Magus Tech

Vol 2 Chapter 1524: God and Dog

After ten seconds.


Richard entrusted an energy ball larger than the mountain and smashed it heavily on the giant rebirth.


The giant high-profile body shattered.

But for a moment, the familiar golden light flew again from all over the kingdom of heaven, condensing into a high grid a little bit for the second time, and it looked a little bigger.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes, waiting for Goge to condense completely, his right hand slashed forward, and a black energy sickle of several hundred meters long was swung out, cutting Goge in half.

But nothing can be changed.

The golden light source was constant, and the wound was repaired in a short while, forming a complete body with high standards.

Li Cha narrowed his eyes into a slit, then took a deep breath, moved his fingers, and a very pure purple energy rune was born in the palm of his hand.


After a minute.

Above the ruins of the Gog Palace.



Richard didn't know how many purple energy runes were thrown out of his palm, hitting Gao Ge, because the size difference was too big, it seemed that he had lost a fine sand.

But it was this fine sand that quickly cracked the high-gold golden body, quickly shattered in the roar, and successfully solved the high-gold.


Yes, solved.

It's just that, to solve one high grid, there is the next high grid.

In a blink of an eye, Jin Guang flew again, not knowing how many times he repeatedly brought Gao Ge back to heaven.

Sure enough, it's traditional art... a familiar feeling, a familiar taste... Li Cha looked at Gorge, which was several times larger than before, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Gao Ge also looked at Li Cha at this moment, with a slightly ridiculous hum: "Okay, boy, you don't have to work harder. Kill me so many times, don't you understand, I am immortal, real Undead! Over the years, I have not been idle in the kingdom of heaven. In fact, after my efforts, I have successfully integrated into the whole kingdom of heaven.

It is me who stands in front of you now, the earth under my feet is me, the sky above me is me, the air around me is everything, everything, the whole plane is me!

So unless you can destroy the entire plane, I can be resurrected a thousand times, 10,000 times, and stronger than once. I am absolutely impossible to defeat, but you... I am more curious, how much strength is not exerted, I want to know, after killing you completely, can it be resurrected? "

"You just killed me so many times, I didn't fight back." After a pause, Gao Ge's voice suddenly became louder, and the air around him fluctuated wildly. "But now, it's time for me to take action. Let me see how much you are. Strong!"

When the words fell, Gorge quickly extended the giant hand and slammed it into a fist, the surface of which shone with dangerous golden energy, like a huge hammer of ten million pounds, whistling at Li Cha.

It seems that this attack is very simple, even a little crude, but reaching the level of high grid, any way is terrifying.

Unstoppable, it will die.

Watching Gorge's fists fall, feeling the surrounding space solidified and locked, quickly compressing his range of activity, Li Cha's mouth pursed.

He didn't talk much, raised his hands upwards, blood red energy overflowed frantically, and formed a huge energy shield with a diameter of nearly ten meters above his head.

But even if it is so large, compared with Gao Ge's fist, it still looks extremely small and fragile.

At the next moment, Gorge's fist hit, and the golden energy on the surface of the fist exploded, and the entire space was bombarded with dense cracks, spreading like a spider web to the surroundings.

Under this attack, the shield supported by Li Cha only sustained one breath, then burst into bursts, attacking Yu Wei to vent, and passed to Li Cha's body. Li Cha was like a nail under the hammer and was ruthless It hit the ground very much.

The palace where Gago lived was turned into ruins from the beginning of the fight, and Richard was directly smashed into the ruins. As the dust rose, he continued to sink, and I did not know how deep it fell, and finally it was calm. .

Gorge glanced at the ruins and sneered, "It seems that you are not as strong, at least not as strong as I thought... After all, you haven't even knocked me down, let alone multiple me-yes, you There are avatars, and I have avatars too. As long as I want to, I can create countless avatars-because of this, how do you fight me?"

Gorge spoke, spreading his huge arms in the air, and a dense golden light like a meteor shower came from a distance, condensing into one body after another at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, there were ten giant high grids suspended in the air, staring at the ruins that Li Cha smashed into.

It seems that once Richard climbs out of the ruins, he will immediately launch a more terrifying attack.

But... after half a minute, there was no movement in the ruins.

Gorge frowned, and one of the bodies made a sound, shouting at the ruins: " Boy, don't hide, come out. I know, you were not hurt under my attack, maybe I’ve been seriously injured but I’m not going to die. I need to help you again. Maybe you don’t want to, but evasion does not change your final outcome. Since you have chosen the path you want to go, come out Accept all this openly."

"After all, you should also be happy." Gorgon paused, and continued, "You know, the place of burial you chose was my former residence-the residence I used to spend countless efforts to build, now I will bury you, You can look away too."

"is it?"

A cold and sudden voice came from the ruins, which was Richard's response.

After hearing the response, Gao Ge's face was a little funny, and he asked: "Why not?"

While talking, all ten bodies made a full-strike gesture, and apparently they were ready. Richard dared to take his head and immediately gave a storm-like attack, turning Li Cha into dust.

But Gao Ge's attacking stance lasted less than a second, and suddenly every body's face suddenly showed nervousness. His eyes straightened and he looked at the ruins on the ground, as if he had suddenly caught his fatal weakness.

Two seconds later, Gorge's face was no longer nervous, but panic, and his voice was a little trembling, and continued to stare at the ruins: "Boy... kid, **** kid, what did you do!"


A slight crackling sounded inside the ruins, and countless dust rose, and Richard appeared, stepping out of it step by step.

Seriously, Richard's hands in the dust, like dragging a dog, dragged something.

And every step of dragging this thing out, the ten giant high grids in the air, the body will tremble, and the expression on his face quickly changed from panic to despair-a complete despair.


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