Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 280 What is the relationship between Wanda and the Underworld God?

"Is that my past?" Vision's eyes stared at the screen, although Vision's memories in the video flashed one by one quickly, but combined with what Wanda Maximoff told him before , he can also correspond, "Accurately speaking, is the past I should have been?"

"Yes, Vision, your birth is actually very coincidental. It was born by chance and coincidence of Jarvis, Ultron, Thor, Bruce, etc." Wanda Maximoff explained for Vision , "But because of the intervention of the answering space, Ultron will no longer be born, so there is no such thing as the creation of your body by Ultron, and the subsequent series of unexpected related events that lead to your birth have not happened, and you will not be born again. ."

"Then I want to thank you Wanda, because of you, I can appear in this world again." Vision thanked.

The video continued to play, the white Vision flew away, and Vision finally had no enemies and was reunited with the two children.

Agatha Harkness stood on the roof and watched this scene condescendingly, as if she was watching a play.

Perhaps she was too fascinated to watch it, and she didn't notice that Wanda Maximoff had quietly come to her side.

Everyone in the Avengers has a familiar feeling when they see Wanda Maximoff's position.

Sure enough, with a wave of Wanda Maximoff's hand, a mass of crimson energy sank into Agatha Harkness's head.

The next moment, the scene suddenly changed, Agatha Harkness was no longer in West View Town, but came to a stone platform.

It was no longer day, but night, and around, corpses lay on the ground.

The corpses were all dressed the same, and they should belong to the same group. Their skins were all dry and black, just like when Agatha Harkness absorbed Wanda Maximoff's mana.

Then what happened on the scene was about to come out. Agatha Harkness sucked the magic power of the witches around, causing those witches to die.

"The difference between you and me is that you did it on purpose." Wanda Maximoff came out of the darkness.

Then, the dead corpses on the ground suddenly resurrected one by one, and climbed up from the ground again.

His body was stiff, his bones were stiff, and he stood up little by little like a marionette.

"No, no, please!" Now it was Agatha Harkness's turn to beg for mercy.

"Wanda, Wanda, Wanda Maximoff." But what happened next was unexpected.

The dead witches stood up again, not Agatha Harkness, but Wanda Maximoff, and they all pointed at Wanda Maximoff with dry fingers, "You are a witch ."

"You are a witch."

"You are the Scarlet Witch."

"Everything is predestined."

The dead witches chattered around Wanda Maximoff.

"A harbinger of chaos."

"As prophesied."

"It was already doomed."

At first, the witches were just pointing, but as they talked, they all gathered around and began to move their hands, grabbing Wanda Maximoff with their dry, disgusting claws.

"You can't win Wanda." Agatha Harkness stood aside with her arms over her shoulders and said calmly, "It's not because of mana, but because of knowledge."

I don't know what this sentence triggered, a crimson crown suddenly condensed out of thin air on Wanda Maximoff's head.

"Give me your mana." Agatha Harkness said, standing opposite Wanda Maximoff, "I will fix the flaws in your original spell, you and your family, and Westview. Residents of the city will all be able to live a peaceful life together, and no one will have to go through this kind of pain, not even you."

"As prophesied, it was already doomed."

"Like language, it's already doomed."

The witches around who caught Wanda Maximoff started talking again.

What the hell!

Start again!

Are you annoying!

Roll rough!

Wanda Maximoff opened his arms, and a burst of crimson energy burst out, overturning all the witches.

Then, she pounced on Agatha Harkness.

The next moment, the two came to reality.

Wanda Maximoff was suspended in the air, opposite Agatha Harkness.

"Take it." She shot a burst of crimson energy directly at Agatha Harkness, "I don't want it."

As she said that, she hit the balls of energy.

The Vision on the ground saw that something was not right, and hurriedly flew up.

But before he could fly, he was hit by Wanda Maximoff's backhand energy.

"What are you doing Wanda?" Vision asked loudly.

Wanda Maximoff did not answer, but just desperately began to output energy towards Agatha Harkness.

"Come on Wanda, escape your fate!" Agatha Harkness was so happy that she burst out laughing there.

And Wanda Maximoff, she took the initiative to "send" so much energy to Agatha Harkness to devour, her hands began to become dark and dry again.

But she ignored it at all and continued to enter.

"Unload your burden, Wanda!" Agatha Harkness got what she wanted, and she was a little complacent. "There are more, I want them all!"

Wanda Maximoff did not disappoint Agatha Harkness and delivered another slam.

A majestic energy beam emerged from her body and submerged into Agatha Harkness's body.

Previously, Wanda Maximoff had only grown old with her hands. This time, her entire face had grown old, her skin was wrinkled, and wrinkles appeared on her forehead.

The entire sky of Xijing Town was shrouded in purple and crimson, and the surroundings were dark, as if the end of the world was coming.

However, standing on the ground and looking up at the sky with their sons, they did not try to stop Wanda Maximoff.

"Our promise..." Agatha Harkness said after experiencing the majestic mana in her body, "Once the spell is chanted, it can never be changed, and the world you created will be broken forever, just like you Own."

Agatha Harkness's face is exposed at this moment. What she said to Wanda before, to help Wanda repair the spell, let Wanda and the child live a peaceful life in Westview Town, all of which are lie.

She never intended to help Wanda, her purpose was just Wanda's mana.

Once she gets Wanda's mana, then there is only one fate for Wanda, and that is death!

After Agatha Harkness said that, she was about to release magic to kill Wanda Maximoff.

However, something strange happened, and she didn't use her tricks at all!

Not believing in evil, she stretched out her hands again.

But the result did not change, she still did not release any magic.

At this time, Wanda Maximoff, who lowered his head and seemed to have lost consciousness, slowly raised his head.

The wrinkles on her face disappeared in an instant, and the beautiful and moving face was restored again.

As soon as she raised her hand, the dark palm also became white again, and she no longer looked old.

Only then did Agatha Harkness notice that the surrounding crimson energy wall had already been engraved with runes.

It was this rune that imprisoned her mana!

"Beautiful!" Seeing this, Pietro Maximov couldn't help but admire, "I knew Wanda wasn't that stupid. It turned out that the previous compromise was her strategy."

"After this witch gets Wanda's mana, she will definitely turn her face away and kill Wanda. I have been sweating for Wanda. I didn't expect Wanda to see through it long ago." said aside.

"Not only did you see through it, but also planned the plan. Under the guise of giving mana, the talisman of Chen Cang's darkness on the plank road has been drawn." Clint Barton said, "It's a good strategy."

"Wanda may be too unconfident." Tony Stark said, "Wanda's strength is stronger than that witch. Even if you don't need any tricks, you will definitely win."

"There is no suspense in the result of this battle, it must be Wanda's victory." Steve Rogers said at this time, "I am more interested in that so-called prophecy."

"I also noticed that the purple witch said from the beginning that Wanda was destined to destroy the world." Stephen Strange said, "Of course, Wanda denied it."

"Stephen, you shouldn't believe such absurd words!" Pietro Maximoff said, "This must have been said by the witch! Many videos of Wanda have been shown in the video, We all know that Wanda will never destroy the world, she is protecting it, she is a superhero!"

"Pietro, don't get excited, I didn't doubt Wanda, I just wanted to say that Wanda may not be as simple as we think." Stephen Strange asked, "Pietro, you didn't think about it, Wang How did Da's ability come from? In the video, this witch even thinks that Wanda is stronger than the Supreme Mage! But she herself, she doesn't even know the most basic spells of witches."

"Do you know what happened to me?" asked Wanda Maximoff.

"I just have a rough guess, I don't know if it's right or wrong," Stephen Strange said.

"What's your guess?" said Wanda Maximoff. "Let's hear it."

"When the witch in the video said that Wanda was doomed to destroy the world, she also took out a book, do you still remember?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I've wanted to ask about that book for a long time, "The Book of the Dark God", it's not an easy book to take a look at." Tony Stark said.

"I know a little about this book." Stephen Strange said, "In terms of magic, there are actually two books of gods, books that any wizard wants, one is the "Book of Emperor Weishan", which It records all the white magic in the world."

"Vishanti?" Steve Rogers remembered, "Did it appear in the video? When Stephen and Blackened Stephen were fighting, his face was covered with runes, as if it was some kind of Vishante protection spell."

"That's right, it's the Emperor Weishan. I also watched the video last time. After I went back and searched for relevant books, I came to know about the Book of Weishan Emperor and the Book of the Dark God." Stephen Strange said .

"You put these two books together, and the former records all white magic, so does the latter record all black magic?" Bruce Banner said.

"That's right, the Book of Darkness records all the black magic in the world," Stephen Strange said.

"Wanda is currently lacking relevant knowledge. If she gets this book from the witch, wouldn't she be able to learn all the black magic in the world?" Pietro Maximov said, "At that time, who will still be Wanda's opponent?"

"Pietro, do you know why magic is divided into black magic and white magic?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Listening to Stephen's tone, black magic doesn't seem to be a good thing?" Peter Quill guessed.

"I'll give you the simplest example. There is a spell in front of you. It's very powerful, but the price of using this spell is to sacrifice a child. Would you do this?" Stephen Strange asked. road.

"What a joke, of course not." Peter Quill shook his head.

"This is the difference between black magic and white magic." Stephen Strange said, "Black magic has no moral constraints at all. Many powerful black magic is cruel and contrary to morality."

"Then it's okay not to learn this part?" Pietro Maximov didn't feel anything after hearing this. "It's not like all black magic is immoral, right?"

"It makes sense for you to say that." Stephen Strange said, "But I have heard another rumor about the Book of the Dark God. Of course, I don't know if it's true or not, and I don't know if you want to hear it. "

"Tricks, don't give a shit, tell me what the legend is!" Tony Stark urged.

"It is said that the source of the "Book of the Dark God" is the ancient god Sithorn, the legendary god of the underworld, one of the earliest life forms on his earth, and a typical demon. "The Book of the Dark God", he wrote Yes. And once people use the magic recorded in the "Dark God Book", their souls will belong to Sithone." Stephen Strange said.

"I remember that witch said that there was a whole chapter in the Book of Darkness about me." Wanda Maximoff couldn't help but say after listening, "You are saying that Book of Darkness was written by the Underworld God, Does that mean that the Underworld God already knew about me?"

"That's why Wanda, I will say you are not as simple as we think." Stephen Strange said.

"God of the Underworld, should have lived on Earth for a long time, right?" Steve Rogers said, "But how old is Wanda? So who is the reincarnation of Wanda?"

"I don't know." Stephen Strange shook his head, "I have no clue."

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