Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Imitation artifact - 5 lines of the ring

Above the five-ring ring, the three-color ray circling like three dragons, and the surrounding space is filled with huge momentum and pressure, which makes people feel like suffocation.

He Yiming is more comfortable, he has never used any special combat skills. That is to say, with the powerful power of the five elements, Gabri is stuck in the center of the three-color ray and regards him as a live target. , knocking again and again.

Compared with the previous ten days, He Yiming now has too many differences, not only suppressing the opponents in a stable confrontation. Moreover, on the powerful power of the five elements of the ring, it is far better than the sword and shield of the other side.

On the 10th, the status between the two of them seems to have come a big shift, and the offense and defense have shifted from each other.

Compared with He Yiming, the more you play, the more comfortable you are. Gabriel is - more and more scared, and feels boundless humiliation.

However, he vaguely felt that the other party's place. Being able to sway such a powerful power should be related to the Qimen weapon in his hand.

However, he is a Westerner after all, and he is not aware of the five elements of the artifact that has disappeared for thousands of years, so he also cannot recognize the origin of this imitation artifact.

If he had already let him know that there was such a fake artifact in the hands of He Yiming, and he had already succeeded in refining, then he really did not have the courage to dare to be alone with He Yiming.

However, at this moment, after being hit by an imaginary attack, his face gradually became horrible, and suddenly he screamed. "There are three different colors on the body. These colors instantly blend together, just like a piece. The three-color python was hovering around the park, and then poured into his right-handed sword.

The shield on the left hand disappeared instantly. Gabri double-handedly held the sword, and the two-handed sword seemed to suddenly expand several times. The huge swordsman was even bigger than the sword itself. He ignored the move to He Yiming.

At this moment, he seems to have abandoned all his thoughts and put all his strength and perfection into this sword.

In his body, rolling crazy, unable to climb the momentum, when these momentum gathered to the top, even his people even faintly lit up.

He Yiming’s face was immediately dignified. He just played it and he was released. The feeling of depression that was oppressed by the big python was released. The mood is temporary and smooth. It can be said that this is unprecedented. Although the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abundance, the empire, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the Zhou Dynasty Qiankun will kill the gods of the gods and seal the throne, seek the devil, respect the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the Gabriel body, the powerful momentum, Knowing this blow is almost equivalent to the Western Supreme giving up self-esteem. It started to work hard.

He Yizhen’s heart is full of pride and confidence.

As a newly promoted Supreme, he is able to force a fellow player who has been promoted to dozens of phoenix to such a degree. What is dissatisfied?

On the epee, along with the huge swordsman, like a meteor, the void was cut, as if it had appeared above his head in an instant.

Gabri has firmly locked his air, He Yiming has such a feeling, even if he fled to the end of the world, but also want to escape this unparalleled shocking sword o his feet steady standing, the hands of the five elements The three-color ray radiated from the ring is also condensed into a rope in an instant.

A strange feeling came from the heart. The integration of these three forces is not only the fusion of his power, but also the special five-line world power in the five elements.

This combination of strength is not inferior to his own strength.

It seems that he can absorb the power of ping-pong in this world, and the space world of the five-line ring can provide the same energy.

At this moment, He Yiming even had such a strange idea.

He is not alone in combat, but has two self, and the power of use is multiplied.

A huge five-line ring illusion appeared in front of He Yiming, just like a huge rotating wheel in the sky, greeted the giant sword that had been cut down.

There was a loud bang, as if it were a catastrophe, and the loud voice was enough to drown everything.

Later, Gabriel's body could no longer hold it. He slammed into the place and flew away from the back.

He Yiming has two feet and stands, he e! : Look at the eyes. When he drove the power of the five elements to the limit, he was able to borrow the power of the self-contained space. This is definitely an unexpected surprise.

At that moment, He Yiming is equivalent to having the power of two sages.

Moreover, this is still a strong sage who combines all the powers into one.

With two dozens, He Yiming's strength and Gabri are not on a grade. The hard-hitting result of both sides is that Gabri is flying out without any suspense.

He Yiming’s ecstasy in his heart, his confidence suddenly skyrocketed, and the only doubts that had existed at the moment were all disappeared at the moment.

Gently slamming his feet, He Yiming has been chasing like a fly.

The faster the five-ring ring in his hand is, the powerful power is like the water of the rising tide. The waves are higher than the waves, and they are wounded into a huge scorpion, which will keep Gabri firmly in it, even if it is He wants to escape far and is also heartless and powerless.

Gabriel waved the giant shield and tried to resist the unparalleled offensive of He Yiming. At the same time, he shouted in the mouth, quite a bit of a dog jumped into the wall.

After the absolute strength confrontation once, his heart has completely turned into a cold piece, no longer dare to have the slightest hope, can rely on one person to win He Yiming originally seen He Yi Ming once again appeared in his sight, he thought, that was his best chance. But there was nothing. I thought that what he was waiting for was not a tame rabbit, but a fierce lion.

Waving the five-ring ring in his hand, He Yiming suddenly felt that although he refining this imitation **** soldier, he did not really blend in with it.

His sense of faintness, in the center of the world of the five elements, has an independent space, and this space is also bred with enormous strength. However, what He Yiming can call now is only part of it. The limit of this power is his true limit.

This feeling made him feel helpless in the joyful Yu, he has a magical feeling, if he can use all the power in the five-line space, then even if it encounters the ghost cry again He will not fail again.

But even at this moment, He Yiming is already quite satisfied.

After mobilizing the power in the five-line space, each of his attacks, within the five elements of the ring will be the same force to merge with it, once the two forces united, suddenly completely melted into one. I don’t feel the rejection and stagnation at all, as if these two forces should have been like one.

In this way, between He Yiming's swaying, in fact, only used 50% of the infuriating, it has already beat Gabri to the left and right, only the merits of parry.

If Gabriel is known, He Yiming is actually holding a playful and experimental mentality to deal with him, then he will certainly vomit blood and die.

In the hands of the five elements of the ring suddenly, a condensation, He Yiming's movements have become slow. However, his movements are slow, but the power of his display is not bad, even higher ones in his hands. The opening of the thirty-sixth style of the mountain was carried out.

Although this gold system can be used with a fist or a knife, it can be used with a five-ring ring. For He Yiming, it was the first time.

However, the five-ring ring is not a general weapon of the gods. The light above it flashes and seems to be declared as any five-row weapon in the world.

The radiance of the metal color shines from the five elements of the ring, as if it is a huge flying axe, carrying the infinite gold power, surging in every inch of the empty Gabriel shield It was the shadow of the sky that he was wielding, which made it difficult to pick up the axe.

However, with He Yiming's - Kaisan thirty-six style to the thirteenth. The power has doubled, the number of flying axes in the air, and their attacking power are all different from the right ones. Every light and shadow axe touches the shield of Gabriel. It is like a top-ranking Tianqiang. A full axe squats down. Although the force of a strong man is not enough for Gabriel, when such a master emerges in tens of thousands, and continues to attack. Even if it is a strongman at the Sayādaw level, it is also sweating in the short-term home, and it is unbearable.

The infinite light can be slashed from any angle under the control of the five-row ring. Even some gold power can break into the ground, and after taking a scorpion in the ground, it is swept out of Gabriel's feet.

It seems that every flying axe has its own unique thoughts and will turn their power to the extreme.

Starting from the twenty-first style, the power of the thirty-sixth model is changed. The scattered flying axe is no longer flying. Instead, after hovering in the air, it suddenly condensed.

Above the five-line ring. There was a huge light axe, and the axe with the glare of the glass condensed as essence.

He Yiming struggled with a big bang, and an axe was cut down.

Gabri no longer dared to use the epee to meet, he held up the shield, the whole man's big body was huddled under the shield. And the shield is supported by the right shoulder pawn, and the strength of the whole body is also condensed to this point.

"The huge noise suddenly exploded, and the light axe disappeared. But almost at the same time, after the huge shield was paused, the fine cracks slowly cracked along the point where the shield and the light axe were handed over. It opened up and spread out like a spider web.

The gold system is the twenty-seventh style of the mountain. It has already smashed such a huge power, and it has broken the hard shield of Gabriel!

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