In his decades of naval career, he didn't know how many wars he had experienced, how many times he had wandered on the brink of death, and the position of commander-in-chief of the whole army was only when he passed the test of blood and fire again and again, and killed one competitor after another.

This little injury is nothing to him.


When he saw the situation on the battlefield, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

The contrast between the high-spirited Death Pirates and the demoralized Navy is a shame for Cyborg Sora.

"Little ghost, I really underestimated you. "

"But then you won't be so lucky. "

When Steelbone Kong's angry words fell, his whole body had already turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Lin Yu.

"Six-style mysteries, iron blocks, collapse!"

The power of terror trembled even the earth.

"Old thing, now it seems that you can only let out an impotent roar. "

"In a strong force, it is a hypocrisy not to touch people. "

Lin Yu sneered, a trace of demonic red light flashed in his eyes, and when the attack of the steel bone sky was about to come, he just dodged it directly with only a slight side of his body.

"One Knife Stream, Break the Sky and Slash!"


The sword qi entwined with the armed color and the overlord color was constantly intertwined in the air, forming a sword qi tornado, attacking towards the back of the steel bone that had not had time to defend due to inertia.

"Damn...... You despicable bastard. "

Cyborg Sora is on the verge of vomiting blood.

Originally, he thought that this would be a hard-fought battle, but Lin Yu didn't play his cards according to common sense at all, his attack was like hitting a ball of cotton, it didn't have any effect at all, it would only make him feel endless powerless.


The tornado sword qi bombarded the back of the steel bone empty, and the armed color domineering of the internal destruction continued to impact the steel bone body, and the severe pain made him can't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Huh, mean?"

"Compared to your world government, what is my little trick?"

Lin Yu sneered and said with disdain on his face.

Of course......

What he said was true, and the methods of the world government were much more despicable than imagined.

In order to consolidate their position, they did more than just destroy O'Hara, oppressing civilians and forcing them to hand over a large amount of natural gold every year, which is not a political means, tacitly acknowledging that the population trade is legal, and the population auction is only superficial.

In fact, secretly, there is a more cruel transaction than a human auction, and the world government is through shady means, from the traffickers to buy those more talented pirates to cultivate, to become their own power, among which the exposure of the four emperors BIG· MOM IS ONE OF THE VICTIMS.

"Little ghost, it seems that you know a lot, so I can't let you leave alive today. "

The steel bones and empty eyes were slightly glazed, and an incomparably strong killing intent erupted.

As a high-ranking official of the world government, Sora knows better than anyone how corrupt the world government is and how dirty its methods are.

But when he reached his position, he couldn't help himself.

He could only pretend that he didn't know anything, and use the power in his hands as much as possible to provide convenience for the navy.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, Cyborg Sora covets the power and status in his hands, shouting about the so-called justice, but turning a blind eye to those filthy things.

"If you can do it, old fellow, just give it a try!"

Lin Yu said disdainfully.

The strength of the steel bone is very strong, but he, like Karp, is a pure physical powerhouse, as long as he does not fight in close combat, he is a toothless tiger.

"Little ghost, don't underestimate the old man, a guy like you, the old man can't remember how many times he has killed. "

"Let me show you the real strength of the old man!"

When the words fell, the three-color domineering energy burst out from the steel bone's body, and then formed a pair of red armor on his body, and at this moment, the momentum of the steel bone changed dramatically.

"Huh? This is ...... Is it like Barrett's devilish form?"

Feeling that strong sense of oppression, Lin Yu's face suddenly became solemn, and he was a little unsure in his heart.

"Are you surprised, little ghost?"

"The Six Styles were created to break the limits of the human body, and once the Six Styles are cultivated to a certain level, there will be a qualitative change, and in addition to being able to comprehend the mysteries, there is another ability. "

"We call it Life Return!"

The steel bone seemed to see the confusion on Lin Yu's face, and slowly opened his mouth to answer.

"I see. "

Lin Yu showed a look of sudden realization, but he knew very well in his heart that the steel bone empty was definitely not returning an ordinary life.

After all, the things that are related to the three-color domineering, especially the overlord color, are definitely a strengthened version of the plus.

"Little ghost, let's give you a good feel for what true power is. "

"Don't die too fast until I'm having fun. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Cyborg Sora slammed his foot on the ground.


The earth exploded, and the huge force inertia caused the steel bones to burst out at a speed comparable to the speed of light, turning into a red arrow and rushing towards Lin Yu.

"It's so fast......"

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart, although the steel bone man had not yet arrived, a strong air flow had already slapped Lin Yu's face, without any hesitation, just by virtue of his combat instinct, Lin Yu directly slashed out an arc slash, slashing forward like a streamer.

"One Knife Streamer Slash!"

"Six Styles, Upanishads, Iron Pieces, Crushed!"

Almost instantly, the slash collided with the steel skeleton in mid-air.

Next Second......

Lin Yu's slash was directly blasted, but the attack of the steel bone did not weaken at all, and it still bombarded Lin Yu with a momentum like a bamboo.

"One Knife Stream, Break the Sky Slash!"

Lin Yu's pupils contracted slightly, and he burst out with a terrifying momentum, his hands clenched the hilt of the knife, and after the steel bone was less than three meters away from him, he swung a slash that was enough to tear the sea.


The moment the fist collided with the slash, the aftermath of the terrifying power also exploded, engulfing the two of them together, and venting frantically in all directions.



As the scope of the aftermath became larger and larger, Ma Linfa, who was already dilapidated in the successive major battles, finally couldn't bear the collapse, and the buildings where the former navy relatives lived began to collapse in pieces, and the righteous building, which symbolized justice, also let out a wail at this moment and completely fell into ruins.


Lin Yu and Steel Bone rushed out of the dust and mist almost at the same time.


In the next second, the two launched a fierce attack on each other at the same time.

Absolute power and extreme slashing collided again and again on the battlefield, and the terrifying power made the sky and the sea tremble, and the earth continued to crumble at this moment.

And all this has not diminished with the passage of time, but has intensified.


In a collision between Lin Yu and the steel bone, the shattered Marin Fando could no longer support it, and was divided into two from the original one, directly into two into four, and then the vast sea suddenly appeared in people's sight.

"That's ......"

Marco and the others, who were waiting for an opportunity to move and wanted to take away Whitebeard's corpse, suddenly saw the phantom of a ship on the sea.

As the phantom became clearer, they finally saw the true face of the ship.

It is a brig of pirate ships, and the skull mark on the huge canvas is constantly announcing its identity to the world.

This ship is none other than the Redd Foss, the Redd Foss, from the Red-Haired Pirates!

"Even the redhead is here, this battle is ......"

Marco's face was a little complicated at the moment, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

As the captain of the Ichiban team of the Whitebeard Pirates, he was the first to follow Whitebeard, but in this level of war, he couldn't give Whitebeard the slightest help, if he could be a little stronger and squeeze into the level of monsters, maybe Whitebeard wouldn't have to fall today.

As the pirate ship docked, Redhead, his men, and Reilly slowly stepped out of the ship.

"Let's go, Vice Captain Reilly, let's end this war!"


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