At nine o’clock the next morning, Selena arrived in the city on time.

This is a very luxuriously decorated community with a beautiful environment.

If she wants to buy a villa here, it is impossible to buy it without tens of millions, and she can live here.

, not only represents identity and status, but also represents a wealthy capitalist.

Selena is no stranger to this place, she is even very familiar with it.

When she was a snitch, she used to come here often, but she didn’t visit Jiang Yifu’s villa.

He is a philanthropist and a good man.

Catwoman will only educate wealthy and unkind capitalists, and will not steal from good people!

She still has this principle, and she is not a bad person in essence!

Jiang Yifu looked very proud. The big bad wolf was finally full, and this time he came out alone. The two accompanying female bodyguards had neither time nor energy. They did not have a titanium alloy kidney and needed a good day and a half of rest to recover.”Hey! Selena, morning, have you had breakfast?”

“Good morning, Dr. Iver, thank you for your concern, I have eaten.”Selena still has a good impression of Jiang Yifu. This man is a real aristocrat. He is rich but not ostentatious. He is talented and knowledgeable but not proud. Instead, he is very close to the people and kind. If you choose a lifelong partner, such a man It is the best choice for most women.

The two of them drove around Gotham City. Gotham City, which has a history of more than two hundred years, has existed since a long time ago and has always been occupied by Gotham City people. Among them, families large and small account for almost 90% of the industry. Although big wealthy families have fallen and small wealthy families have risen, no outside force has ever been able to gain a foothold in Gotham. This is a very strange phenomenon.

Celine While driving, Na introduced that she could talk about Gotham City’s cultural customs. For her who likes to have a few drinks at the bar after work, she knew all the news and even some anecdotes. Got it. Jiang Yifu just listened quietly, like an ordinary tourist.

“Dr. Ivor, have you heard that it seems that the chairman of Wayne Enterprises is planning to run for governor recently. He is also a good man and often does charity in Gotham. He is a respectable person.”Selena looked at the people marching outside the car window and said with a smile. Her smile was very sincere, at least when facing her friends, although she didn’t have many friends.

“Um? Is there such a thing? That old guy Thomas didn’t tell me! It’s so bad that they made such a big move without making any noise!”Jiang Yifu really doesn’t know, because he has never paid attention to Thomas at all. Speaking of which, he is a little afraid to go to Wayne Manor because he is afraid of seeing Martha, but it is quite interesting to think about it.

“Dr. Iver, have you ever thought about running for governor? Do you think being a civil servant will help these poor people better?”Selena asked curiously. She has been an orphan since she was a child. She has a good impression of the poor and respects the good people who help the poor.

Is Jiang Yifu a good person? If he knew, he would definitely laugh. Crying wolf! Well, to a certain extent, he is indeed a good person, but he is just a good person who never sends out good person cards or receives good person cards. Being helpful is also his advantage.

“No, you are wrong to think so.

As for me, I have no idea in this regard.

Whether I can help people in need does not mean that I need to achieve a certain position.

You don’t have to have superpowers to be a superhero.

As long as you do what you can, help others as much as possible, and don’t ask for anything in return, then he is a superhero.

I think I can help others just as I am now, and I don’t need to change too much.

I have something I like to do, and while I am doing what I like to do, I can help people in need.

This is enough for me!

“Jiang Yifu said proudly, it is okay to specialize in being a good person, but he is taking another route.

“That sounds interesting. Dr. Ivor, you are a very interesting person. I respect you very much. It’s time. Let’s go have lunch. Is there anything you want to eat? French restaurant or Oriental restaurant? Their food is top notch. Selena asked. From her understanding, even Jiang Yifu would choose to go to those high-end restaurants.

“No, no, no, let’s go get some snacks.

Go to Arkham District, just in time to try the local delicacies.

It’s the same everywhere you eat, so why not help them? If you want to help the poor, you don’t just need to give them money.

You should teach them how to survive and how to make money.

Only when they know how to do it can it be real help.

Isn’t there a saying in the ancient East that goes, ‘It’s better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish’?”Jiang Yifu started to say some strange but very reasonable words again.

He knew that this topic must be of interest to Catwoman.

Hehe, picking up girls also requires skills.

As expected, Selena’s eyes flashed. Liang, a glimmer of light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she really looked at Jiang Yifu, as if she was beginning to get to know each other again.

Seeing Selena’s expression, Jiang Yifu knew that he had succeeded, haha, little sheep, you Don’t run, the big bad wolf is coming!

It was a pleasant meal. Jiang Yifu said some very novel things from time to time, plus the development plans he planned to help poor areas in the future, which made Selena feel even more Gratitude and joy flashed through her beautiful eyes.

Unknowingly, it was night again, and the two of them ended their day’s travel and started drinking in the villa.

This time, Mrs.

Colena was very sensible and did not show up.

She knew that the little man wanted to…

Well, she was very happy to cooperate.

At the moment, she was in the room with her tablet computer and started watching TV dramas happily, living the luxurious life of a rich wife.

The wine of one hundred years has great stamina, and the wine of one hundred and fifty years has great stamina.

The stamina is even greater!

Selena didn’t even notice that she drank so much, she just thought these wines were delicious.

“Selena, you are so beautiful. It’s hard to believe that there is such a beautiful woman like you in Gotham City. Are you interested in working in my company, being my secretary, and helping me with my recent investment plan? You can also contribute to your ideals.”Jiang Yifu said with a smile. He sincerely invited him. For such a beautiful woman, he will not give Batman Bruce in vain!

Bruce, who is far away in Wayne Manor, is still reading books and wants to defeat himself in knowledge. My good friend Tony Stark suddenly sneezed for some reason, as if he was secretly cursed behind his back.

Martha asked with concern,”What’s wrong, Bruce, are you catching a cold?””The expression is very concerned, but occasionally when she is bored, she will think of Jiang Yifu, and she will feel a little angry and her teeth will itch, but she has no choice but to object. She really enjoys it.

“It’s okay, mother, it’s just a sneeze. I have to work hard. I have to defeat that guy Tony!”Bruce said firmly with his fists clenched. It feels like these two guys are just like Magneto Eric and Professor X Charles, they are inseparable brothers!

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