Magic Treasures Wholesaler

Chapter 151 The Nine Sons Are Not Dead

"How can this be done?" Di Jun couldn't imagine and couldn't believe it.

After hearing this, Tai Yi was even more helpless, pointing to himself and said: "Dage, did you forget me?"

"Forgot you?" Di Jun wondered?

Looking at Taiyi, a moment later, his eyes became more shocked, and he suddenly realized: "Yes, yes."

He almost really wants to forget that although Taiyi's current strength is the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, Realm is only Da Luo.

This gave him a lot of room for improvement, who had little room for improvement.

It is conceivable that after Taiyi reaches the quasi-sage again, his strength is afraid that it will be many times stronger than the normal quasi-sage.

Even if there is no Chaos Clock, he may be the number one master under Sage in the predicament.

"Well...except Duobao." Di Jun thought, and silently added another sentence in his heart: "Maybe it is necessary to remove those who are affected by him."

Tai Yi is one of the people affected by Duobao.

Originally, in the eyes of Dijun, it was already the limit to descend from the quasi-sage to the big Luo, but he did not expect...

"It now seems... his strength is indeed beyond our understanding." Di Jun was helpless, but had to admit this.

Too much nodded in agreement, and then said in a little exclamation: "Do you know how strong Dubao is?"

Di Jun suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Taiyi: "You know? Do you know his strength?"

Nodding too much, his expression could not be concealed and shocked: "Yes, a full three thousand realms."

"Jie Li?" Di Jun was shocked, puzzled.

It is a new term again.

Without thinking about it, he immediately guessed that this was probably a new vocabulary created by Duobao.

Taiyi: "One hundred million dragon power is for the power of one party."

"Hi...A hundred million dragon power is equal to the power of a party?" Di Jun was shocked.

Calculated in this way, wouldn't three thousand world powers be equivalent to three hundred billion dragon powers?

Taiyi only has more than 80 million dragon power, compared with 300 billion dragon power... it's too far behind.

"More than that!" Tai Yi sighed: "One hundred million dragon power is only in terms of quantity, which is comparable to the power of a party."

"But in terms of actual power, the difference is too far."

"That's the difference in quality... One hundred million dragon power, far inferior to Yifang Jieli."

Di Jun was silent, carefully pondering Taiyi's words, grasping the key points in his words, shaking his body, and asking inconceivably: "Quality, qualitative change...Is it?"

Nodded too much: "Yes, according to my guess, Jie Li is almost equal to Sage's unique holy power... Even if it is bad, it's not bad."

Di Jun's expression changed: "Could it be that he is sanctified?"

Tai shook his head: "No, it shouldn't have been, but I's not much difference."

"Moreover, judging from his current performance...sanctification is not difficult for him."

"Three thousand realms, in his own Realm classification standard, are only equivalent to the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

"According to my calculations, for him, as long as breakthrough Da Luo Jinxian, he should be comparable to Sage."

Di Jun is already a little numb: "So, for us, sanctification, for him, is probably just Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Yes!" Although it was unbelievable, Taiyi still had to admit: "I want to come, it should be like this."

"So, is it still Sage?" Di Jun asked.

Tai shook his head: "Who knows?"

This kind of thing is the first time since the beginning of the world, no one can say for sure.

It can be said that he is Sage, or it can be said that he is not Sage.


Tai Yi looked at Dijun: "Is this important?"

Dijun bowed his head: "It doesn't matter...for us, it really doesn't matter."

Anyway, it doesn't matter to them whether it is Sage or Sage after the breakthrough of Da Luo Jinxian.

Anyway, no matter what, they are far from Dubao's opponent.

Thinking of such a divinely overwhelming fact, Tai Yi and Di Jun both fell into silence for a long time.

It took a long time to react.

Putting aside the speculation about Dubao, Taiyi suddenly smiled and said to Dijun: "By the way, Dage, there is another happy event. I almost forgot to say that you will be very happy after listening."

Di Jun looked up at him: "Happy event? What happy event?"

"Your nine sons, nine of my nephews, are not dead."

Di Jun was suddenly excited, and grabbed Taiyi's shoulder with both hands: "What did you say?"

Tai Yi could understand Di Jun's feelings and repeated it again and again: "They are not dead!"

"Really?" Di Jun was overjoyed and reconfirmed in disbelief: "Are they really not dead?"

"Yes." Nodding too much: "They were saved by Dubo."

"Duobao?" Di Jun murmured. While excited, he was even more puzzled: "Why would he save them?"

Taiyi: "This matter is a bit complicated, and I don't know how to say it."

Di Jun said anxiously: "Then put it simply."

"To put it simply, he gave Hou Yi's ice bow and profound arrows. He felt that my nine nephews shouldn't die."

"Therefore, on top of the ice bow and profound arrows, I made hands and feet and saved my nine nephews."

Di Jun: "...Okay, okay, it's great."

"I'm going to thank him, and I want to see my nine sons who are struggling."

Tai Yi quickly stopped: "Don't, Dage, don't."

Di Jun wondered.

Taiyi: "Now, he doesn't know our identity. If you go, I'm afraid it will be exposed."

"It's hard to say what happened because of this."

Di Jun was anxious: "But..."

He grabbed Di Jun too fiercely, and said loudly, "Dage, my nine nephews, following Duobao is not necessarily a bad thing."

"My monster clan's situation is not very good now."

"Although it sounds bad to say, but in fact, we may not be able to protect them."

"On the other hand, Duobao is different. Although his thoughts are a little weird, he can indeed protect my nine nephews."


Following Taiyi's words, Di Jun slowly calmed down: "And what?"

"And..." A gleam of light flashed in a glance: "This may not be a good fortune for them."

"Good fortune?" Di Jun was surprised.

"Yes." Too First Stage nodded: "Duobao's Realm division is really strong. If you follow that method of cultivation, you may not be unable to become holy."

"It's just that the normal cultivation method can't reach the Realm he divided."

"It's me, I only got a hand of his power, so I got a little good fortune."

"That's it, I also have a broader prospect than others."

"If my nine nephews followed him, maybe they might not be able to cultivate the Realms he divided."

"If this is the case... Maybe in the future, the strength of my nine nephews will surpass ours."

"Isn't this good fortune?"

Dijun stayed for a moment, then was ecstatic, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, you are right."

"It makes sense, absolutely makes sense."

"Good fortune, this is more than good fortune, it is simply good fortune."

Dijun is not in a hurry, although he misses his son.

But if this delays his son's future, he would rather endure the pain of longing.

"It's not that you are not allowed to meet." Seeing that Dijun finally calmed down, Tai Yi was also relieved, and then said: "When the time is right, we can find a way to meet them."

"As long as Dubao is not suspicious and he has sufficient reasons, it may be possible to meet him frequently, but not necessarily."

Taiyi comforted: "Anyway, in short, I can't see him now."

"Moreover, I think that Dubao's current cognitive barriers, we better not break it."

"Otherwise, I always feel that something bad will happen."

Dijun nodded and suppressed the thought in his heart: "You are right, Dubao's cognition, it is best not to break it."

"My nine sons, it is indeed better to follow him than to follow us."

"It's just..." Di Jun looked at Xihe who had already gone far away in the starry sky and chose one of the Star Closed Door Training, with a trace of pity flashing in his eyes: "It's just that Xihe is pitiful."

Compared to him, his wife is the least able to accept the fact that his nine sons died.

The mental state almost collapsed due to this, madness.

Even now, it's a little crazy.

"Dage, sister-in-law, you can also tell her." Taiyi said.

Di Jun shook his head: "For the time being, I don't want it anymore. I'm afraid she can't help it, and a major event will be broken."

Tai Yi: "It's okay, as long as it is powerful, I believe that the sister-in-law can still be reasonable."

Di Jun was silent for a long time, looking at Xihe's Star, because of Xihe's relationship, with a dark and lonely breath, he was also distressed, and nodded: "Then tell her."

"It's just that you have to control it for a short time, and you can't let her find Duobao."

"Don't worry about this." Taiyi said to herself: "As long as we don't tell my sister-in-law where Duobao is, she won't be able to find it."

"Yes." After Taiyi said this, Di Jun also suddenly remembered that Duobao had sealed Kunlun from the mountain.

Apart from Sage, it is estimated that no one can find Kunlun.

If you can't find Kunlun, you can't find Duobao.

Even if Xihe thinks about it again, he can only think about it, and he will definitely not see it.

Except for the shop in the chaos, no one can find Duobao anymore.

After understanding, Di Jun completely let go of his heart.

"In this way, I'm relieved."

"Then I'll go tell her."

Taiyi reached out to stop: "Dage, no hurry."

"Huh?" Di Jun looked at Tai Yi in confusion: "Is there anything else?"

"Dage, this time, I brought back more than just such good news."

"More?" Di Jun was pleasantly surprised, this first good news surprised him, almost jumping up.

There is still good news, which really makes him wonder how to express his own emotions.

"What good news?"

Taiyi looked at Dijun solemnly: "Dage, if the first good news is for individuals, then the second good news is for my monster race."

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