"Your mother is a Han Chinese, you know that." Zhong Ping seemed to be thinking about something while talking to Yesuo, so his voice was a little hazy.

"Yes, these were arranged by Da Chanyu. Jesso was an outcast." Jesso replied calmly. Zhong Ping was a little surprised by this sentence. This seemed to be the first time Jesso mentioned his life experience. Usually, Jesso never mentioned his life experience in front of him, and the two even formed a tacit understanding about it.

Zhong Ping also accidentally asked a Han female slave who had just been kidnapped to raise him. I didn't expect anything, I just survived. I never thought that this outcast would become his right-hand man in the future, possessing an extraordinary strategic insight and a mysterious skill - commanding the coyote. In the process of Zhongping's selection to reusing Yesuo, Zhongping completely forgot that a Han mother would have a huge influence on him, but only thought that Yesuo was an outcast on the grassland, and he was raised by Zhongping, and he was also regarded as Zhongping. Being kind to him, I promoted him so confidently and boldly.

But then again, all of this was indeed arranged by Zhongping himself. He personally arranged for a Han female slave to raise him.

"Yeah..." Zhong Ping seemed to smile reluctantly, and then turned back to the casual and worrying tone just now: "Do you know what your mother's name is?"

"I don't know. 0" Jesso answered succinctly, he felt Zhong Ping staring at him closely.

Zhong Ping is now a little confused and undecided. He looked closely at Jesso's expression, which was still as calm and unpredictable as ever. His eyes were still as deep and peaceful as ever. Jesso looked very calm. Maybe...he really doesn't know, maybe he knows...but, even if he knows, it means that he is protecting his mother, but it seems reasonable. But Jesso seems to be indifferent to everyone. After he served as the number one counselor, he seldom returned home. He ran around various battlefields and military training grounds all year round, serving as specific inspector tasks. Perhaps, his relationship with his mother was not as close as he thought. That being said, I don't know, it seems possible.

"Your mother's name is Cai Yan, a talented woman in the Han Dynasty. I just found out." Zhongping looked at Yesuo as he spoke, disappointing him again. Yesuo did not show any surprise or other similar emotions. "It's possible." Jesso said calmly, as if doing an analysis problem.

"Your mother, fled the grassland yesterday. Obviously, he fled with the Han envoy Yan Qing." Zhong Ping said every word.

Finally, Zhong Ping saw with satisfaction that Jesso's expression showed surprise and confusion: "She, escaped from the grassland?...My mother, went back to the Central Plains? Go back... Finally, go back." Falling into some kind of contemplation, he repeated these 4.7 words in a low voice.

"Finally went back? What do you mean?" Zhong Ping asked coldly.

"She said that she misses the Central Plains, misses her hometown, and hopes that one day she can go back." Jesso seemed to calm down all of a sudden, the surprise, confusion, and even the pain and entanglement on his face disappeared, and he became very calm.

"Do you know the news about her going back?" Zhong Ping asked.

"I don't know, I just found out." Jesso remained expressionless.

Zhong Ping fell silent. Most of the men on the grassland are straightforward, and it is difficult to use words to detour. He Zhongping is already a relatively clever man.

"Then... will your mother's escape affect your loyalty to the Prairie God and Da Chanyu?" Zhong Ping chose to ask directly. .

Chapter 81 Command Power

This question seems silly because normal people know how to answer it. Zhongping thought that Yesuo would immediately express his stance and swear his loyalty to Da Chanyu. Unexpectedly, Jesso was silent for a while, and then said: "My mother escaped from the grassland and went back to the Central Plains, which really surprised me... But since I was born in the grassland and grew up in the grassland, I would not hesitate to give my life for the grassland."

Jesso's words were still quite calm, and there was no sign of excitement.

Zhong Ping didn't know how to respond. It stands to reason that since Yesuo didn't know that his mother was Cai Yan, and he didn't know the circumstances of his mother's escape at all, it should have nothing to do with this. But since Cai Yan is his mother, it must have a great influence on him. However, most of the men in the grassland are bold, and the rules of the grassland are mostly clear. If there is no solid reason, it is not convincing to punish others at will. Moreover, now that the enemy is facing, Zhongping also needs to have Jesso as a right-hand man. Judging from his previous judgment, it was very accurate.

"If you are suspicious, you can take the initiative to resign from the position of number one counselor," Yesuo said bluntly.

"No need to..." Zhong Ping waved his hands hastily. "I'm not going to remove my number one counselor from my post because of an unfounded accident and an elder's words." He said and patted Jesso on the shoulder to show intimacy. "You continue to hold all the previous positions, as usual, as usual..." Zhongping comforted.

However, the number one advisor is a trivial matter. Although this position has a high status, it has no independent military power and is a senior staff officer. If the number one advisor commanded the army, it was because Da Shanyu gave him temporary power, and he handed over the military power after the task was completed. For example, Yesuo led the troops several times, all of which were specially ordered by Zhongping. Of course, Jesso's leadership is quite amazing, and he is often surprised. The generals on the left and right are the ones who really have the military power, and they usually bring their troops to garrison and train. Such as Zhongting, has more troops. But Zhong Ting is his younger brother, and Zhong Ping is more at ease about this. Oru and Liu Cheng also had some military power, but not much. The two have followed Zhongping for many years and are the core members of the Zhongping Group.

However, Jesso's official position is the number one counselor, and he also has a secret position, that is, the commander of the Prairie Wolf Cavalry. The prairie wolf cavalry regiment, Zhong Ping's trump card, is in the hands of Yesuo. It can be said that Yesuo brought it up, because only Yesuo has the ability to completely dominate the prairie wolves. Under the leadership of Yesuo, the Xiongnu cavalry and the prairie wolves slowly blended in and domesticated the prairie wolves to a certain extent. Now the prairie wolf can basically attack according to people's orders and become a mount similar to the prairie horse, but it is obviously much more fierce and difficult to tame than the prairie horse. When the Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment was formed, about 50,000 Xiongnu riders were allocated. During the training process, some fell to the dead, and some were bitten by wolves that were not domesticated in place. Nearly 10,000 people were lost within a year. All prairie wolf riders are prepared to die. Fortunately, in the initial training, Jesso was always present and tried to control the situation as much as possible. A year later, the wildness of the wolves gradually receded, at least no longer biting the riders, and the number of prairie wolf riders was greatly reduced.

The cavalry regiment had about 40,000 riders, each controlling about three wolves. There are hundreds of thousands of wolves. The cavalry regiment was divided into four groups. When fighting, the cavalry regiment must be dispersed, and tactics such as ambushes and detours should be carried out according to the way the wolves capture their prey. If the entire cavalry regiment strikes, then things stretch, front and rear, and unstoppable. Yesuo proudly believed that once the Prairie Wolf Legion appeared, it would attack other cavalry teams in the grasslands, and the other cavalry teams would be powerless to fight back. Because the speed endurance and biting ability of wolves far exceed that of ordinary horses.

Such a team has a deep connection with Jesso. Almost created by Jesso. What would happen if Jesso used this team to oppose him, or to join the Central Plains? Zhong Ping didn't even dare to think about it.

"Yesuo, don't be suspicious... Don't worry, your number one adviser is the same as usual, don't care about this accident, I trust you very much..." Zhong Ping kept repeating to Jesso.

"The current situation of Zhong Ting's department is worth worrying about..." Zhong Ping seemed to want to divert the topic.

"That's right. Chang Yuchun is deceitful, and now Zhong Ting's main force has been completely exposed under Chang Yuchun's eyes. Chang Yuchun has even personally reconnaissed his station many times, and even brought thousands of people to attack once. I'm worried about Chang Yuchun. Yuchun will launch a large-scale assault on Zhong Ting, and Zhong Ting is likely to suffer a major defeat at that time."

"What do you think should be done now?"

"Join the troops together. Zhong Ting's main force evacuated the original station, lured Chang Yuchun to attack, and then tried to surround and destroy Chang Yuchun with 300,000 cavalry. When Chang Yuchun's troops lost, it was equivalent to a pliers being taken down by us. Xu Da's department will immediately become isolated, and the entire battlefield initiative will be in our hands. The threat to the grasslands will also be resolved naturally."

"Okay!" Zhong Ping couldn't help but praise. Really strategic vision, generous. "According to what you said. You go to Zhong Ting's place now, and start the pre-deployment preparations. Prevent Zhong Ting from losing 607 profits during this period. My army will be transferred later."

"Yes," Jesso replied.

"That's right." Zhong Ping seemed to mention this matter inadvertently: "Regarding the Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment, I'm going to inspect it tonight."

"I will inform the Prairie Wolf Legion... to prepare." Yesuo said.

"No need, no need." Zhong Ping returned to that casual, unpredictable tone. "You don't need to accompany you. You arrive at the Zhongting Department as soon as possible. I will personally supervise the training and preparations of the Steppe Wolf Cavalry Regiment in the future. You are responsible for formulating the specific plan for this battle against the Central Plains. Don't worry about the Steppe Wolf Cavalry Regiment in the future. already."

Jesso was a little silent, how could he not know the mystery. Zhong Ping's words undoubtedly told him that his career as the commander of the Prairie Wolf Cavalry was over. Moreover, Zhong Ping transferred him to Zhong Ting, who was specifically responsible for the formulation of the battle plan for this joint army and ambush. Equivalent to senior staff. It is equivalent to abolishing Jesso's decision-making power. Obviously, Zhong Ping wants to use his strategic vision and at the same time limit his real power one by one. In the final analysis, although Zhongping appreciates his ability, his trust in him has dropped significantly. Jesso even doubted whether he would have the opportunity to lead troops independently in the future. .

Chapter 82 In the South

For a moment, Jesso looked very disappointed, as if he had something to say, but he immediately calmed down and said calmly, "Yes." Although this matter made him a little embarrassed, he was a too calm character. It's useless to say that, not only will the explanation not have any effect, but it will make the relationship between him and Zhongping more rigid. Moreover, Jesso doesn't really care about these rights. He has been conscientious and conscientious over the years, and he doesn't seem to want anything. He and his mother get rid of slave life, and he advises Zhongping, as if the number one counselor is a normal job. Just do your job. Now that Zhongping has deprived him of these real powers, although he was very disappointed for a moment, but when he thinks back about it, what he is doing is not work, and it is useless for him to ask for these real powers. And the only thing he worried about was the Prairie Wolf Cavalry, whether there would be any unexpected troubles or serious problems after leaving him. There have been many serious crises in the Prairie Wolf Cavalry Regiment, such as the difficult running-in, the rapid attrition of riders, the plague, the work of keeping secrets... and so on, all of which he managed and resolved with all his heart. Some problems are still in the early stages, and because the measures were taken in time, they did not cause major problems. Jesso doubts that others have the ability to find and solve these problems, and whether they have the ability to lead the coyote cavalry.

Doubt is doubt, these are beyond his control. Jesso bowed his head silently, touched his chest with his hand, and backed out.

The north is already tense, and a decisive battle is imminent. Such a tense atmosphere will naturally alarm many people in the Central Plains. First of all, within the Luochen Group, a large number of infantry and cavalry were transferred from the hinterland of Yizhou and the hinterland of Guanzhong, and went north to station Shuofang and Jiuyuan. The local generals naturally felt it. Lu Bu, Huang Zhong, and Xiahou Yuan came to fight. Raising soldiers in the local area is boring enough, and it has been a long time since there has been a war. Lu Bu's task was to suppress and suppress rebellions in peacetime. Xiahou Yuan had almost no combat tasks, while Huang Zhong was to confront Yu Jin every day. Now that Cao Cao and Luo Chen have reached a settlement, Huang Zhong and Yu Jin will naturally not be able to fight. Now the Northern Heavy Army Group, this spectacular scene is the first time it has appeared in the Fallen Army. Previously, the Fallen Army had no more than 150,000 to 200,000 troops, but this time it has soared to 400,000. It is said that there are still troops moving to the front. The generals in the south were naturally itching and kept asking to join the war.

Contrary to what people expected, Luo Chen had not appeared on the northern front to command his large army these days. According to reports, he went south to Yizhou.

The generals in the south were naturally jubilant, and they could meet Luochen and ask for meritorious deeds, otherwise they would be in the middle of the generals to death in this life. Fallen dust did not disappoint them.

Luochen stayed at Xiahouyuan's place for half a day, and asked Xiahouyuan to immediately organize a hundred thousand cavalry to go north, targeting Shuofang County. In addition, he organized a supply line of 100,000 people in his own territory, and handed it over to Zhuge Liang for overall planning, so that the supply must be kept up in time. Then he went to Chengdu, the capital of Yizhou.

Luochen saw Zhang Juzheng who was worried. Zhang Juzheng said while reckoning: "In this campaign, the troops have concentrated 500,000 to 600,000, and the people are millions, and they have spent countless money and food. The materials, money and food accumulated in the past few years have been spent a lot. Lord, don't forget, our ultimate enemy is not the Huns. People, but Cao Cao! Cao Cao's attack this time will definitely set the three states of Hebei in the east, Hebei will be rich, Cao Cao will take over the Qianliang army in Hebei, and his strength will rise again. I don't know how the lord will deal with it at that time ¨ˇ?"

"Do you think my decision to attack the Xiongnu this time was wrong?" Luo Chen asked sharply.

"Large-scale all-out war is unwise." Zhang Juzheng insisted very stubbornly on his point of view.

"Cao Cao set up Hebei in the east, and went north to get Liaodong. What do you think will happen next?" Luo Chen asked.

Zhang Juzheng hesitated: "It's hard to say. It may go south, or it may face us west."

Luo Chen smiled and shook his head, but didn't say much. Zhang Juzheng's analysis is of course foolproof and very reasonable. Unfortunately, Luochen still has a plug-in advantage: Luochen is familiar with the development history of the Three Kingdoms. When Cao Cao took over Hebei, Liu Biao would be dead. Cao Cao's iron cavalry first entered Xinye, Fancheng, and then Jingzhou, and then occupied the whole of Jingzhou. Continuing south, the Battle of Chibi broke out, and Cao Cao's vitality was severely damaged. Naturally, there is no way to compete with Fallen Dust.

What Luochen has to do is to ensure that this historical process develops one by one. Perhaps the previous details are not the same, but the battle of Chibi must be ensured.

In addition, Zhang Juzheng said that he did not want to continue working in Yizhou.

"Why?" Luo Chen was a little surprised.

"My task is almost completed. The equal-field system, the government and the military system have been implemented, and the bureaucratic system has also been established. I want to go back to Chang'an, which is too remote." Zhang Juzheng answered confidently.

"This..." Luo Chen hadn't thought about this question. He has been busy with designing the war with the Huns recently, and has not devoted his energy to thinking about this issue. Moreover, Zhang Juzheng had not informed him before. "What are you doing back in Chang'an? Besides, who can replace you when you're gone?"

"Xu Shu, you can do anything with Fazheng." Zhang Juzheng said casually. Anyway, he looks like he must leave Yizhou. "I'm going to Chang'an... Is the lord organizing an intelligence spy network?" Zhang Juzheng smiled slyly.

Falling for a moment, good idea! He had a meeting in Tongguan at the time, and gathered a few confidants around him. Zhang Ju was in Chengdu and was too far away, so Luo Chen just asked someone to inform him of the situation. This Zhang Juzheng was a powerful minister of the Ming Dynasty, how could he do it without the ability of a spy (Zhao of Qian) to report organizational skills. Besides, Zhang Ju is what he got from the system, which is more reliable.

"Okay." Luo Chen immediately agreed with a smile. He was worried that no one would take the job. Yan Qing was also very reluctant. It is said that the spy he trained did not improve at all, and the whole work was very difficult.

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