"Master, now we have taken the city, but the Stormcloak will soon know about it, so we only have these five hundred people now, and we can't keep the city at all!"

Luochen also knew that they had few people now. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't kill tens of thousands of people in a short period of time, so when he came, he had already arranged for Tordiv to move Agur. stand up.

The messenger that has been hidden in the Empire should also be used.

Sitting on the throne, Alisif looked at the letter handed to her by the messenger, lowered his head and asked, "Did you really get this from the Stormcloak?"

Of course the messenger thinks otherwise, will I tell you?

However, he still showed a humble smile and said directly to Elisief: "Yes, my queen!"

Elisif's expression was completely hidden in the letter, so that people could not see the change in her expression, she said lightly: "Go on, go to Governor Maggie to get your reward later!"

Hearing this sentence, the messenger nodded very happily. There were not too many requirements in many Western etiquette. Then he said to Tullius who was beside him: "You will send troops later!"

Tullius looked at Elisif in surprise. Why did he send himself into the army with this simple letter? He expressed his doubts, but Elisif here turned his head. , stared at him fiercely: "Sometimes, there are some things you are not qualified to ask why. General Tulles, this palace has always believed that the role of generals is to obey the orders of the Lord and perform their duties. Woolen cloth!"

Her words made Tullius, who was in front of her, knelt on the ground immediately: "My Lady Queen's order, Cheng Zi should work hard to complete it, please rest assured, Her Lady Queen!"

After he finished speaking, Elisiever nodded with satisfaction and looked at the sky at the same time: "Luochen, Luochen, this time even if you get a bargain, but if you think there will be another time, you are wrong. !"

At this moment, the messenger outside the door came to Governor Maggie's room. He knocked on the door, the door opened, and there were some gold coins on a table not far away. crazy.

He sat down very excitedly: "My Lady Queen asked me to collect my own reward!"

Maggie smiled, looking like a fairy from any angle, even now.

But with a bloodshot floating towards the snow-white window, I wonder if you can still imagine it like this!

And right here at 483, inside the storm cloak in the distance.

"What? You're saying it once!"

Originally, there were not many sites where the Stormcloak was located, and there were only three cities in total. With Chenxing being captured, now he is left with the Valley Rift City.

Why do you want to push me so hard!

But he forgot that he was forcing the dust.

At this moment, a burst of heat suddenly came. As a person who could easily approach the Supreme Emperor, successfully assassinate him, and finally escape smoothly, he was very sensitive to all breaths.

I saw him go out and saw that nothing had changed around him.

But this breath was very familiar, as if it came from someone he knew well. By the way, he remembered, isn't this Tullius?

How could he be here!

Under the astonishment, two flames appeared in Ulfric's hands: "Tullius, as the saying goes, people don't do dark things, come out when you come!"

There was no response to his voice, could it be because he thought too much?

At this moment, several flames burst out from the palace behind, everyone was stunned, and Luo Chen also came to the old base of the Thieves Guild at this time.

At this moment, after this period of hard work, the Thieves Guild has also developed to a high standard. .

Chapter 298 Ma Wen's hesitation

When the battle between the Stormcloak and the Luojia Army was the most fierce, the Empire set a fire behind them.

Alisif looked at this beautiful river and sighed: "It would be great if the whole world was in my pocket."

Tullius lowered his head behind his back: "Maggie has attacked Valley Rift City according to your instructions, and the city ministers of Xueman will help His Majesty get it! Once Xueman is broken, the whole world is basically stable."

Alisif looked at him with an ambiguous smile, which made Tullius sweat profusely. He had long heard that Lord Alisif was restless, but he did not expect this to be true.

He stepped back hastily.

Luochen looked at Gu Rifle City, the corpse in this place, and clenched his fist tightly in his hand.

"Ulfric! How dare you kill my servant!"

After these words fell, he walked out the door, and at this moment, several stormcloak soldiers walked in.

Galma still has a mutilated body.

"Luochen, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come to your door automatically today and take him down for me!"

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Is it just you?"

As soon as the voice fell, two flames suddenly appeared from the soldiers in the storm cloak.

"What's this?"

Just as one of the soldiers opened his mouth, the fiery snake was like an eel, madly moving towards the bricks inside.

After half a sound, the soldier turned into a burning man and fell to the ground. When the other soldiers saw this, they dared to move and covered their mouths with their hands.

Galma stared at Luochen: "Okay, I want to see how much your strength has improved!"

He has completely forgotten the last failure, so that the fire dragon came to him, and he still threw out the air fist like before, and the flames flew away.

"Hahaha, Luochen, how come your strength has become so bad now~"?"

Luochen looked at him as if he was looking at an evil pen: "Is that so? Let me see how much power you have left!"

After saying this, suddenly there were traces of fire streaks all over his body, which looked like hair, but these fire streaks became more and more, and it seemed to have the meaning of swallowing them up.

Galmaao screamed, and one of the soldiers stepped forward: "Sir, don't speak!"

As soon as the words fell, he was directly rushed into his mouth by the fire snake, and the whole person was for a fire man.

Galmar was similar to what had happened to him, having been swallowed up by the flames.

On the other side, Maggie led the soldiers to set fire everywhere in Valley Rift City.

Ulfric looked at the burning palace, turned directly to his generals, and returned to Valley Rift City, but the blood was already flowing into a river at this time. Damn, Chenxing is the place where he has the strongest troops, and he even let the dust fall. Breaking, that's all, now the empire has come to such a short distance.

So he was not angry in his heart, and he rushed up with a sword in hand.

"Maggie, I am the proud son of this Valley Rift City. I have lived here for generations. If you want to slaughter the people here, you have to step on me!"

His words, to a great extent, inspired the residents who were fleeing.

Yes, the leader has been here since he was a child, and he never left. Why should we abandon our homeland?

Thinking of this, everyone turned around and killed in the direction of Maggie.

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