Sunset and evening light.

Under Hengshan.

A beautiful and pleasant scenery is full of sadness at this moment.

Two piles of loess stand side by side, and buried in the middle is the pair of 'boya stage'.

There was no waiting for the first seven, and there were no gongs and drums, just two ordinary coffins, one cover, accompanied by the wailing of the relatives, dust to dust, soil to soil, hastily done.

This is the quacks, who come and go in a hurry.

Xu Fengyu threw a handful of yellow paper into the fire pit and bowed slightly.

Mo Da on the side spoke.

"What are you going to do about that kid?"

Xu Fengyu said without hesitation, "Follow me home." "


Mo Da did not force it.

From the moment Xu Fengyu shot out such a copper plate, he knew that this was a reliable man.

"If there is something in the future, just come to Hengshan to find me."


Xu Fengyu replied gently, carried the crying Qu Feiyan into the carriage, and said goodbye to Mo Da.


The carriage was far away, and there was a bleak sound of erhu behind him.

This trip to Hengyang finally came to a thrilling end.


Half a month later, the group returned to Beijing.

Leave stylish and slightly cool, and return full of flowers.

Six doors.

"What? Silver headcatcher? "

Xu Fengyu sat up in shock, and hurriedly refused, "Forget it, don't you just catch Yu Canghai, people are still killed by others, if they are still promoted, others will definitely not be happy." "

Zhuge Zheng and my Zhizhu were in hand, staring at Xu Fengyu with a smile, "Didn't you still kill Tian Boguang?" "


Xu Fengyu was speechless for a while, but he secretly cried in his heart.

Catching the head in black and arresting Yu Canghai is already a task in the sky.

If he is promoted to the silver-clothed headhunter, the situation is different, Jiang Long is the silver-clothed headhunter, look at him, he is busy all day to death, and he has to deal with those grandmaster-level figures.

Unfortunately, he couldn't refuse.

In the end, he could only change into a silver token and leave.

Looking at Xu Fengyu's back, Zhuge Zheng quipped ruthlessly, "How? This kid is not the embroidered pillow you said, right? "

Ruthless was in a trance, and was slightly caught off guard in the face of his sudden question.

However, she quickly calmed down and said respectfully, "Xu Huntou seems to be cynical, lazy and lazy, but in fact he is wise and foolish, and his actions are often a little elusive, to be honest, I can't see through him." "

Zhuge Zheng I was stunned.

He thought that Ruthless only changed his impression of Xu Fengyu, but he didn't expect to give him such a high evaluation.

But this kid does make people a little unable to see through him.



"I'm back!"


Xu Fengnian pulled his throat and pushed the door in.

"The young master is back?"

Forber's face was delighted, and he faltered to greet him.

The trembling appearance always makes people worry whether he will fall in the next second.

Looking Xu Fengyu up and down carefully, seeing that he was unscathed, the old man was relieved.

Then he looked to his side and asked, "Who are these two?" "

One person goes out and three come back.

Xu Fengyu took Qu Fei's flue, "This little girl is the sister I recognize, and she will live in our house in the future... Little non-smoke, quickly called Forber. "

In the end, Qu Feiyan is only a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, only to lose his loved ones, and to join a completely strange new home, he is naturally very nervous.

She grabbed the corner of Xu Fengyu's clothes and said timidly, "Grandpa Fu is good!" "

"Hey! Good, good..."

The old man suddenly closed his mouth with joy and said goodbye.

"This is not a bad life..."

Xu Fengyu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Then he pointed to Lin Pingzhi, who was still unkempt, and introduced, "This is Lin Gongzi of the Fuwei Dart Bureau, eh..."

At this point, he was speechless all of a sudden, not knowing how to settle the goods.

After Liu Mansion finished his affairs, Lin Pingzhi disappeared.

Xu Fengyu originally thought that he would return to the trajectory and join the Huashan faction, or be taken away by Cao Shaoqing.

Who knew that this goods actually came to Beijing to wait for him.


Just when Xu Fengyu was embarrassed, Lin Pingzhi knelt on both knees.

"Grace Gong, Grace Gong helped me to revenge my great revenge, just like the grace of recreation, the great world, now there is only this kindness left to live, in the future, I will give you a peaceful saddle before and after."


Xu Fengyu was instantly dumbfounded.

Looking at him with a look of 'if you don't agree, I won't be able to kneel', so he had to answer for the time being.

"Well, let's do it first."

"Thank you Gongzi!"

Lin Pingzhi bowed down.

Xu Fengyu Meimei took a bath and slept for most of the day, only then did he feel relieved.

It's night.

Xu Fengyu hesitated for a while, and finally knocked on Lin Pingzhi's door.

In the room, looking at Lin Pingzhi, who was freshly cleaned, Xu Fengyu showed a touch of surprise.

Just like the portrayal of him in the book - a weak beautiful boy, better than a woman pretending to be a man, hooking Hua Dan.

A servant costume could not hide his original nobility.

For Lin Pingzhi, Xu Fengyu had some good impressions.

He is the character with the most tragic fate and the strongest will in Xiaoao, although he eventually turns from right to evil, but his essence is nostalgic for old love, the most beautiful and filial piety, and he is a loyal and courageous man.

The return of things to the original owner, this is Xu Fengyu's intention.

He took out his robe and handed it to Lin Pingzhi, "When I went to Fuzhou to investigate the case, I found it in your old mansion." "

Lin Pingzhi took it tremblingly.

Despite his speculation, he said in disbelief, "This is?" "

Xu Fengnian glanced at his robe with a complicated expression, "'Evil Sword Spectrum', the source of all your pain, well, how to say it... If you can, you'd better not practice. "


It was late at night.

The candlelight is faintly bright.

In the dimness, Lin Pingzhi was desperate like a beast, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was hideous, the back of his hand was bruised, and his ten fingers were clasping his robe, suppressing the heart-wrenching lungs in his heart.

He muttered in his mouth, "Just because of you, my family is broken, I really want those mongrels to see, if you want to practice this skill, you must first come from the palace... Hehe...... What a great irony,


Tears slipped into the corners of the mouth.

He pulled it violently, and he wanted to tear it apart.

But he stopped again, a gentleness appeared on his face, and he gently smoothed it out.

"I have a home again..."

(After writing this chapter, I thought for about ten minutes, did not come up with a chapter name, and finally wrote 'Return', both for returning to Beijing and Lin Ping's new life).

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