Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 386: Invasion

"Good afternoon, Mr. Reed."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Stan Lee."

Walking out of the Bartlett Building, Reed routinely greeted the doorman of the building.

After a period of adaptation, the Fantastic Four and others have basically gotten used to their status as superheroes. No longer hiding like in the beginning, and occasionally going out for activities under Johnny's instigation, or going out for a meal together like now.

Still, most of the Fantastic Four prefer to stay inside the building most of the time.

Except for Johnny, who is unwilling to be lonely and flamboyant, Reed and Susan are used to a quiet atmosphere as researchers. As for Ben, although his original character is not as flamboyant as Johnny, he does not like it as much as Reed. He is obsessed with research and experiments all day long, but since the radiation of the cosmic storm in space caused a big change in appearance and turned into an orange-looking Thing, he has become more and more disliked going out.

Aside from the necessary fights of the Fantastic Four, Ben spends most of his time in the building, enjoying the TV show all day long.

Of course, this is due to the change in appearance, but there are also reasons for lovelorn mixed in it.

"Mr. Reed, in the recent past, many heads of institutions with very long names have come to them and want to meet and chat with you. Do you want to continue to follow the previous practice?"

"Just do it the way it was before, Stan."

Unsurprisingly, he shrugged, and when he heard the question from the doorman, Stan Lee, Reed replied without hesitation.

Since the fame of the Fantastic Four, more and more research institutions have noticed Reed's research projects, approaching him in the name of investment in hopes of obtaining research results on cosmic storms in space. At first, the ignorant Reed thought that these institutions really cared about his research projects, but after a few contacts, Reed found that they were more concerned about space and cosmic storms than their own research. Mutant power after radiation.

After going back and forth, Reed also lost his plan to meet these unscrupulous guys again, and directly asked the guard Stan Lee to keep all these guys in the name of investment out of the building, out of sight and out of mind. to continue his research on the radiation power of meteorites.

"Okay, Mr. Reed."

Hearing Reed's answer, Stan Lee nodded and then swallowed the names of several institutions in his mouth. Although, in recent days, the institutions that hope to contact Reed are not small, and there are even well-known companies such as Ao Shi Group.

A few minutes later, accompanied by the Fantastic Four, left the Barthes Building.

Several men in dark blue uniforms with tool bags came to the building.

Lowering the hat on his head, one of the men looked at Stan Lee outside the door and said in a low voice.

"We are the repairmen in charge of circuit maintenance. The resident on the thirteenth floor called us, and it seemed that there was a problem with the main gate."

"Circuit repair?"

Looking up at the people in front of him, Stan Lee's face showed a puzzled expression: "I haven't heard of a circuit failure, are you..."


Before Stan Lee could finish speaking, the lights in the hall on the first floor began to flicker on and off.

"Is there really a problem?"

"Maybe some circuit touched and caused a short circuit." With a look up at the flashing light, the man dressed as a repairman immediately replied: "I need to go forward to confirm the specific situation, if it is serious, maybe even more Call someone from the head office to come and repair it."

"Then go up quickly."

Hearing the man's description of the situation is so serious, Stan Lee's expression suddenly became unstable. He is just an ordinary doorman. If there is a problem with the building's circuit, he can only listen to professional advice: "I hope the problem is not big."


Hearing this, the man shrugged at Stan Lee, and then walked into the elevator of the building with his colleagues behind him.

"It takes so many people to fix the circuit?"

Looking at the figures of several people boarding the elevator, Stan Lee suddenly had a hint of doubt in his heart, but he soon changed back, and even explained to himself: "Maybe there are more places to be repaired. "

After speaking, he looked up again at the flashing lights above his head. For some reason, looking at the unstable lights, there was a vague uneasiness in his heart.



Three minutes later, on the top floor of the Bavarian Building, where the Fantastic Four lived.

With a loud roar, the hard door of the room was slammed open, and what was immediately revealed were the few people who just called themselves repairmen to the guard in the hall.

Taking off the hat on his head, revealing the hideous face underneath, the leading man turned his dark eyes on his forehead to scan everything in the room, and immediately noticed the huge machinery and equipment placed in the center.

"Target found!"

Turning his head to report the situation through the headset, the man walked a few steps inside along the decoration of the living room, and soon found Reed's laboratory. Pushing open the door of the laboratory, looking at the strange meteorite placed in it, the man twitched the corners of his mouth, and the eyes on his forehead seemed to feel that his emotions began to turn rapidly, and the whole scene looked particularly hideous and terrifying.

"Meteorite confirmation!"

After reporting everything he had discovered through the headset, the man glanced at the meteorite in the laboratory, and then turned to the place where the mechanical device was placed outside. There, the rest of the figures who came up with him have already started to move around the machine. They took a black slap-sized machine from the tool bag and opened it, and then connected it to the machine made by Reed. console.

A few seconds later, a face composed entirely of computer-programmed numbers 0 and 1 appeared on the console's screen.

"I need a few minutes."

The human face opened and closed his eyes, swept over the people in front of him, there was no sense of cold electronic data at all, but a strange humanized special design.

It opened its mouth and said to the people on the top floor of the Bartlett Building. In the next instant, a large number of green binary numbers began to appear on the computer screen, and they began to crack and analyze the machine made by Reed.

"Report, Dr. Zola has started work."

Looking at the changes displayed on the console screen, the man in charge of the cracking work raised his head, revealing half of his distorted face, and the fangs at the corners of his mouth made a report.

Hydra's organizations in Washington and New York, although they suffered a devastating blow due to the demise of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are still some remaining forces hidden in the deeper darkness and continue to linger, waiting for Hydra's death. Come back again.

The spider organization is one of the affiliated organization forces left by Hydra.

Strucker contacted members of the Spider Organization and planned this operation, whose goal was to destroy the machines and meteorites that Dr.

He raised his head and scanned the rapidly changing binary data on the screen of the console. The man who was suspected of being the leader of this spider organization turned the compound eyes on his forehead, and immediately reached out to greet the two subordinates who were injected with the same virus and mutated, and moved towards the experiment. Walk in the direction of the room.

"You guys, bring the meteorite to the top of the building."

Glancing at the meteorite in the laboratory, the man turned the compound eyes on his forehead, and immediately gave orders to the two men behind him.

For this mission, Hydra made complete preparations, and also arranged special personnel to take over the meteorite.

All the spider organization needs to do is to send out the contents of the Fantastic Four's room.


Hearing the man's order, the two men standing behind him immediately nodded in response.

Stepping in front of the meteorite, the two rudely swept the experimental plants that Reed placed around the meteorite to the ground, and then raised their hands to break the glass on the meteorite, accompanied by a figure with torn clothes, A few sharp, furry spider claws protruded from their backs.

Use these spider claws to grab the meteorite, and in the next instant, the heavy meteorite began to move slowly under the strength of the two.

Drop drop drop-

"Intruder found! Intruder found!"

However, the next second the meteorite was moved, a sharp siren sounded in the laboratory.



"Oh, **** it!"

In the restaurant, Stone Man looked at the plate on the table that he had cut into several pieces with a knife, and his face suddenly showed a depressed expression.

The radiation from the space storm not only changed his appearance, but also increased his strength.

Although, after a period of adaptation, he has been able to restrain most of his power and will not cause a more serious impact on his daily life, but occasionally he will still be troubled by his superhuman strength, such as the situation in front of him. .

"I'll do it anyway, Ben."

Looking up at the gloomy old friend across the table, Reed immediately said something.

He raised his arms, but he didn't see the movement of his body. In the next instant, the two arms stretched out like rubber sheets and appeared in front of Ben, and he appeared to easily cut the steak on the plate for him. The size of the entrance.

"Thanks, Reed."

Looking at the cut steak on the plate, the depressing expression on the orange stone face was slightly reduced. He picked up the fork in his hand and forked a piece of beef into his mouth, and then carefully took out the fork, so that he would not know what to do. Swallow the fork together in a hurry.

Feeling the tender taste in his mouth, he immediately narrowed his eyes with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Since it has become like this, there is not much left to enjoy.

"How about it, the place I recommend is not bad."

Reaching out and brushing the steak on his plate to make it more cooked, Johnny looked up and swept over the three remaining Fantastic Four at the table, and asked with a flamboyant face.

"It's ok."

As Johnny's older sister, Susan knew his character desires well, so looking at his smug expression, she immediately replied with a light expression, not giving him a chance to lift his tail.

"Hey, Susan, how can you say something like this against your conscience, I think you just won't admit defeat, because the steak here is 10,000 times better than the food you cook."

"If you think so, then you won't want to eat my food again in the future."

"Susan, Johnny, maybe you should..."

On the other side of the dining table, Reed looked at the quarreling siblings, couldn't help sighing, and was about to persuade him to say something, when a sudden alarm bell sounded from him in the next instant.

"There is a situation in the laboratory!"

Hearing the ringtone, Reed immediately looked at Susan next to him and shouted in unison.

"Let me handle it!"

Noticing the reactions of Reed and Susan, Johnny's face immediately showed an eager expression, and he tore off the scarf around his neck with one hand. With the exclamations of everyone in the restaurant, he turned into a flaming flame figure. In the next second, under the impetus of the huge flame, Johnny flew directly in the direction of the Bavarian Building where the laboratory was located.


Looking at Johnny who flew away, Susan's face showed a helpless expression, and without the slightest hesitation, she chased the rest of Reed and others.

"We're going to act together."

"Wait a minute, gentlemen, you haven't..."

In the restaurant, looking at the Fantastic Four and others who suddenly left, the waiter didn't even have time to call them, when he saw a long arm stretched into the restaurant again, and a few green Franklin released his palm and immediately fell down.



"Hurry up, move the meteorite out to me, we are running out of time, the Fantastic Four guys may come back at any time!"

Without checking for a while, the alarm device Reed installed in the laboratory was triggered, and the expression on the man's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly urged his men who were carrying the meteorite.

Carrying the meteorite outside, looking at the ongoing data still displayed on the console screen, the anxiety on the man's face became more and more obvious: "How much time is left."

"About three minutes."

Facing the man's urging, the subordinate who held the machine immediately responded.

"There are only three minutes left, hurry up and prepare to evacuate, contact Hydra and say we have brought the meteorite out."

Hearing his subordinate's answer, the anxious expression on the man's face loosened slightly, but he still made a nervous act of urging.

"We'll be right over here."

Facing the man's urging, a cold answer came from the earphone.

At the same time, the members of the spider organization operating in the room also cooperated to organize everything, and together they brought the heavy meteorite to the position of the huge glass window on the top floor.

Turning the compound eyes on his forehead, the man looked at the constantly pushing data on the screen, and immediately noticed the location not far from the Bartlett Building, the rapidly approaching flying fighter, the expression on his face suddenly relaxed a bit.


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