Manga Guidebook

Chapter 52: Officially launched

What is the most comfortable thing in summer, air conditioning, and iced watermelon.

Chen Zijun can feel it now. It is indeed very comfortable to eat iced watermelon under the cool air conditioner.

"When I first took it out of the refrigerator, it was still cold, but now it has dropped because I took it along the way." Zhu Tong took a beautiful bite of the watermelon and said.

Chen Zijun said with a light smile: "The most suitable one is the well or ice cellar where the watermelon was placed in my hometown when I was a child. The temperature is suitable and refreshing, and it is better than the one frozen in the refrigerator."

"When there are many tenants, I can consider buying a large air conditioner for everyone to use." Zhong Xiaqing said gently.

"That doesn't work." Lu Ziyun shook his head: "The big air conditioners are only vertical, and the Tokipanzhuang apartment is on the second floor, unless it's the kind of central air conditioner that connects each room, otherwise it doesn't matter at all. use."

Lu Ziyun said: "The cost of central air-conditioning is huge, and the quality is at least seven or eight thousand. In Jingnai City, I estimate it is tens of thousands."

"This is easy to handle. When there are more tenants in the future, it will be fine for each person to pay a little." Zhu Tong said.

Chen Zijun couldn't help laughing. When she saw it, Zhu Tong said, "Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, it's just that you didn't think about your way. We are just tenants, not really our own home. I have to rent it for at least three years, but in the future, many people will be the kind of people who rent for a period of time and leave. After they leave, why are some of the air conditioners that they paid for others to use? In the future, new tenants will come to enjoy the treatment paid for by others for no reason? You can only ask Sister Zhong Xiaqing to buy it by herself, and then increase the rent appropriately. , that's the right way."

Zhu Tong just said it casually and didn't think about it. Now, hearing Chen Zijun's ridicule, he was really impatient, and said, "I know, it's just... I didn't react for a while."

Everyone laughed.

At noon, Chen Zijun made a lot of fried pork chops and a refreshing cold dish, steamed rice, and this was lunch.

The refreshing cold dishes are appetizing, and it is also very delicious when accompanied by fried pork chops, but it is delicious, but the girls didn't eat much, they all ate watermelon to be full, and they had no choice but to put them all into Chen Zijun's stomach

After dinner at noon, the girls were all excited to discuss going shopping and invited Chen Zijun, but Chen Zijun refused.

They were all girls. Chen Zijun felt that it was not good for him to accompany the boys. Moreover, he wanted to draw more comics, so he didn't go. Although it was a day off, Chen Zijun drew comics all day.

But at night, Chen Zijun received a call from Su Jing.

"Editor Su Jing, what's wrong?"

"Mr. April Breeze, "The Shape of Sound" will be serialized on Monday, so we have arranged a coloring page for you, as well as a cover recommendation. You need to draw a coloring page of "The Shape of Sound" and submit it."

"Oh, okay, do you have any requirements?"

"There are no requirements, you can make your own decisions."

"Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Chen Zijun hung up the phone and started to draw color pages. The front page color page is another way of competition in black and white comics. Generally, the first chapter of the newcomer's serialization will be color page, and it will be placed in the front, so that readers can feel intuitively. It is also convenient for publicity, and generally has a good effect. Therefore, generally, magazines only publish color pages at the beginning or the end, or only when important events such as a single book are published.

quite important.

Chen Zijun thought about it for a while, then took out a piece of paper and started drafting. He mainly wanted to know what coloring pages he drew. The characters on the coloring pages were naturally male and female protagonists, or else they would be tricked?

After thinking about it carefully, Chen Zijun randomly drew the outlines of the two characters, standing back to back, but he felt that it was not appropriate because they were too close. The acquaintance of Ishida General and Nishinomiya Glass was in elementary school, and the previous plot was too. In this way, the characters must also be in elementary school, and the location is too close to him, and a table and chairs are placed between the two to separate them, and the background is placed in the classroom.

This is much better. After looking at it, I feel it is not quite right.

Are the two of them just standing there stupidly?

After a little pondering, Chen Zijun put another book in Nishinomiya Glass's hand, which was quite cute, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Such a design should be fine. Let's draw it first to see the final effect."

When Chen Zijun thought of this, he no longer hesitated and began to draw formally. The outline of the character was gradually formed in Chen Zijun's hands. After three hours of drawing, it was finally completed easily. After that, it took another two hours to fill in the details.

Next, is the most difficult coloring.

Coloring pages Coloring pages, compared to the text of the comics, in addition to refining, the color is also the most important, but the color matching also needs to be pondered.

Here, Chen Zijun went to the outside copy shop to print the painting. He needs to practice with this. If he is not satisfied with the painting, he has to repaint it, which is too bad.

"Looking back and thinking about buying a copier." Chen Zijun secretly said.

In total, it took Chen Zijun six full hours to design the film. Even though there was only one piece, Chen Zijun put a lot of thought into it, and then passed it on to Su Jing.

Got the will of 'ok'.

After successfully completing the task, Chen Zijun, who had been tired all day, took a shower and fell asleep on the bed on the ground.


On Monday, Jin Ying magazine had been shipped to newsstands, bookstores, convenience stores, etc. in many provinces one after another after being printed in the printing factory long in advance, and then placed on the shelves waiting for customers to visit. Although Jin Ying magazine is really not that powerful compared to his own son Zijin But after all, it is backed by big companies, and the sales channels are still very amazing, covering many provinces.

On Monday morning, although it is early in the morning, for the mainstream comics in the market now, it is no matter what time of day. Whether it is students, office workers, the elderly, women, and children, they all buy a comic that they like. Magazines can be described as dazzling, there are all types.

Chen Wenyi is a college student who just got out of high school life in the sea of ​​books and is about to enter college life. Similarly, she also has most of the same hobbies, comics, and half of her money is spent on buying comics every week. Living expenses, because she basically buys more than ten copies a week, this is because she is chasing too many comics.

Even if it is a girl, she would rather save money on cosmetics than not have comics. Comics are her spiritual food.

This morning, Chen Wenyi got up early to take a shower, then took the money that she had prepared for a long time, and then went to a bookstore called 'Scholar Fragrance'.

"Uncle Wu, good morning."

"Wenyi is here, good morning, have you eaten yet?" a middle-aged man responded friendly.

"Not yet. Didn't I save the breakfast fee to contribute to Uncle Wu's shop? The poor have no money to eat." Chen Wenyi chuckled lightly.

"You guy, don't you just ask me to give you a discount? Okay, I'll give you a 40% discount today. It's an exception." Wu Cheng said with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Wu, I love you so much, see you later." Chen Wenyi was overjoyed when she heard the words, and immediately walked into the comics section of the bookstore.

She has been buying comics here since she was a child, and since she is not far from her community, she has known the owner of the comic shop for a long time.

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