Martial World

Chapter 238 Jiang Lanjian

"This son is invincible below the pulse-condensing stage, but it is useless when he encounters a real pulse-condensing stage genius. .+? (.+bsp;\\s*" The Tsing Yi martial artist said indifferently, this person's name is Jiang Lanjian , is the direct descendant of Jiang Yu, the founder of the Sword Sect, and the second genius of the Seven Profound Valley Sword Sect, apart from Jiang Baoyun, the direct disciple of the Sect Master.

Jiang Lanjian's cultivation base has already reached the peak of condensing pulse, and this level of strength is also first-class in the Seven Profound Valley.

"Sword Qi is cultivated to the highest realm, and it can kill nothingness, including obsession, vitality, inner demons, and of course soul attacks, and even his thunder power. Even if this person has the same cultivation level as me, it is not me at all. opponent!"

"Soul attack, after all, is not the right way. It has miraculous effects at the beginning, and the strength grows rapidly, but when it reaches a higher level, it is only tasteless. Putting too much energy into it will limit your strength."

Jiang Lanjian drank the wine silently, and the commented words had some hints of the country. The man in purple laughed. He knew that Jiang Lanjian had a very high vision. The sovereign was also full of praise for his vision.

"The disciples of the Thirty-six Nations, how can they compare with you? If they can enter the top 100, it is already a great honor. If they are lucky enough to enter the top 50, then the ancestral tomb will be smoked. Although the soul attack is not the right way. , but it's better than those less popular moves."

Jiang Lanjian stopped talking. For the warriors of the Thirty-Six Nations, it is indeed much better to have a set of amazing tricks than nothing, even if it is not the right way.

"Let's go, the Hehuan Sect is the most vulnerable. Ouyang Ziyun suffered a big loss this time. His elder brother Ouyang Zifeng helped him avenge him. This young man caused a lot of trouble."


When Lin Ming and Ouyang fought, Long Yun had already eaten the blood essence stone milk that replenished his qi and blood. He woke up and just witnessed the scene where Lin Ming defeated Ouyang Ziyun.

After learning that Lin Ming was from the Heavenly Fate Kingdom. Long Yun was filled with emotion. The Sixteenth Xiuwu family had an independent inheritance because of their abundant resources. Xiang Lai regarded him highly, and Long Yun was also the leader of the Long family, but he never imagined that he would be defeated by a genius from the Heavenly Fortune Kingdom today. And the most unacceptable thing for Long Yun is that the other party's cultivation base is lower than his.

"Thank you, in Ha Longyun, the thirty-generation disciples of the Long family." Longyun stepped forward and clasped his fists in thanks.

The ancient martial arts family is used to saying which generation of disciples they are when introducing themselves. This is also a show of family heritage. In order not to delay cultivation, many martial artists will marry and have children in their 30s and 40s. A family of disciples. At least a thousand years old.

"Lin Ming of the Heavenly Fate Kingdom.

"Lin Ming politely said his name and then sat back in his seat. Qin Xingxuan naturally served Lin Ming a bowl of keel soup. To her, Lin Ming's victory just now was a matter of course. Don't talk about Lin Ming. Ming, even Ling Sen beat that Ouyang.

It was only then that Long Yunshen noticed that Qin Xingxuan's cultivation in the middle stage of bone forging, compared with his immature and beautiful appearance, immediately surprised him.

The girl in front of her was obviously fifteen or sixteen years old, but her cultivation was so high. How high is this qualification?

If there is no special opportunity, I am afraid that it needs a sixth-grade talent.

Is she also from the Kingdom of Heaven? When did Tianyunguo produce so many geniuses?

A few people behind Long Yun also noticed Qin Xingxuan. Lin Ming has been in the southern border for the past few months, and he has grown up. His face is also angular, and he has a secret temperament. He is said to be seventeen years old. It's not an exaggeration, but Qin Xingxuan still has some childish looks. When they were the same age as Qin Xingxuan, they were only at the Yi Jin period.

Especially the girl behind Long Yun, when she saw Qin Xingxuan, she felt a sense of inferiority in her heart. When the two girls met, the comparison was not only in strength and talent, but also in appearance.

Completely defeated in all aspects, she sighed inwardly, knowing that she should not have come.

Long Yun concealed the shock in his heart and smiled at Qin Xingxuan. I am afraid that within five years, this girl will be famous in thirty-six countries.

Seeing the other party's smile, Qin Xingxuan just nodded politely, as if he had no intention of making a deep friendship, Long Yun could only say goodbye.

"If Brother Lin goes to Holuo Country, you can go to the Long Family for a gathering. My Long Family is at Longluo Mountain on the border of Holuo Country, so I will say goodbye."


A few hours later, the Seven Profound Valley Acacia Sect——

The mountain where the Hehuan Sect is located is full of lush vegetation and fragrant birds and flowers all year round. This is Ouyang Xun, the founder of the Hehuan Sect. He spent a lot of money to set up a magic circle at the foot of Hehuan Peak, blocking the invasion of the cold air from the mountains and letting the entire Hehuan Sect. The peak is green all year round.

This magic circle alone consumes tens of thousands of pure essence stones every year, which is enough to bankrupt a big family in a small country.

Walking into the Hehuan Peak, not only the birds and flowers are fragrant, but also beautiful female nuns can often be seen shuttled among the flowers, beautiful and beautiful.

The sect with the most female nuns in the Seven Profound Valley is not the Qin sect, which is dominated by women, but the Hehuan sect.

In the Hehuan Sect, on average, each male disciple has three to four female companions around him.

Some of these women are forced, but most of them are voluntary. Although the exercises of the Hehuan Sect are more beneficial to men, if they are harvested properly, they will also benefit women in turn, so some only have the talent of the fourth rank and are not lucky. The female disciples who entered the Seven Profound Valley would rather enter the Hehuan Sect and practice the "Hehuan Divine Art". At least with the help of the sect, they have a great hope of entering the congealing stage, or even the acquired stage, before their appearance begins to age.

In this way, you can have additional decades of youth, and have been maintained at the most beautiful time in life, which is a fatal temptation for many beautiful women. Many of them, even from the big families of the Thirty-Six Countries, are not necessarily inferior to Bai Jingyun and Murong Zi's status in the Heavenly Fate Kingdom. If Bai Jingyun hadn't preferred to die, she would have entered here and become one of them. a member of .

Several female nuns who have just entered the congealing stage are gathering in the mountains and fields to celebrate the decades of youth they have just gained. Most of them are around twenty-five or six years old, which is the most charming time in a woman's life. Because of the good maintenance and the moisturizing of various elixir, their skin is as smooth and tender as water, and they look no different from the girls in the 20th century.

While they were celebrating, they saw several disciples of the Hehuan Sect carrying a person up the mountain in a hurry. The person was pale and twitched, as if he had epilepsy.

"The person who is shaking seems to be... Ouyang Ziyun, right?" A woman recognized Ouyang Ziyun. As one of the few promising disciples of the Hehuan Sect, these female cultivators paid extra attention. A talented fellow practitioner will naturally get more abundant resources. If they serve well and reward them with some elixir, it will be enough for them to break through the pulse condensation period. As long as it breaks through the pulse condensation period, no matter how bad its combat effectiveness is, there is no problem.

"It's really Ouyang Ziyun, God, how could he be like this." Another woman covered her mouth. Recently, it seems that something has happened in the Hehuan Sect. A few days ago, the elder's nephew Ouyang Dihua was killed. Only a few days later, Ouyang Ziyun was beaten like this again.

During the conversation, a middle-aged and a young man flew down from the mountain, obviously having received the news in advance and came out to greet them.

The middle-aged man saw Ouyang Ziyun's appearance, his soul power was swept away, and he immediately knew Ouyang Ziyun's situation. He was attacked after reluctantly using the Ziyan Bone Spear. Ten days and a half months, don't try to recover.

In this way, the general sect will not be able to participate in the martial arts meeting, which is a big blow to Ouyang Ziyun. The middle-aged man frowned and said, "What's going on?"

This person is Ouyang Ziyun's father Ouyang Wenzhong, the innate elder in the sect. Seventy percent of the elders of the Hehuan sect are surnamed Ouyang. They are all direct descendants of the founder of the sect, Ouyang Xun, and they have a solid foundation in the sect. The resources they get are many, and secondly, their inherited talents are probably better than other disciples, so the probability of breaking through innate is relatively high.

A few low-level disciples of the Hehuan Sect were forced by Ouyang Wenzhong's aura, and suddenly felt a heavy sense of oppression.

The young man next to the middle-aged man heard a few people's words, and his eyes flashed, "Proficient in soul power attack, and also have the ability to control a small amount of thunder, can kill the same rank martial artist, invincible below the pulse condensation period?"

In order to shirk their responsibilities, these Hehuan Sect disciples named Lin Ming's wise and divine martial arts as invincible below the pulse-condensing stage. In their opinion, Ouyang Ziyun had few opponents below the pulse-condensing stage, and Lin Ming could defeat him in seconds. Ouyang Ziyun said that it was an exaggeration to say that the pulse condensation period was invincible.

"Hmph, the world is so big, who would dare to claim to be invincible below the pulse condensation stage?" The young man snorted coldly, disapproving.

"A warrior who is familiar with soul attack is not afraid at all under the absolute strength gap. I will defeat him in the martial arts arena and make him pay a painful price."

"Well, try not to cause controversy within the scope allowed by the rules." Ouyang Wenzhong also wanted Ouyang Zifeng to breathe a sigh of relief for his younger son, otherwise the bad breath would weigh on Ouyang Ziyun's heart and affect him. practice.

"Don't worry, father, I understand."——

On the fifth day after Qin Ziya and his party arrived in Tianxuan City, the general sect’s martial arts officially began. There were 520 disciples from the 36 countries in the Qixuan region, the 16 Xiuwu families, and the Qixuangu general sect. Gathered in the Tianxuan Mountains, waiting to enter the mountain gate.

Among so many young heroes, Lin Ming is inconspicuous. Although he also attracted a lot of attention in the Nanhua Building a few days ago, compared to those geniuses in the middle and late stages of Pulse Condensation, he can only be regarded as worthy of attention. A little genius is not enough to cause widespread discussion. (To be continued)

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