"A pot of hot tea and some more food."

Walking into the tea shop, Lin Jingzhe took Qu Feiyan and Yilin to sit down and ordered something to eat as usual.

Lin Jingzhe's voice was not loud, but in this small tea shop that was taught by the Sun and Moon God to occupy the private room, it attracted everyone's attention in the first place.

"Where did the chaos come from..."

Some of the customers in the tea shop were driven away by the people of the Sun Moon God Cult because they were discussing important matters.

So when Lin Jingzhe's voice came in, there were disciples who wanted to blast Lin Jingzhe away.

But the words were only halfway through, and the disciple who wanted to blast recognized Lin Jingzhe, he didn't have the courage to say the second half of his sentence.

"Kang Dang..."

Yang Lianting felt strange when he heard that there was no follow-up movement from Bang Ren's disciple.

He just picked up the tea, and turned around curiously, and suddenly saw Lin Jingzhe coming in with a dark spear.

Seeing that Lin Jingzhe was only a few steps away from where he was, Yang Lianting couldn't help being shocked, and the tea bowl suddenly fell on the table.

The expression on his face changed a few times. Yang Lianting stood up, with a smile on his face and saluted Lin Jingzhe cupped hands: "I have seen Young Master Lin in the next Sun Moon God Sect Chief Yang Lianting."

"Looking up to Young Master Lin for a long time, I wonder if Young Master Lin can sit down and have a few drinks."

Although the meeting was a bit hurried and sudden, Yang Lianting thought a lot and quickly adjusted his posture and started talking with Lin Jingzhe: "We Sun Moon God Sect from top to bottom, but we all admire you, son."

"No, I'll leave after drinking tea."

Looking at own Yang Lianting with a smile, Lin Jingzhe took Qu Feiyan and Yilin to sit down on an empty table.

He has no interest in Lin Jingzhe, the Sun Moon God Sect.

Therefore, Lin Jingzhe did not have any overlapping ideas with Yang Lianting.

"Then Young Master Lin, we are destined to see you again."

When Lin Jingzhe refused directly, Yang Lianting's face was a little bit uncontrollable, but he did not have any attacks.

This time he brought out not many masters, and Lin Jingzhe is too close. If you want to kill him at this distance, it is not too easy.

Yang Lianting is not a fool, and he still understands the truth of avoiding his edge.

After greeted Lin Jingzhe, Yang Lianting didn't mean to stay at all. He directly led the Sun Moon God Cult and turned around and left.

"Find some brothers to follow him."

After walking far enough, Yang Lianting spoke and asked a confidant to follow Lin Jingzhe's whereabouts.

Although Yang Lianting is not good at martial arts, he is good at figuring out people's hearts, so even though he didn't say a few words with Lin Jingzhe, he has already figured out Lin Jingzhe's attitude towards Sun Moon God Sect.

There is no obvious hostility, nor can it be said how friendly it is.

"Qu Yang, granddaughter, do we leave it alone?"

He helped Yang Lianting onto the sedan chair, Yang Lianting's confidant looked at Qu Feiyan inside the tea shop, and whispered Yang Lianting's opinion: "After all, she is also a traitor to our magic sect."

"It is not our turn to chase the traitor."

Yang Lianting took a cold look at Own's confidant. Qu Feiyan had a close relationship with Lin Jingzhe. He didn't want to cause this trouble.

Back in the sedan chair, Yang Lianting's mouth raised slightly, and said lightly: "Go and talk to that idiot Tong Baixiong, the traitor of the Demon Cult needs him to come back."

"Subordinates understand."

. . . . .

Ying Tianfu.

In the past earth movement, the country of Daming Kingdom Ying Tianfu also suffered heavy losses.

A large number of buildings were turned into ruins and rubble. Millions of people were left homeless, and hundreds of thousands were buried under the rubble. This is just the situation in Yingtianfu.

If you zoom in to the entire Daming country, the number of casualties will increase more than ten times.

"Your Majesty, Ying Tianfu's body has been cleaned up."

In the attic that had just been repaired in the imperial palace, Emperor Ming looked at Yingtian Mansion, which was still in ruins outside the imperial palace, with a sinking face.

After listening to the report from the little eunuch behind him, he retracted his gaze outside the city and asked deeply, "Is there any news from Ma Yichuan?"

"This is an urgent report sent by General Ma just now 800 miles."

Hearing the enquiry from Emperor Da Ming, the little eunuch hurriedly took out a wax-sealed letter from his arms and handed it to Emperor Da Ming, "As soon as he arrived, the servant delivered it."

"The minion retires."

Handing the letter to Emperor Daming, the little eunuch immediately resigned and left. He knew that Emperor Daming did not like anyone being there when he was reading the information.

"Two hundred thousand soldiers died in the battle, occupying a county."

The content of the letter is extremely simple, only a dozen words...

But Emperor Da Ming understood that these dozen or so characters were accumulated from the lives of frontline soldiers.

Behind every word is the accumulation of blood and flesh.

‘It’s finally blocked. ’

Although it only occupies a site the size of a county, the Emperor Daming couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

A few months ago, after the earth movement incident, major incidents occurred on the western border.

Not only did the border wall collapsed, but a foggy area of ​​unknown magnitude appeared in the gray fog.

In order to prevent turbulence, Emperor Daming quickly increased the number of troops stationed on the western border, but it didn't take long for a large number of troops to emerge from the fog, and a great war was about to start.

The battle lasted for a full month, and until today, the army of the Daming Kingdom can be regarded as occupying a place.

"No matter who it is, our world will never allow anyone to get involved."

Holding the emergency report in his hand tightly, Emperor Daming couldn't help clenching his teeth. Almost all the court masters he sent this month died on the battlefield.

This is why he risked putting those people in Rivers and Lakes into the battlefield.

No matter what the purpose of those people is, entering the battlefield is always a force.

Under the general trend, who can stay aside?

Emperor Daming knew very well that no matter what the position of those people was, as long as they entered the battlefield from the western border entrance, they would be completely labeled as Daming country.

In that battlefield, the two sides are destined to be immortal until one side is completely destroyed.

‘Lin Jingzhe, you have to live well. ’

Standing on the lofty attic, Emperor Daming looked out over the western border. Although he was standing high, he paid close attention to the affairs of Rivers and Lakes.

No matter how much he hated the people in Rivers and Lakes before, he tried his best to weaken the power of those people, but in the face of this incident, he completely let go of the past.

The external threat is too great, and every bit of strength is precious in the face of such a disaster.

The Emperor of Lin Jingzhe naturally knew about Lin Jingzhe. He was fighting against the entire Martial Forest with his own strength. Hearing such things, he couldn't help feeling agitated even during his half-life. .

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