Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 486: Christmas Eve is not peaceful

"Report on the current progress, General."

Canada, capital Ottawa, 24 Sussex Road.

Prime Minister Justin ended his wrangling with MPs, looking a little mentally exhausted.

These congressmen who have no vision and only focus on immediate interests are leading Canada to a glorious future, while these short-sighted guys are focusing on themselves one by one.

Take a deep breath and suppress the stagnation in your heart.

Prime Minister Justin motioned the assistant of the Prime Minister's Office to the door with his eyes, and then got through the contact number of the Armed Forces Maritime Command, and asked urgently.

"Everything is normal at the moment, Mr. Prime Minister."

In the North Atlantic Ocean, not far from the location of the Quebec Ocean, the general looked at the huge body of the monster not far away through the binoculars, and responded to the inquiry from the Prime Minister on the phone.

"According to the order you issued, the Maritime Command of the Armed Forces has taken over the surrounding waters for the first time, and it will be publicized that military training will be conducted in nearly a month, and nearby ships will be notified to avoid approaching."

"Please proceed with caution, General."

Facing the general's answer, the expression on Prime Minister Justin's face was still solemn.

"This sea monster is Canada's future, so not even our ally, the United States, can tell them anything."

It is precisely because of its proximity to the United States that Canada is more aware of the hegemony of this rogue power, as the only superpower in the world at present.

The United States provoked disputes all over the world under the pretext of freedom of navigation. It can start wars because of the rich oil resources in the Middle East. It is conceivable that if this group of greedy guys knew about the huge monster that Canada discovered in the North Atlantic, they would definitely not care. What kind of ally's relationship, directly **** it.

"I know this better than you, Mr. Prime Minister."

As commander-in-chief of the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command, the admiral clearly knew the domineering style of the American Navy well.

Military power is a more real existence than international relations, especially in the navy.

The size of the fist determines the attitude of the navy.

And unfortunately, Canada has the world's largest navy next to it.

After finishing the call with Prime Minister Justin, the general paid more attention to the huge body of the monster in front of him.

At the moment when the existence of the monster was confirmed, Prime Minister Justin immediately issued the highest order. The entire maritime command of the armed forces used military exercises as an excuse to arrive at the monster's location as soon as possible. The entire maritime command The Ministry launched two-thirds of the entire Canada's military warships, not only as an excuse for military exercises, but also as a precaution against possible American action.

"Sir, this is the information from the researchers who boarded the monster's body."

On the Toronto, Colonel Roy gave a military salute to the unsmiling general in front of him, and then relayed the information he had obtained: "According to their judgment, these attachments have grown on the monster's body for nearly hundreds of years. Some of them are more than a thousand years old, and through the identification of radioactive elements on the petrified rock parts of the monsters, it is concluded that these rocks are more than a thousand years old."

"More than a thousand years?"

Hearing the report from Colonel Roy, the general observed the researchers who were constantly moving on the monster's body through the telescope, and couldn't help muttering: "That is to say, thousands of years ago, this monster was still alive. Life, thousands of years ago there was a huge behemoth on the earth today."


On the USS Toronto, while the general's mind was changing because of Colonel Roy's report, there was new news from the Armed Forces Maritime Command.

"This is the latest radar data image photo from an underwater submarine. Based on the analysis of these data, it is determined that the size of the monster is at least hundreds of meters in size."

"How big?!"

"A few hundred meters, sir."

From the information obtained at the very beginning and the satellite images, Colonel Roy knew that what surfaced at the sea was just a part of the monster's huge body. However, facing the information of several hundred meters from the submarine, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

With such a huge monster, Colonel Roy couldn't imagine what it looked like when he was alive.


Colonel Roy was shocked by the monster's unimaginable size, as was the general on the other side.

However, as a commander, he concealed his inner emotions very well, looked at Colonel Roy with a straight face and said, "Calm down, don't forget who you are at the moment."

"Yes, sir."

In the face of the general's reprimand, Colonel Roy immediately responded.

"Notify the commanders on the other ships, and all the experts."

Taking a deep breath, he put down the telescope in his hand, and the general turned his head to look at the huge monster on the sea that was equally conspicuous without a telescope: "Our main task at the moment is how to keep this huge monster without disturbing our ally, the United States. If possible, bring it back to Canada."


"Thank you for your coffee, ma'am."

At Dr. Hank Pym's house, Scott Lang is reunited with his three friends.

"It's really rare. We stole your things and were invited back by you."

Louis looked at everything in the room excitedly, and said to Scott Lang and the others excitedly.

"Are you sure they can handle our mission?"

Hope turned to look at Scott Lang's friends, pointing at Louis with undisguised suspicion on his face.

"You know he got caught for stealing a smoothie machine?"

"Actually, two, ma'am."

Hearing Hope's description, Louis immediately corrected and said with a smug look: "I let that guy's business all day be scrapped."

"I shouldn't have promised you."

Looking at Louis who is not ashamed but proud, Dr. Hank Pym can no longer control the expression on his face: "Their addition will only make our already difficult task more difficult."

"Hey, calm down, sir, we're professionals."

In this regard, Lewis and others immediately refuted.

"Although there is no way to go without a trace like the phantom thief Kidd, we can at least sneak in safely, just like we sneaked into this haunted house before, sorry, sir, I didn't mean to do this. What I said, I just made a description based on facts.”

"Wait a minute, if our target is Pym Technology, isn't that the same target as Kaito Kidd?"

Hearing Louis's words, one of the Hu Peng Gou friends suddenly reacted with hindsight.

"Yeah, isn't it cool."

Hearing his exclamation, Scott Lang nodded immediately.

Looking at each other silently, Hu Peng Gou Friends said in unison: "Cool~"


Looking at the situation in front of him, Dr. Hank Pym patted his forehead in desperation.

For the first time, I regretted the decision to ask Scott Lang to do the mission for me.


December 24th, Christmas Eve.

At the same time, it is also the day that the Phantom Thief Kid's notice will be announced, and the action will be taken against Pym Technology.

"Thank you for coming, Chief George Stacy!"

Pym Technologies, Darren Krause shook hands with the incoming NYPD chief with a thank-you expression on his face.

"This is what I should do."

With Darren Krause's palm lightly grasped and then retracted, George Stacy swept over everything in Pym Technology with his sharp eyes, especially the large number of security guards around him, and said seemingly casually: "It seems that Mr. Darren Krause seems to have the confidence to face the theft of the thief Kidd, even if we don't need the manpower of our police."

"Everything I do is just planning ahead."

Facing the words of Police Chief George Stacy, Darren Krause showed a polite smile on his face: "After all, it was the famous phantom thief Kidd who issued the notice, and even the police couldn't do anything to him."

Darren Krause's words darkened the expression on the face of the police chief George Stacy opposite him.

"Hey Sidis, look at the boss's face, it doesn't look good."

Hidden among the employees of Pym Technology Company, policeman Rem noticed the change on George Stacy's face when he was talking to Darren Krause, and couldn't help saying something to his partner through the micro radio on his body.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it, Rem."

Disguised as the front desk, the black woman Sidis heard her partner's voice, and immediately replied calmly: "Today is Christmas Eve, because of the relationship between the thief Kidd, the boss had to give up the opportunity to get along with his family, originally It's already full of anger, and Darren Krause's high-profile approach has made this action against the phantom thief in New York a household name. The order has already been issued. If we can no longer catch the phantom thief, The next results will not be very good, and the whole Christmas holiday may be ruined."

"What do those guys who can only move their mouths know? Even the Avengers have no way to take the thieves. What can we ordinary police do? If we could catch the thieves, we would have already joined the Avengers. And work at the police station."

"Stop dreaming, Rem, the Avengers won't accept a guy with a survival ring on his stomach to join."

"If I work out hard, I'll have abs in less than three months!"

"Sorry, Chief George Stacy, I have other things to deal with."

Seeing the change in George Stacy's face in front of him, Darren Croston realized that he had accidentally touched the other person's pain point.

While thinking about how to deal with it in his mind, Darren Krause inadvertently noticed some prominent figures at the entrance of Pym Technology Company, and immediately apologized to George Stacy.


"Mister Fantastic Dr. Reed!"

After finishing the conversation with the dark-faced Director George Stacy, Darren Krause greeted the three Fantastic Four who appeared at Pym Technology Company with a polite smile on his face.

"I have always been very concerned about your research, especially the success of your research on cosmic storms in space. In fact, if Victor von Doum had not made an investment in you, Pym Technologies would have also Will cooperate on your experiments."

"It's not good. Although I lost the success of participating in the space cosmic storm, I still found a magical technology that can change the future. I believe that when you see it, Dr. Reed, you will definitely be surprised."

"I look forward to that."

Facing Darren Krause's description, Reed's face matched with a look of anticipation.

"Sorry, Dr. Reed, I still have guests to entertain."

Although there is a desire to re-contact with Reed in his heart, the media reporter who keeps appearing at Pym Technology Co., Ltd. makes Darren Krause hold back his inner thoughts.

For him, a top scientist like Reed is important. If he can let the world know the existence of the Hornet suit at the beginning, it will be a huge boost for his future development. On one side is the future of Pym Technologies, and on the other is his own future, Darren Krauss decisively chose for himself.

"We really want to stay here."

Reaching out and grabbing the tie around his neck, perhaps because he was used to the feeling of not wearing a shirt, suddenly wearing a special suit, the Stone Man felt a little uncomfortable.

"Darren Krause's research success is very fascinating, and if everything is really what he says, this is very likely to be a great technology that can change the world."

In the face of a friend's inquiry, Mr. Fantastic Reed immediately explained.

As a researcher, he is clearly unable to resist the technological power that exists on the Wasp suit.

"However, I always feel that the guy doesn't seem to be a good person, just like the feeling that Doctor Doom gave me before."

Turning his head Looking at Darren Krause's back in front of the media, the Stone Man couldn't help frowning.

"We came to Pym Technologies just to visit and study the success."

Faced with the description of the Stone Man, Mr. Fantastic Reed obviously did not agree with him very much. He replied casually, but noticed the absent-minded appearance of Susan beside him.

"What's wrong?"


Shaking her head gently, Susan let go and frowned slightly.

Just now, she felt as if something was passing by her side, but upon closer inspection, she didn't find anything worth paying attention to.

However, just above Susan's head, at the air vent of Pym Technologies, which was not seen, a large number of ants moved neatly to form a long black line toward the most critical laboratory direction of the entire event tonight. Keep climbing.

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