Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 81 Transparent and Queen Maeve

Shen Hai was directly stunned by Li Yue this time. He didn't expect Li Yue to shoot himself directly, nor did he expect Li Yue to be so powerful. When he took the shot, he didn't react at all, and was directly kicked out!

And because Li Yue's attack was caused by lightning, Deep Sea's body was still twitching after landing. From time to time, you can still see a trace of electricity flashing on him!

However, the physique of the deep sea is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and Li Yue's shot this time was just to teach him a lesson, and he did not directly kill the killer.

So the deep sea injury is not very serious, it is just the feeling of being numb with electricity, deep sea really doesn't want to try it again!

So that after dozens of seconds, the deep sea was finally able to struggle to get up from the ground, and his eyes were full of fear when he looked at Li Yue, and there was a bit of resentment in the bottom of his eyes.

But he didn't dare to show it. Just now, Li Yue was obviously a casual blow, and he couldn't bear it anymore. If he finds out that he has resentment towards him, and attracts him to take action with all his strength, his little life will probably be explained here!

Therefore, the deep sea that got up did not dare to say a word, and hurriedly staggered away from here!


"Xingguang, if someone bullies you like this again, come to me, and I will help you teach him a lesson!"

Li Yue watched Shen Hai leave, and did not speak to stop him. After the deep sea, it is still a bit pitiful. In the whole play, he also went too far in this matter, which caused the hatred of many audiences.

However, it seems that the screenwriter intends to whitewash him later, and let him show his concern for marine animals and want to help the trapped dolphins return to the sea. Unfortunately, under his divine manipulation, the dolphin was directly killed by him.

Later, because of the exposure of his unspoken starlight, he was hidden by the company and sent to a remote place. Some evoke sympathy.

"But, if you do this, will you..."

Xingguang was a little hesitant to speak, and his eyes looked at Li Yue with a worried look. Li Yue, like himself, offended the old members when he first joined here, will he be targeted by others in the future!

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about me, no one can do anything to me!"

Li Yue's words are full of confidence, and he is really not trying to be brave because he loves face. Because after the success of my plan tomorrow, it is not certain whether I will stay here!

"Okay. But, I suddenly don't know if it's right or wrong to be here!"

"Since I was a child, my mother wanted me to grow up to be a superhero that everyone admires. And I, living up to her expectations, was born with superpowers!"

"My mother gave me a rigorous training program, I hardly had a day off, and when my peers were playing together, I was training hard. This kind of life has continued to this day!"

"My future seems to have been planned by my mother. My goal is to become a superhero and join the Walter Company."

"My mother told me that after becoming a superhero, my father, who I left as a child, would regret it. My mother, too, can proudly say to her friends that my daughter is a superhero!"

"I also lived up to my mother's expectations. I have been training hard, and until now, I have never made a true friend. Finally, I have the opportunity to join here and become a superhero!"

"However, after I came here, I found that it was different from what the outside world saw. My favorite and admired superhero, Deep Sea, would actually force me to do that kind of thing for him!"

"I'm so lost right now, I don't know if it's right or wrong to join here! I've always wanted to be a superhero who helps innocent people, just like you!"

Li Yue looked at the starlight who was at a loss in front of him, and felt a little distressed in his heart. Such a good girl was born in such a very dark world.

If she was born in the Marvel universe, she could definitely be a real superhero! Unfortunately, these Li Yue can only think about it in his heart!

"Xingguang, you have to know that no matter what, you can't change other people. However, you can control yourself. You just need to follow your heart, don't forget your original intention, and do what you think is right!"

Li Yue really can't comfort people, he can only bite the bullet and try his best to comfort Xingguang!

"Okay, after I said it, I feel better, thank you for today's affairs! I'll go back first!"

"See you tomorrow, Li Yue!"

The expression on Xingguang's face finally returned to its previous appearance. Although today's events had hit her hard, she was very fortunate that she was able to know Li Yue!

He smiled at Li Yue, and after saying goodbye, Xingguang left here!

"See you tomorrow!"


After a busy day, Li Yue walked into the bathroom.

However, as soon as he walked in, Li Yue's brows were slightly wrinkled, but then they relaxed.

Li Yue pretended not to notice anything and went straight in.

And when Li Yue passed a place, his right hand suddenly stuck out and grabbed in one direction, but there was nothing there!

Li Yue's sudden shot was as fast as lightning, as if he had caught something in his right hand! However, looking at it with the naked eye, there is still only air in that position!

Seeing this, Li Yue was not polite, and there was a burst of electricity on his right arm!

"Ah!!! Let go!!"

After Li Yue's action, there was a heart-piercing shout from the place where there was nothing at all! With the shouting, a naked figure slowly emerged, it was the transparent person in the group of seven!

The skin of a transparent person can become transparent and as hard as a diamond! But his weakness is the fear of electricity. Therefore, Li Yue can be said to be his nemesis! With just a little bit of lightning, he couldn't bear it directly and showed his figure!

"If I find you from here next time, I will definitely let you understand, what is life better than death!"

Li Yue finished speaking in a cold tone, then with force, he threw the figure out of the bathroom door with one hand!

And after the figure fell to the ground, it suddenly slowly became transparent, and then disappeared!

"Hmph, I hope you can listen to me, will die miserably!"

Li Yue couldn't help thinking in his heart, the tragic fate of the transparent people next...

But this is just a small episode, and it didn't make Li Yue take it too seriously!

And when Li Yue was about to go out, he happened to run into a woman head-on. She was wearing very little armor and the skin of her thighs was exposed! Looks very sexy!

However, Li Yue is very familiar with her. It is a member of the seven-member group, Queen Maeve! (Spoofing Wonder Woman!)

"You are Li Yue? I heard that you just joined the group of seven, and you rudely taught the two old members a lesson. I have to say! You are the most arrogant person I have ever met!"

Queen Maeve said to Li Yue!

"Why, do you want justice for them?"


At this moment, Huey, who was wandering outside, was stopped by an uncle with a black beard.

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