Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 548: Weird Journal


As the most vigilant demon of the Supreme Mage, Dormammu's huge figure undoubtedly shocked Gu Yi's heart greatly.

Even if Gu Yi knew that the Dormammu in front of him was just an illusion of consciousness created by [Bill Sever].

However, it is undeniable that the invasion of Earth by the dark dimension where Dormammu is located has always been one of the futures that the Ancient One has prevented and feared.

As the Supreme Mage, Gu Yi knew very well what the worlds conquered by Dormammu would eventually look like. Under the erosion of the dark dimension, those worlds became the nourishment of Dormammu's power. And the earth is obviously one of its next goals, and it is also the most important goal.

As an extremely important part of the material universe, the earth is very special even for a dark dimension ruler like Dormammu.

It is because of the particularity of the earth that it has not been easily conquered and assimilated by Dormammu like those dimensional worlds in the past.

At the same time, because of this reason, Dormammu had to spend a lot of thought, including projecting the power of the dark dimension to confuse a group of faithful believers on the earth, including Casillas, a former disciple of the ancient one, who was in Under the bewitchment of Dormammu, in order to pursue a more powerful dark power, he betrayed Gu Yi and threw himself into the hands of the dark master.

"No, that's not reality!"

"The Sanctuary has not been destroyed, and the future of Dormammu's invasion is still some time away."

Of course, what Gu Yi fears is the real Dormammu in the dark dimension, not the illusion created by [Bill Seifer] in Stephen Strange's conscious world.

Therefore, after a slight shock in his mind, the Supreme Mage quickly restrained his emotions.

Glancing at Stephen Strange, who was just an ordinary person behind him, Gu Yi's calm eyes flashed with inexplicable colors, and he spoke again to the former neurosurgeon.

"Stephen Strange remember that this is your conscious world, and you are the master of this world, not the creature in the outer dimension in front of you, so focus your mind and overcome your inner fears."

Stephen Strange can become a new generation of Supreme Mage after the Ancient One, which naturally has its special place.

Hearing Gu Yi's guidance, Stephen Strange looked at his hand full of scars, but his inner fear became much smaller. He concentrated his will to restore his hands to the original again, suppressing his inner fear and looking in front of him. [Bill Seifer] Huge triangular body.

"You really believe her words, she doesn't even have hair!"

Noticing the gaze cast by Stephen Strange, [Bill Sever] couldn't help but said.

"I am the master of the world of consciousness."

Ignoring the crazy slander of [Bill Sever], Stephen Strange meditated on the teachings of the Old One in his heart.

With the continuous concentration of his mind, Stephen Strange's body under control also began to grow larger, and after a few seconds, he turned into an indomitable giant looking down at [Bill Sever].

"Feel the fear, Gu..."

Waving his huge arm, Dormammu was about to smash at Gu Yi.


The next moment, Stephen Strange waved his fist, and with one punch, Dormammu, who seemed to be fierce, was scattered into a cloud of black mist.

Although it looks like the master of the dark dimension, the phantom Dormammu is just an illusion after all. As long as Stephen Strange is not afraid of it, it is impossible to cause any harm to the master of this conscious world.

"Next, it's your turn [Bill Cypher]!"

And after the illusion of Dormammu was shattered with one punch, Stephen Strange's confidence re-concentrated, he raised his palm and a brand new scalpel appeared in his hand again, aiming at [Bill Seifer] in front of him: "This time, I won't be easily fooled by you."

"Deception, I don't like this description, I'm just using fear reasonably."

For Stephen Strange's description, [Bill Seifer] was obviously not satisfied. It twisted its triangular body, and then the whole one-eyed turned into a huge cannon, with a dangerous bullet from the muzzle. The laser light immediately cut through the ground and shot towards Stephen Strange.

"Stop it, stop it!"

Looking at the laser light emitted from the eyes of [Bill Seifer], Stephen Strange's expression flickered, and then a huge magic circle appeared in front of his eyes to block the laser's attack.

Although Stephen Strange has never learned any magic, he has successfully copied the magic circle that Gu Yi used just now in his conscious world.

"This is?"

Looking at the huge magic circle that Stephen Strange cast in front of him, Gu Yi's eyes changed.

"It really did!"

Not to mention Gu Yi was surprised, even Stephen Strange himself did not expect to successfully block the laser through the magic circle.

It can only be said that in the conscious world, anything is possible.

Looking at the laser pressed by the magic circle, Stephen Strange's expression was surprised at first, but he quickly recovered and controlled the magic circle in front of him to continue to enlarge, and finally became a huge magic circle covering the starry sky. [Bill Seifer] Pressed down.

"Now, [Bill Cypher], you've failed!"

"No no no no……"

Looking at the magic circle above his head, which was getting closer and closer and felt more oppressive, [Bill Cypher] made a panicked struggle in coordination.

"Okay, enough!"

However, after only a few struggles, [Bill Seifer] ended his performance.

I saw it wave its hands, and the next moment, the world of consciousness that was still like reality directly turned into a blank space, and [Bill Sever] took off the black top hat on his head and rubbed it a few times. It also changed back to the color of the pyramid from the angry red before.

"Well, I have to admit, Stephen Strange, you have more potential than I thought, no wonder Gu Yi chose you."

Leaving a meaningful sentence, [Bill Cypher] put on his top hat again, and his entire body shrank back to its original appearance.

"Let's leave you alone this time, you may be useful later, but remember that the darkness is approaching, and everything you care about will be destroyed, and I will keep watching you until then, Supreme Mages...they."

"Also, remember, reality is just an illusion, the universe is just a hologram, and purple is a dangerous color, so goodbye."

He opened his arms, and there was a six-square pattern around him that did not shimmer with all kinds of gemstones. [Bill Sever] left full suspense at Stephen Strange and Gu Yi in the consciousness space. The words, and then disappeared from Stephen Strange's conscious world in a dazzling light.


"Hey, Jonathan Pangborn, are you still playing or not!"

Amid the constant noise in his ears, Stephen Strange opened his eyes, only to find that he was still on the basketball court. Not far away, several figures were holding basketballs at Jonathan Strange who was in front of him. Painborn urged impatiently.

"Is it all just an illusion."

Hearing these shouts, Stephen Strange looked down at his still scarred hands and the uncontrollable trembling, and couldn't help muttering.

"No, it's not just an illusion."

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from behind Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange turned his head and saw that Gu Yi, who originally appeared in his conscious world, also appeared behind him.

Already thinking about the words left by [Bill Sever] and the weird pattern in his mind, Gu Yi reached out and touched the Eye of Agamotto on his chest, pressing down the flashing green light again, facing Stephen. Strange said softly.

"Congratulations, Stephen Strange, just now you successfully blocked the invasion of the earth by an alien creature and protected the world."

"I protected the world?"

Facing Gu Yi's words in front of him, Stephen Strange still had a somewhat illusory expression on his face.

Looking at his trembling hands, he couldn't imagine that he, who now has a problem with eating and writing, was protecting the world unknowingly.


However, just when Stephen Strange was at a loss, Jonathan Panborn, who was opposite him, looked at Gu Yi who appeared in front of him, and suddenly made an expression of surprise that could not be concealed.


Hearing Jonathan Pangborn's exclamation, Stephen Strange suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Yi's shining bald head, but what Jonathan Pangborn said to him earlier appeared in his mind.

"They carried me up the mountain, and finally I found my mentor there. Under the guidance of the mentor, I entered a new realm, and my soul was also sublimated..."


"I don't know what happened?"

"I just remember that someone seems to have found me and handed this journal to me..."

"I don't have any memory of whoever gave me the log, not even the slightest memory of why I took the log, as if I should be holding the log, and then I don't know what happened until I see you on the basketball court. Arrived at him, and then suddenly shook hands, hell, I was not the kind of person who likes to shake hands with people..."

"Strange, what's going on, mentor, you have to believe me, I didn't do these things, I have no memory of these things at all."

In the somewhat cluttered room, Jonathan Panborn picked up a book that seemed to be spread out on the table at random, and beside the surrounding log were the ceremonial wreckage formed by a few candles and a strange magic circle, which seemed to indicate that it was here There was once a mysterious ritual that no one knows about.

In this regard, the owner of the room, Jonathan Panborn, was not impressed.

"It seems that a mysterious creature has manipulated your mind, allowing you to perform a dangerous summoning ritual unknowingly."

Frowning slightly, Gu Yi reached out and took the log in Jonathan Panborn's hand, feeling the strange and inexplicable power contained in the log. The Supreme Mage's keenness made her perceive an indescribable sense of inexplicable strangeness. .

Motivated by this grotesque feeling, Gu Yi opened the diary unknowingly, turned to one of the pages of the diary without realizing it, and saw [Bill Sever]'s book on it. figure.

Latin) Triangle I call you, for..."

On the other side, the spell written in the log also drew attention from the portal used by the ancient one. Stephen Strange looked at the content written under the page, and unconsciously began to read it out. At the same time, the candle that was originally extinguished in the room also burned again without anyone lighting it, and an inexplicable strange breath began to fill the entire room.


Closing the log in his hand also interrupted Stephen Strange's call.


With this action of Gu Yi, the candle that was burning in the room was extinguished again, and Stephen Strange himself shook his head as if returning to his senses. '' log, with a frightened expression on his face.

What happened just now is not under his control at all. Stephen Strange himself has no intention of chanting the spell at all, and he doesn't even know the words on the spell, but he can clearly spell it out. its read out. It was as if an invisible force controlled his mouth, causing him to utter the spell on the log.

He raised his hand and made several gestures towards the log in his hand, and then he saw a flashing red magic circle from Gu Yi's hand falling on the log and wrapping it up, although the power of the magic circle was constantly radiating. The diary with a strange and eerie atmosphere seems to have lost its mystery, and it has become an ordinary diary book in Stephen Strange's sense.

"This is a dangerous diary that contains evil forces from other dimensions."

Judgment was made on the log, Gu Yi put it away and planned to put it in the magic library of Kama Taj to prevent the power in it from bewitching people who don't know the truth again to perform dangerous rituals.

Sealing the power of the log, Gu Yi once again raised his head to look at Stephen Strange in front of him.

Originally in Gu Yi's plan, it was to hone Stephen Strange's arrogant character, avoid him repeating the mistakes of his former disciple Casillas, and show magic to him. Wonderfully made him understand his destiny.

Therefore, Gu Yi did not want to expose Stephen Strange to the power of magic prematurely.

However, the appearance of [Bill Cypher] obviously broke her plan, but through what happened in the world of consciousness, Gu Yi also saw his potential as a supreme mage in Stephen Strange.

"Stephen Strange, do you want to heal your hands?"

The magic circle that Stephen Strange transformed in the world of consciousness appeared in his mind, Gu Yi's eyes flickered, he gave up his original training plan, looked at Stephen Strange in front of him and asked slowly .

Now that the plan has changed, she doesn't need to follow this form anymore.

The appearance of [Bill Cypher] represents danger and approaching, whether it is Dormammu or...

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