It was already midnight when we returned to the villa. This time Jiang Yifu did not go to Sera’s room, but came to Aunt Ittie’s room. Well, mature women are always very attractive.

One spring night, Jiang Yifu was resurrected with full blood! Have a nice sleep, then get up and go to work!

Aunt Etty has been busy in the kitchen for a long time, and she always seems to like to cook various meals for everyone. Two blushes of satisfaction appeared on her fair and pretty face. After seeing Jiang Yifu, she said sweetly,”Honey, it’s good morning, I’m up. Haha, sit down for a while, breakfast will be ready soon!” It’s natural! Their expressions are like those of a couple who have been together for more than ten years. Well, it’s quite warm and nice!

After taking the meal and returning to the laboratory, new materials have been delivered. MIT has done a very good job in this regard. Every time you need any materials, they can be delivered as soon as possible. It is very convenient and eliminates the need to go out. When purchasing, focus more on experimental research.

Now that the LCD display has been completed, today we need to make the drawing software and the design drawings of the RV. There’s not enough time! I’m busy with that, ahem, but fortunately I still have time to find a woman, otherwise this ascetic life would really make Jiang Yifu crazy!

I continued to type code, and with my previous experience, I quickly designed a panoramic mapping program. Jiang Yifu discovered a very interesting thing, that is, mental power penetrates into the computer and can control the movement of the mouse! This is a bit like the Ultron invasion program. It has a hacker-like coolness and also feels incredible.

My hands are free, and what I am thinking about is faster than using my hands. One is like riding a bicycle, and the other is like driving a sports car up Mount Akina. The feelings are completely different!

With the frame of the RV in mind, the mouse automatically draws a neat frame structure and marks the required parameters at some turning structures. Size, area and materials used. Next is the most important shock-absorbing system. As a comfort-first RV, what is the most important thing? Drag racing? Um, I’m thinking too much. The most important thing is comfort, and the main thing is to make the passengers feel comfortable and convenient.

In an ordinary car, it is almost impossible for the occupants to straighten their bodies.

But the RV can do it, and you can even lie down on it and sleep!

An RV, as the name suggests, is a mobile room.

Not only do you need a room, but you also need a bathroom and a wine cabinet? Well, this can happen.

After all, it was because of drinking that I ended up with Aunt Sarah.

You can keep this, and maybe it will have other effects in the future!

Speaking of drinking, Jiang Yifu reminds me of the drunken Paradise Island warrior General Antiope.

Well, every time I think of it, I laugh like a pig!

Maybe we also need a small kitchen so that we can cook, um, make milk powder for the children and so on. There is also an air-conditioning system, which must be added. A car without air-conditioning is like a stove, which can suffocate people to death!

It seems that it is gone for the time being. Well, maybe you can consider installing a communication system. Well, it seems that this has not been invented yet! Come on, technology is so backward, you have to invent everything yourself!

Jiang Yifu felt that he was not really an inventor.

He was obviously being compared by life to inventing things.

Otherwise, he would always feel weird if he was used to living a modern life.

It’s like having no mobile phone to play games and no WIFI.

You can only survive with 300 megabits of traffic.

All the veterans in the book review area are talented and well-spoken.

I really like visiting the book review area!

Um, what the hell is this!

The author’s bacteria will go straight to Muay Thai if he advertises again!

No more warnings!

Ahem, okay.

Continue to draw the design drawings on the drawing program, from the frame structure, internal circuit layout, to the planning visits of the engine and transmission, and the detailed treatment of safety issues such as brakes. Every part is marked with detailed part parameters! Thanks to the mental travel magic cast by Syndra, the mental power has become more stable and powerful after traveling. Otherwise, there is really no way to do so many incredible things!

Jiang Yifu was really grateful to his wives at this moment, well, none of them were in a vase! All of them are strong women in their own right, ahem, what a blessing! Um, why do I feel that there is a sour smell of showing affection? Please take your dog food back, thank you, we don’t need it here!

At noon, my sister Sera came over to deliver the meal. After the meal, it was natural to have a lot of troubles. There is a saying that there is a perfect balance between work and rest! Well, that’s right, you need to relax after a stressful day’s work and relax appropriately. Matching for men and women, work is not tiring!

Two hours later, Sera blushed and supported the wall to go out.

Well, it seemed that she had been tortured a little too hard!

But doesn’t it also make it clear that Jiang Yifu’s kidneys are good? Hey hey, another proud pig cry!

(What? Titanium alloy kidney? The veterans who subscribed said that labor and management also have one.

Well, okay, the old iron is mighty and the old iron is rippling.

The old irons are the sun in the author’s heart, and the resentment of kidney deficiency floats by.


I will continue to improve the design and drawing of the rollover in the afternoon. This thing can be bought for a lot of money now, and it will definitely be sold for a lot of money in the future. It is a standard equipment for rich people! Just like the rich people on Hong Kong Island who don’t have a private jet, they are too embarrassed to go out and say hello to others and say that they are rich! Hehe, rich people’s money is sometimes really easy to make!

With Sera’s help, Jiang Yifu’s speed was obviously much faster, and some details were completed quickly. Separate the design drawing of the RV into several parts, and then hand it over to secretary Nora for processing. Naturally, he will contact the relevant manufacturers or colleges for manufacturing. Anyway, time must be fast.

As for the other secretary, Dottie, the first-generation Black Widow is still busy with the sales of various patents, and is also responsible for checking monthly dividends. Anyway, if she doesn’t complete her task, she won’t be able to graduate. If she doesn’t graduate, she won’t have the so-called sterilization surgery, so just keep it like this! Humph, when Jiang Yifu is free one day, he will take Ophelia and Cynthia with him to cook the red room in one pot! Pack it up and take it away!

Think about it, they are all specially trained agents.

They are all top-notch talents.

They are beautiful, have good figures, and speak well.

The most important thing is that they are all women with special skills.

Well, just to put it bluntly, she is still a virgin.

It seems that the cries of wolf from those who have subscribed have been heard!

Well, I was a little scared, and as soon as I finished my work, the call came over.

Jiang Yifu didn’t even move.

Under the control of his magic power, he directly pressed the answer button.

Doty’s pleasant voice came from the phone,”Boss, Mr.

Howard invited you to the laboratory in the Stark Building tomorrow to discuss some things.

I wonder if you are free?”

“Howard? oh!

By the way, I forgot to ask him something.

Well, okay, I will go there tomorrow.

Dottie, when will you graduate?”Jiang Yifu suddenly thought of asking Howard to consult about the pollution issue.

If you want to integrate into Atlantis, you must make some contribution.

Not to be mean, ahem, but to Atlantis.

But I have no experience of trading with people on land.

The bottom of the sea is a place with huge treasures, and that is the golden Franklin!

If he can get Franklin, who can get 10,000 yuan from a slap in the face, Jiang Yifu said that he can hit the other party bankrupt!


?Um, sorry, is that edible? Is it milk-flavored or chocolate-flavoured?

“After the task is completed, ah! boss! What are you asking?”Dottie replied subconsciously, her face suddenly turned red, and she suddenly felt jealous.

“Haha, then you will never graduate! See you tomorrow!”Jiang Yifu laughed loudly and hung up the phone!

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