"Hello, cute little girl!"

Sitting in Logan's car, Xia Zuo smiled slightly at the cautious little naughty in the passenger seat.

"Hello, my name is Naughty." The little naughty looked at Xia Zuo restrainedly.

"Xia Zuo."

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand slightly, but he was naughty but did not dare to shake hands with Xia Zuo, and stepped back solemnly.

This is an inevitable thing, at this time, the little naughty has just run out of her own home, and she is still a little shy at this time, and because of her ability, she does not dare to approach anyone, so she looks cautious, and Xia Zuo just smiled indifferently and did not say anything, because he also knew the situation on the little naughty.

"You know Rogan? Why I feel. Jue Rogan some..."

The little naughty looked at Xia Zuo carefully, slightly curious, after all, from the bar just now to here, the Logan she saw was all big grinning, and seemed to be afraid of anything, but after meeting Xia Zuo, the attitude changed so much, it seemed a little helpless, which is a very strange thing.

Coupled with what kind of past Xia Zuo and Logan seem to have in their words just now, this makes the little naughty even more curious, because it is difficult for her to imagine how Logan can be afraid of such a beautiful person as Xia Zuo.

You know, in the hotel just now, the kind of metal wolf claw that Logan displayed, that terrible power, which made the little naughty think hard.

"Something what? Are you afraid of me? "

Xia Zuo snorted slightly, chuckling and looking at the little naughty, who nodded a little embarrassed.

"Maybe Logan thinks I'm better than him."

Xia Zuo chuckled and said, without specifically explaining the past, if the little naughty knew that a few years ago, Logan was played in front of him, and even a large amount of blood was drawn by Xia Zuo, and finally made people with strong self-healing abilities like Logan a little untenable, she would understand why Logan was now a little afraid to do something to Xia Zuo.

It's a pity that Xia Zuo didn't bother to explain these things, because it really didn't matter.

"Well, you're a strange person too."

The little naughty muttered strangely, she could obviously see that Xia Zuo was a little strange, maybe even the same kind of person as she and Logan, but she didn't dare to reveal her secret before she was sure.

It's just that she doesn't know that when she was still trying to hide her secret, Xia Zuo was already clear about her affairs, and even paid attention to the little naughty.

This is an inevitable thing, the genes of the little naughty are also something he has not obtained, and he naturally wants to get the blood of the little naughty.

"Little naughty, do you want to make a deal with me?" Xia Zuo suddenly looked at the little naughty and said.

"What deal?"

The little naughty looked at Xia Zuo cautiously, a little not understanding what Xia Zuo wanted to do.

"Give me your blood and I can help you solve your problems." Xia Zuo said seriously, in the final analysis, what he wanted was the blood of the little naughty.

This is inevitable, as for the problems on the little naughty, Xia Zuo also understands, but this point is not too big a problem for Xia Zuo, and there are even several ways to solve it.

In fact, Xia Zuo can directly seize the blood of the little naughty, but Xia Zuo has just returned to the earth and is still in a good mood, so he will not take it by force and give the little naughty a chance.

"You: What are you talking about, you know my secret?!! "

When he heard Xia Zuo's words, the little naughty's face changed greatly, and there was a panic that Xia Zuo had revealed the secret, and there was also the excitement of hearing the hope in Xia Zuo's words. Move.

What does that mean? Can she solve the problems on her body, can she solve the ability not to touch other skin?

This is a problem she has always wanted to solve, even in her dreams, so when she heard Xia Zuo's words, her first reaction was agitation. Move.

"You can think about it, I have plenty of time."

Xia Zuo said with a smile, he had just returned to Earth and originally planned to rest for a while, so he was not so anxious about the little naughty thing.

"I do... However, this is impossible, my ability is too terrible, there is no way to treat it. "

Little naughty for a burst of agitation. Moving, the words just came out, but suddenly remembered the past, and suddenly a little discouraged, after all, she has seen a lot of doctors since she was a child, and it has never had any effect, which also makes the little naughty have some bad hopes.

"Is it? In my opinion, your abilities are not scary at all, or rather, not enough to make me afraid. "

Xia Zuo smiled indifferently, suddenly took the little naughty hand, and slowly took off the gloves on her hand.

"No, don't touch me, once you touch my skin, your power will be sucked away by me, I don't want to harm you!"

The little naughty suddenly resisted and said, wanting to struggle away from Xia Zuo's hands, but she couldn't break away anyway, she could only watch her gloves being taken off by Xia Zuo, a pair of slender and white cold little hands were revealed, and the little naughty's face was about to be scared white.

And at this time, she felt . Feeling a pair of slender warm hands hold her small hands, and... There is no then, nothing happened!

"This is: Why don't you have anything to do! "

The little naughty said in amazement, because she found that after her hand was held by Xiazzo, she had a little sense of taking Xiazzo's power. Jue did not, and even she saw that Xia Zuo's expression did not change in the slightest, it was still so rosy, and there was no sense of being seized by her at all. Sense.

This shows that she really didn't have a bad feeling when she touched Xia Zuo's skin. Let the little naughty excited. Fen's about to jump!

"Maybe it's your sense of power. Aware of my strength, I was afraid. "

Xia Zuo smiled indifferently, without the slightest expression of surprise, because when he held the little naughty palm, Xia Zuo already knew what the situation would be.

This is an inevitable thing, Xia Zuo's mutant power comes from the immortal bird, an alternative god, even if it is not used, which kind of terrifying coercion will make the rest of the mutant power feel afraid, this is a natural existence.

Even if the little naughty power has a certain particularity, but when it encounters the mutant power of an alternative god like Xia Zuo, it will still feel afraid, it is too late to dodge, how can it dare to counterattack, so this result has long been doomed.

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