Marvel: All the Famous Scenes Were Exposed By Me

Chapter 276 The Avengers 3 giants and Thanos face each other from afar

"Let's start." In the picture, Bruce Banner is holding the infinity gloves in both hands, as if a child is holding some kind of toy.

"Okay, remember." Tony Stark warned there, "The people who were beaten by Thanos five years ago, you bring them back, back to the present, back to today, don't change the past five years anything."

"Okay." Bruce Banner nodded.

"Friday, do me a favor and start the barn door agreement?" Tony Stark gave an order, and suddenly iron doors fell from the sky, and the room was wrapped in a layer of iron, even the roof.

As for the heroes in the room, those who should wear battle armor, those who should support energy shields, and those who should wear sunglasses wear sunglasses, almost all of them put on a defensive posture.

After all, the Infinite Gloves are not a joke. This is a terrifying existence that has wiped out half of the living beings in the universe. The energy contained in it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

The only one who doesn't have any defensive posture is Thor, the guy who claims to have thunder and lightning in his veins.

It can be seen that this guy is fat, but his strength is still there.

Of course, in such a comparison, the green fat who snapped his fingers is even more unimaginable.

Others had to deal with the aftermath of snapping their fingers carefully, but Fatty Lu snapped his fingers directly.

"Everyone go home." Bruce Banner took the gloves and began to put them on his hands.

When Tony Stark designed the gloves, they were not tailored for Bruce Banner, but according to the size of a normal person's palm. Now Bruce Banner is in the form of Dr. Green, and his palm is much larger than ordinary people. .

It stands to reason that this glove does not "fit" very well.

However, what Tony Stark made is still very reliable.

I saw that the glove was disassembled and deformed for a while, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pair of big gloves, which was put on Dr. Green's big hand.

The moment the gloves were put on, colorful rays of light suddenly emanated from the gloves, and thunder and lightning covered Bruce Banner's arms.

With the hardness of Bruce Banner's body at the moment, he still cried out in pain, his knees softened, and he half-knelt on the ground on the spot.

"Take it off!" Thor yelled quickly.

"Bruce, are you okay?" Steve Rogers also asked worriedly.

"Say something, Banner," Tony Stark said.

"I'm fine." Bruce Banner raised his hand high, and snapped his fingers with great difficulty.


After a dozen hits, his huge body could no longer stand up and fell directly to the ground.


The Infinity Gloves also fell from his hands and fell to the ground.

Everyone can clearly see that the right arm of Bruce Banner snapping his fingers has become extremely dry, like an old tree that has lost its moisture and is dead.


Tony Stark stretched out his palm, and a white gas was sprayed from the armor on Bruce Banner's injured right arm.

"Did we succeed?" Bruce Banner asked as he lay on the ground.

"We're not sure," said Thor, who was standing beside him.

bang bang bang!

After snapping his fingers, the iron doors that wrapped the room were reopened, and the bright sunlight came in again.

Scott Lang couldn't help walking out, letting the sun shine on his face.


On the table, the phone vibrated suddenly.

The caller on the screen was Laura!

his wife!

Five years ago, Lara had disappeared when Thanos snapped his fingers.

But, five years later, now, she's calling again!

Laura, it's back!

The plan was successful!

"Everyone, I think I succeeded..." Scott Lang stood outside, listening to the chirping of insects and birds around him, and a smile appeared on his face.

No one noticed that Nebula had already turned on the time machine and released a spaceship of Thanos.

No, one person noticed.

That's Bruce Banner.

Lying on the ground, he saw a behemoth appearing above his head from the transparent ceiling for the first time.

But when he saw this moment, it was too late, Thanos' spaceship had arrived.


A shell was fired, hitting the room directly.

Boom boom boom!

The shells fell one after another, directly razing the place to the ground, turning it into ashes, and cutting it into ruins.

The superheroes also deserve to die. Under such a tragic shell wash, they all fell into the ground!

Although it was embarrassing to be buried in the rubble, at least his life was saved.

Even luckier, the Infinity Gauntlet didn't get lost either. It fell near Clint Barton. After recovering from the bomb wash, he discovered the Infinity Gauntlet as soon as possible.


When he bent over to pick it up, he heard a faint roar.

call out!

Clint Barton shot an arrow at that time. It was not an ordinary bow and arrow, but a special arrow that would glow, and it was shot for lighting.

With the light from the bow and arrow, he could clearly see that the passage was densely covered with monsters.

For ordinary people, this situation would have been scary.

However, in the eyes of veterans such as Clint Barton, this situation did not cause any waves.

"Okay." He bent down to pick up the Infinity Gloves, and ran in the opposite direction of the monster.


Behind him, the monsters were chasing after him.

Clint Barton has two legs and is definitely not as fast as those monsters.

But Clint Barton has arrows.

During the run, he shot an arrow directly beside him.

His timing was very good, and after he ran over, the arrow exploded with a bang.

Immediately, the monsters that were chasing after him were blasted into the sky, and the raging fire began to burn, swallowing many monsters.

call out!

Clint Barton shot an arrow into the sky, with a rope on the arrow, and took him directly to the sky.

Fortunately, although those monsters ran fast, they couldn't fly.

But there are still monsters crawling up the walls to hoarse Clint Barton.

Clint Barton directly flashed his knife, cutting off those monsters who dared to chase after him.

Of course, these monsters are not the only ones who have come across time and space.

Thanos' tiger body descended from the sky with a ray of light.

The biggest enemy of the Avengers finally found the Avengers in this part of the long river of time!

When he came, he must have been full of confidence.

However, he would never have imagined that his ending would be worse than the ending he had seen in Nebula's mind.

But then again, how could Thanos be afraid of death?

Even if he knew the end of himself being turned to ashes by snapping his fingers, he would probably still pass through.

When he was standing on the ruins wearing armor and holding a double-edged sword, Nebula walked towards him step by step.

Yes, this nebula is indeed the nebula of 2014.

The Avengers were all deceived and no one noticed.

Of course, this is no wonder everyone, after all, this fake Nebula is none other than Nebula himself.

"So, this is the future." Thanos turned to look around and praised, "Good job."

"Thank you, father. They have no doubts." Nebula took off an iron block on her head and threw it away. This was her disguise, a gadget that was pried from Nebula's head in the future.

"The arrogant is always like this." Thanos put the double-edged knife on the ground, took off the helmet and hung it on the knife, and sat there very leisurely, "Find the gem and give it to me."

"What are you doing?" Nebula asked.

"Wait." Destroyer Tyrant.

Nebula turned and left.

This is a "fake" nebula, so where is the "real" nebula?

On Thanos' spaceship.

"Tell me, in the future, what happened to me and you?" asked Gamora in 2014.

"I tried to kill you, several times..." Gamora turned around and left after hearing this, but Nebula's words changed, "But in the end, we became friends, we became sisters."

"We can stop her." Gamora stretched out her hand directly to Nebula.

Needless to say, she chose to betray directly.

And in the ruins, Tony Stark also found Steve Rogers.

"I won't give it back to you if you lose it again." Tony Stark said to Steve Rogers with his shield.

"What's the matter?" Steve Rogers lay on the ground, feeling dazed.

"If you disturb time, time will disturb you." Tony Stark pulled Steve Rogers up, "you will understand."

When the two Avengers "giants" walked out of the ruins, they found a pregnant woman standing there early.

Steve Rogers took the shield, and with Tony Stark, the two walked up to Thor next to each other.

The three giants of the Avengers stand side by side like this.

On the opposite side of them, Thanos sat there with a golden sword.

The Big Three, just like Thanos across the air.

"What did he do?" Tony Stark asked Thor.

"He didn't do anything," Thor said.

"Where's the gem?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Under this pile of things." Tony Stark pointed to the ruins in the distance, "I just know he didn't get it."

"Then don't let him get it," said Stephen Rogers.

"You know it's a trap, right?" Thor asked.

"I know," Tony Stark said, "but I don't really care."

"Fine, as long as we all agree," Thor said.

As soon as the space darkens, the video ends here.

"So, what happens next is the plot of Tony, Thor and the captain fighting against Thanos," Nick Fury said.

"So, it was during the fight against Thanos that the captain revealed that he could actually use the Thor's Hammer," Phil Coulson said.

"And it seems to play better than Thor, I don't know how long I have practiced secretly in private." Tony Stark said.

"Captain, how long have you been practicing?" Thor asked Steve Rogers, "Actually, you don't need to practice secretly, I won't mind, you can practice in front of me, and I can teach you two tricks. "

"Are you sure you can teach me?" Steve Rogers said. "I'm the one who uses the hammer to summon thunder and tear down Thanos."

"The three captains teamed up and still failed to defeat Thanos in the end." James Rhodes said, "When we were watching this video, someone asked where Bruce was and why he wasn't there. We now know why he Not anymore because he snapped his fingers and injured his arm."

"I was wondering, if Bruce hadn't snapped his fingers, but Thor had snapped his fingers, would the outcome of this stop have changed?" Natasha Romanoff said.

"We all know that Hulk is invulnerable, but Thor's body is also very perverted. When he made the storm axe, he was able to withstand the energy of the neutron star. I think if he snapped his fingers, he might not be like Bruce. That way, the injury is so heavy, and the combat effectiveness is directly lost." Scott Lang said, "This will be the three giants of the Avengers + Hulk, and the four will fight Thanos together, and they may have won at that time."

"Wait, the Avengers Big Three?" Tony Stark said after hearing the words, "Who are you talking about, are you talking about me?"

"Of course it's you, you, Thor, and the captain." Scott Lang said, "Don't you notice, the three of you are the protagonists of this world! The main force in the fight against Thanos is the three of you. The main force of Ultron is still the three of you, fighting aliens, and the three of you are the first to go out. The three of you are the absolute main force of the Avengers!"

"You can't say that," Steve Rogers said, "Whether it's the Chitarians, or Thanos, or Ultron, Clint and Natasha, and Bruce, not all of them. Have you participated? If Tony and I are the protagonists, then all of us will be the protagonists."

"No, no, not all of them, Scott is right, the three of you are the protagonists." Clint Barton said, "Didn't you notice that the three of you have the most questions in the answering space? already?"

"Clint's got the point," Sam Wilson said. "There may be fewer topics about the three of them now, but earlier, it was almost all three of them. If no one said anything, just say me. , I have entered the answering space for several rounds now, but how many questions did you ask me?"

"And me." James Rhodes felt the same way. "Like Sam, I was pulled in to make up the numbers, and I didn't ask a few questions at all."

"It should be me at least." Pietro Maximov also said something, "I was asked two poor questions, and even the captain's fraction is not enough."

"So, it's clear now that we are all supporting roles, Tony, Captain and Thor, the three of them are the protagonists of this world." Nick Fury said.

"Did you just find out now?" Tony Stark laughed, "I said it a long time ago, I am the protagonist of this world, you didn't seem to believe it at that time, why are you all rushing to believe it now? already?"

"So I'm the protagonist?" Thor's heartless words also laughed happily, "I just said that I am a handsome and dashing hero who looks down on the world, and I'm definitely not an extraordinary person. Sure enough, I am the protagonist!"

"Compared to you, I think Stephen is the protagonist, right?" Natasha Romanoff's eyes fell on Stephen Strange, "This guy just played the universe to the point of destruction, it's just brutal."

"You can't look at strength. If you look at strength, Bruce is the proper protagonist." Pietro Maximoff said, "As soon as Green Hulk comes out, the world is so big, who is the enemy with one punch?"

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