Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 586: wait and see

"good day……"

"Mirror Space", [Bill Seifer] opened his eyes, reached out and turned the white nightcap on his head back into a black top hat, and at the same time turned his pajamas into bows and pushed open the bedroom door to look at the unchanging scene around him.

"Except for this unsightly 'mirror space' in front of me."

The 'mirror space' attached to the power of time is comparable to cheating. Even [Bill Seifer], who has the ability of A-level character cards, cannot easily break this space.

Of course, Li Ran, who is the main body, can choose another method to release [Bill Cypher]'s clone and disappear directly from the 'mirror space'.

However, in this case, it is very likely that the identity of [Bill Cypher]'s avatar will be exposed.

Therefore, Li Ran would not choose to use this simple and rude method to break the captivity of the 'mirror space' unless it was a last resort.

What's more, it doesn't actually need him to break it.

With a snap of his fingers, the warm bedroom behind him vanished, and [Bill Sever] rolled his eyes and landed on Gu Yi's body.

The power of the Time Stone in the Eye of Agamotto may be powerful, but it does not mean that the Ancient One who uses it is equally powerful.

In terms of magical attainments, Gu Yi may be called powerful, and the title of Supreme Mage is the best proof.

However, compared with the powerful magic power, Gu Yi's physical power is obviously fragile.

For three consecutive days, using the power of the Eye of Agamotto to consolidate the 'mirror space' has already made Gu Yi feel tired at first, especially since she still has to face the 'mirror space', the cracks in the time and space are always radiating With the erosion of grotesque power, even the Supreme Mage gradually showed a tired posture.

After all, Gu Yi is not Stephen Strange.

This powerful mage has a deeper understanding of the power of the Eye of Agamotto or the Time Stone, and also has deeper concerns.

If the power of time of the Eye of Agamotto is used excessively, it will eventually lead to chaos in the entire timeline, which will lead to even greater disasters.

Therefore, even if the power of the Eye of Agamotto is used, Gu Yi only limits it to the 'mirror space' to avoid excessive use of the power of time and cause chaos in the time dimension.

"You should know, Gu Yi."

Looking at the calm Supreme Mage in front of him, [Bill Cypher] sat down leisurely, and with a slight twist of his fingers, a cup of steaming coffee appeared in his hand.

While drinking the coffee in his hand, [Bill Sever] said to Gu Yi easily: "'Mirror Space' can't stop me for too long, so instead of this, it's better to let me go directly, the world falls on me It's better to be in the hands than to fall into the hands of that purple guy."

"Compared to me, that guy is the real lunatic."

"Neither you nor him, I have no intention of handing over the world."

With the powerful will of the Supreme Mage, it is naturally not something that [Bill Sever] can shake with a few words.

Looking at the laid-back [Bill Cypher] in front of him, Gu Yi replied calmly.

"What a ridiculous insistence, do you think the power of the earth alone can resist that guy, the Avengers, they can't even beat me."

"This world is more fragile than you think, Bill, look down on the results of the world, and you will eventually suffer the consequences."

"Really, then I'll wait and see."

Facing Gu Yi's calm reply, [Bill Sever] took a sip of the coffee in his hand and said with great interest.


Rikers Island Prison, a world beyond the 'mirror space'.

As the grotesque force erodes, the whole of New York is getting worse.

Looking up at the blood-colored sky above his head, Stephen Strange lowered his head, avoiding the grotesque bubbles that looked gorgeous but were dangerous, and walked on the inaccessible streets of downtown New York.

With the release of the ban on going out, although there are still a small number of fanatical religious and speculators in the news reports, ignoring the ban and taking the opportunity to cause chaos.

However, the vast majority of citizens still followed the requirements of the ban and stayed at home as much as they could.

Of course, it was not the ban itself that made them so obedient.

It's the monstrous creatures that can be found all over New York City, examples of this body.

No matter what kind of person, after seeing the deformed monsters under the grotesque force, they will never plan to die again.

After all, the effects of the grotesque bubble are not some invisible virus.

Liberal democracy has no protection under the grotesque bubble.

Walking on the empty, ruined streets of New York City, Stephen Strange couldn't believe it, just a few days ago, was one of the most crowded cities in the world.

Although he was quite shocked in his heart, Stephen Strange did not forget the purpose of his trip.

Karl Mordo told him that Karma Taj couldn't stop [Bill Sever].

However, Stephen Strange did not give up. As a half-way monk magician, he and Karl Mordo

And the biggest difference between the magicians of Wang and the others, perhaps, is that he is not a pure magician himself. Therefore, after hearing Karl Mordo's words, what Stephen thought was, since the power of magic cannot stop [Bill Seifer], what about powers other than magic.

He used to seek healing from mysterious powers because technology couldn't heal his hands. Now, mysterious magic can't fight against [Bill Sever], and he can also turn to technology instead.

Thoughts floated in mind.

Stephen Strange knew that this idea of ​​his might just be a dream.

However, without trying it, who knows the result.

Someone once told him that his hands had no possibility of healing, but now, he not only healed his trembling hands again, but also possessed a magical power that he had never had before.

"As long as you don't give up, there is still hope."

Inwardly cheered, Stephen Strange looked up and found his destination in the dark and **** sky - Avengers Building.

Immediately afterwards, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the location of the Avengers Building again.

If he mastered teleportation magic, Stephen Strange naturally didn't need to walk to his destination like he did in front of him.

However, teleportation magic is not so easy to master, although in Gu Yi's hands, the teleportation cast is an understatement like a simple spell.

But in fact, teleportation magic is a very advanced magic, and the space magic involved is extremely complicated. A little accidentally teleported to a dangerous space, or even half or part of the body, the result is the life of the magician.

Only a supreme mage like Gu Yi, who masters powerful magic power, will ignore all this and use teleportation magic as a simple means of transportation.

As the successor of Doctor Strange, who succeeded Gu Yi, Stephen Strange has already shown a good talent in magic at this time, but he is far from drinking teleportation as water.

So, now that he went to the Avengers Building, he could only walk there by himself.

Of course, Steve could also choose to go there by car.

However, no one will think about it again after seeing a car that has become cannibalistic under the influence of the grotesque bubble.

After all, there are bizarre bubbles floating out of the cracks in the world all over New York. Who can guarantee what will happen if you are accidentally hit by a bubble while driving, and there will be no way to escape when you are in the car.


Reaching out his hands to form a magic circle, he knocked out a strange creature that rushed out of the mailbox in front of him. Stephen Strange patted his chest and felt his frightened heartbeat, his expression terrified.

Although, along the way, he has been as vigilant as possible.

However, it was still almost hurt by monsters.

If he hadn't mastered magic.

Putting away the magic circle in his hand, Stephen Strange shook his slightly dizzy head.

The frequent use of magic power is not without cost. Since the beginning of this journey, the attacks of various monsters have made Stephen Strange's use of magic power more and more handy, but at the same time, it has also greatly consumed Steve. magic in the body.

As an apprentice who has not been exposed to the magical world for a long time, Stephen Strange does not possess much magic power.

Fortunately, the journey is thrilling, but the Avengers Building is also close at hand.

Looking up at the Avengers Building, which was not far from him, Stephen Strange breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes noticed a swaying figure appearing in front of him.

"Why are there still people wandering outside at this time?"

Seeing this inexplicable figure, Stephen Strange's face did not show the slightest joy, but quickly frowned.

He looked at the figure that was constantly approaching him with vigilant eyes, raised his hands slightly, and strange magic began to flicker in his hands.

Under the ravages of monsters, the streets of New York City, even the homeless, dare not appear on the streets at will.

At this moment, a figure appeared on the street alone, obviously not normal.

Under Stephen Strange's vigilant gaze, the distance between him and the figure was getting closer, and Stephen finally saw the figure's appearance clearly.

With shabby clothes, messy long hair that has not been taken care of for a long time, and a full beard, the other party is just a down-and-out homeless no matter how he sees it. However, in Stephen Strange's heart, a strong unease kept emerging in his heart.

With the turbulence in his heart, the magic circle in Stephen Strange's hand also began to take shape.

Hold your breath, Stephen Strange is ready to shoot.

However, just as Stephen was watching, the homeless man in front of him didn't seem to notice the figure of the enemy in front of him.

He took his shaky footsteps, step by step, and walked past Stephen Strange like this.


Looking at this homeless man who passed him by, Stephen Strange breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little fortunate but mixed with an inexplicable sense of loss.

"Did you see me?"

However, Stephen Strange didn't finish his sigh of relief.

The hoarse sound that suddenly sounded from behind him made Stephen Strange stiff.

Without any hesitation, Stephen Strange stretched out his hands to flash a magic circle and attacked in the direction from which the voice came from behind.


The feeling of emptiness behind him changed Stephen Strange's expression.

"You saw me!"

At the same time, the roaring sound became more rapid.

At the same time, an eerie twisting and pulling sound sounded from the front of Stephen Strange's original position.

Turning his body, the figure that made the sound this time did not disappear, and Stephen Strange also clearly saw the change in front of him.

However, if he could, he would rather have seen nothing.

The voice that came out was naturally the weird homeless man who had just passed by Stephen Strange.

However, at this time, the appearance of the other party was obviously not human. The tramp's neck was continuously elongated in a distorted bone sound, and a **** spine was connected to the neck, making the tramp's head like a long snake. Twisting and bending, at the same time, the limbs of the homeless man, especially the arms, became slender and sharp at the same time, and landed on the hard ground, leaving clearly visible claw marks.

"You saw me!"

Twisting his **** spine, the homeless grinned open his mouth, which opened to the back of his head, looked at Stephen Strange in front of him, and kept repeating his murmured words.

"Yeah, I saw you."

Facing the deformed monster in front of him, Stephen Strange's emotions became calm.

After all, the situation in front of him is already very clear, and the strange homeless person is obviously a monster born under the influence of the power of the grotesque In this case, there is nothing to hesitate.

"In fact, I not only saw you, but also prepared a gift for you."

As he spoke, the dim magic in Stephen Strange's hand flickered again to form a magic rope that appeared in his hand.

"I just don't know if you will like this gift from me."

"You saw me!"

Facing Stephen Strange's provocation, the grotesque homeless man didn't seem to react at all, just instinctively repeating the words in his mouth, while opening his mouth to the maximum, revealing his dark teeth, connecting The spine of the body made a sound of twisting bones.

"If you see me, you will die!"

With the twist, the words in the homeless mouth finally changed.

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