain degree of hearing about the chaos of Hell's Kitchen.

It's just that several years have passed since Jinpian disappeared, and the Jinpian in front of him has obviously changed a At least, as far as Simon Williams knows, the Jinpian once was a A human through and through, not the robot in front of him, which clearly exudes an icy metallic aura.

"If you want me to provide you with the weapons to take back Hell's Kitchen, sorry, Williams Inventions doesn't do illegal business."


Facing Simon Williams' reaction, Jin Bing's mechanical eyes flashed a big red light, and then he said: "Simon Williams, do you think the equipment and weapons provided by your Williams Invention Company can match the Does Tony Stark's invention compare?"

"Then what is the purpose of your presence here, Jin Bing, to mock me?"

Hearing Tony Stark's name coming out of Jinbian's mouth, Simon Williams' fist clenched unconsciously.

"No, of course not. Quite the contrary. I'm here to help you, Simon Williams."

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