
Under the powerful power of the energy ray, the telephone pole thrown by Doctor Octopus was instantly smashed into metal fragments and scattered.

The mechanical tentacles connected to the nerves instinctively stood in front of Doctor Octopus and blocked the scattered fragments.

On the other side, Slaughter lowered his face full of burns and scars to look at the metal fragments stuck in his body, and the silver-white liquid that emerged from the wound immediately wrapped it into a huge and hideous monster.

"You don't seem to take what I reminded you of before to heart, Dr. Octopus..."

After completing the transformation, Slaughter turned his hideous face to look at Dr. Octopus on the side, and opened the corners of his mouth to the position behind his ears, revealing his densely packed sharp teeth, and said in a negative way.

"I'm just screening the right members."

Under the gaze of Slaughter's pale eyes, Doctor Octopus let out a cold snort and replied with a cold face.

"I don't want this to happen again."

Using his pale eyes like alien creatures, he stayed on Doctor Octopus for a long time before Carnage stuck out his tongue and licked the back of his head and gave a final warning to the unruly super villain: "Otherwise, I'm not sure if your head will be on your neck next time."


Faced with the words of coercion that had already been referred to as slaughter, the mechanical tentacles behind Doctor Octopus reacted subconsciously, turning its direction and making a viper-like roar at it.

On the other hand, Doctor Octopus himself still had an indifferent expression on his face, and his eyes under the sunglasses still fell motionless on the position where the red-hooded Parker Robbins was before.


After a few seconds, the smoke from the explosion dissipated.

Dr. Octopus looked at the empty situation in front of the fire, and the brows under the sunglasses immediately wrinkled, and the mechanical tentacles behind him also instinctively made an alert gesture.

"Shouldn't the Red Hood escape?"

Turning his gaze from Dr. Octopus to where Parker Robbins was before, Slaughter also said hoarsely with a surprised tone.

"I don't think so."

After combining the mutant neural circuit, the mechanical tentacles on the back of Dr. Octopus also seem to have some specific abilities. Under the reminder of the tentacles, Dr. Octopus said indifferently.

"Tentacle told me he was still around."

"Looks like the Red Hood's abilities are more bizarre than imagined."

Hearing the words of Doctor Octopus, Slaughter opened his arms and instantly transformed into two twisted sickles looking at the empty scene around him, grinning and roaring with a smile.

Holding his breath to avoid the razor-sharp scythe, Parker Robbins stood in front of Doctor Octopus, the symbol of an eye on his forehead under the red hood flashed.

As Dr. Octopus said, Parker Robbins didn't run away.

Using the stealth ability of the red hood, Parker Robbins came to Dr. Octopus without anyone seeing it. Watching the indifferent man who controlled the mechanical tentacles, he raised his palms to concentrate energy without hesitation. .


Although the red hood can help Parker Robbins hide his tracks, it obviously cannot hide his movements when he condenses energy rays.

Aware of the strange fluctuations in front of him, the mechanical tentacles behind Doctor Octopus immediately noticed a sharp roar.

The slaughter on the side also turned his head to aim at the location of Parker Robbins.

"Be careful!"


In the cries of slaughter, the figure of Parker Robbins condensing energy rays showed traces in front of Dr. Octopus, and said to Dr. Octopus with a grim expression.

"Go to hell, deformed octopus!"

In an instant, a dazzling red light erupted from Parker Robbins' hands, drowning the figure of Doctor Octopus in front of him.

However, just at this critical moment, a large number of objects like blood vessels emerged from the massacre beside Dr. Octopus, and one of Dr. Octopus' mechanical tentacles suddenly thought and pulled aside.


Faced with the act of seeing the carnage, Parker Robbins under the red hood showed a look of astonishment, but he couldn't change his actions and watched Dr. Octopus dodge from his own energy rays.

Under the powerful explosive power of the energy ray, a huge black hole appeared on the ground behind Doctor Octopus.

Dr. Octopus looked down at the hem of his windbreaker, which had lost half of it, and the scorch marks on a twitching mechanical tentacle behind him. The indifference he had always maintained under the sunglasses also changed.

If it wasn't for the massacre just now, perhaps he would have fallen under Parker Robbins' energy ray at this moment.

On the opposite side, Parker Robbins, who missed a hit, held his breath again without any hesitation. A strange force on the red hood on his body wrapped his figure again and disappeared in front of Dr. Octopus. .

"Looks like the Red Hood really got away this time."

After standing vigilantly on the spot for a few minutes, Slaughter looked at the appearance that there was still no movement or even an attack around him, so he had to shrug and look at Dr. Octopus, who was beside him.

"The tentacles didn't find anything."

Grabbing the malfunctioning mechanical tentacle behind him with one hand, Dr. Octopus felt the answer from the other three mechanical tentacles, and also shook his head and said to Slaughter.

"What a cautious guy."

After confirming that Parker Robbins had really escaped from the battle, the blood-red figure with a pursed mouth turned back to a silvery white liquid and his face full of burns, he said helplessly.

"I need specialized labs to repair tentacle damage."

Pulling the corners of his mouth, because the mechanical tentacles are connected to the mutant nerves, the damage to the tentacles will also be simultaneously transmitted to Dr. Octopus himself.

Dr. Octopus gritted his teeth while enduring the pain that kept swept through his mind.

"I happen to know a suitable place."

Gaze swept over Dr. Octopus' mechanical tentacles, and Slaughter nodded.



He waved the iron chain in his hand to form a flame wrapped around the body of a robber in front of him. Johnny Blazer looked at the figure with a face full of fear, and a powerful flame erupted from the eye sockets of the skeleton wrapped in flames, and read out his classic lines.

"look into my eyes!"

"What, no, no, I know I'm wrong, don't come here, don't come over, ah ah ah-"

Under the power of the [Eye of Judgment], the robber recalled all the crimes he had committed before, and his soul felt all the pain that he had done to the innocent, and under the severe pain, he cried out shrilly. Voice.


Loosen the iron chain wrapped around the robber and re-wound it around himself. Johnny Blazer looked at the corpse that had completely lost his voice and collapsed to the ground. Only the face of the skeleton remained without the slightest emotion. fluctuation.

With the mastery of the ghost knight's ability and the teaching of the previous generation of ghost knight Carter Slay, Johnny Blazer has basically controlled the power of hellfire on his body.

At the same time, it is also clear that the effect of the [Eye of Judgment] depends on the sin of the person being judged. Unless there is a stronger force behind the opponent, like Chang Emir, to prevent the judgment from proceeding, otherwise the guy who is sent to the judgment can only pray Your own evil is not new.

Obviously, the guy who was being judged by him in front of him was extremely sinful.

Therefore, the soul also went to **** in the [Eye of Judgment].

Rewinding the chain around his body, and at the same time controlling the burning hellfire to extinguish and return to his human appearance, Johnny Blazer swept across the motionless figure on the ground, got on his motorcycle and planned to leave.

In the incident of St. Van Gonzalo, he learned a lot about the secrets behind the Ghost Rider from the mouth of the ancient one.

At the same time, he also knew that the power of the hellfire in his body did not actually come from Mephisto.

However, all this does not change the contract he signed with Mephisto, and he will harvest the soul for Mephisto as a ghost knight.

Of course, it's different from before.

Today, Johnny Blazer, who controls the power of hellfire, is no longer a tool that only acts on instinct, he will choose sinners to judge him according to his own will.

Boom, boom—

Stepping on the motorcycle, a smear of hellfire on the chain of Johnny Blazer fell on the car and instantly transformed it into the appearance of a **** creature, while Johnny Blazer himself still maintained his human posture and really planned to leave the scene .

However, at this moment, the roar of the evil spirit motorcycle under him suddenly reminded Johnny Blazer.

Under the reminder of the evil spirit motorcycle, Johnny Blazer looked up, and saw a figure flying quickly from mid-air, and finally appeared in front of him with a gesture of hitting the ground with one hand.

"Tony Stark."

With such an arrogant landing posture and the iconic steel suit, Johnny Blazer recognized the identity of the other party almost without thinking.

A member of the Avengers, Iron Man, Tony Stark.

"Johnny Blazer."

"Or should I call you Ghost Rider more appropriately."

After finishing his debut position, he stood up, and Tony in Mark51 set his eyes on Johnny Blazer in front of him, and stopped for a while on his cool evil spirit motorcycle.

Tony is no stranger to Ghost Rider. The Avengers have fought side by side with each other several times before.

Even Tony had the idea of ​​inviting Johnny Blazer to join the Avengers for a while.

However, Ghost Rider's practice of trial at every turn, as well as a large number of reports on the fate of those inquisitors, made Tony hesitate, and finally gave up the idea of ​​inviting him to join the Avengers.


His eyes swept across Johnny Blazer's body, and soon the limp figure on the ground attracted Tony's attention.

"...without any vital signs."

In his ears, Jarvis' report made Mark51's brows wrinkle involuntarily, even though Jarvis in the helmet had already confirmed the identity of the corpse as a man who had committed no less than five or six robberies, and even had several lives on his hands. He's a heinous guy, but seeing the results of Johnny Blazer's trial with his own eyes, Tony was still a bit shocked.

"So, what's your purpose in appearing, Tony Stark?"

Sensing Tony's gaze on the corpse behind him, Johnny Blazer asked.

"Don't tell me you're here for this guy."

If the other party really came for the guy behind him whose soul has been judged to hell, Johnny Blazer doesn't mind trying Tony to see if this Iron Man really has the qualifications to be a superhero.

"of course not."

He denied his relationship with the guy behind Johnny Blazer. Tony shrugged and looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him. Noticing the appearance of the other party, he hesitated and controlled the nano-suit on his body to deform to reveal his own appearance. appearance.

Facing Johnny Blazer with a forced smile, Tony said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Actually, I came to you to ask you about an important matter."

With that said, Tony took out his mobile phone, tapped on the screen, and a few virtual photos appeared in front of him in the next second.

Handing the photo in the direction of Johnny Blazer, Tony pointed to the thin figure in the photo and asked, "Chan Emil, I wonder if you still have an impression of this guy."

Through Ultron's search for major materials in New York City, Tony and others successfully found a picture about Chang Amir from a short monitor screen, and saw the figure of Ghost Rider Johnny Blazer in it. They noticed how Jonny Blazer and Chang Amir were fighting.

Although, because of the fierce battle situation, the process of the entire monitor screen was very short.

However, the appearance of this scene has also played a key role for T'Challa and the Avengers to find traces of Chang Amir.

"Chang Amir!"

Looking at the face on the virtual photo in front of Johnny Blazer's eyes flickered: "Of course I'm not unfamiliar."

How could Johnny Blazer be unfamiliar to Chang Emil.

After all, this is the first person to escape from under his [Eye of Judgment] besides Black Heart.

Even before, under the bewitchment of Mephistopheles, he launched a considerable pursuit of Chang Emir. Not to mention what happened in Santa Van Gonzalo, it can be said that Chan Emil is the most cunning and dangerous guy Johnny Blazer has ever fought since he became Ghost Rider.

He never forgot that even Mephistopheles encountered obstacles in the battle with Chang Amir. Even though Mephisto in reality is just his projection in hell, he is also an extremely powerful existence, even if he masters it. Hellfire himself is no match for Mephistopheles at all.

In fact, Johnny Blazer has also tried to find traces of Chang Emir since Santa Van Gonzalo, but the opponent has obviously become more cunning after the previous battle, [] Nie Blazer couldn't find each other after all that search.

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