Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1389: Dragon Island Pass When the friendly Tutulutu drilled a few box-cut sword pellets from the eye socket gap, the big octopus immediately got into the bottom of the sea, shook its legs, and turned towards the distance without looking back. escaped. I don't want to stay for a minute or a second, and have a big show with a certain human being that sends you thousands of miles.

Lin, who half raised his hands, was a little embarrassed, and explained to the white swordsman beside him: "Actually, I am using the characteristics of the box cut to deepen the communication with Tutulutu and avoid any misunderstanding between the two parties. Do you believe this statement?"

"Hey, just believe it yourself. It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not." William was as free and easy as ever.

Regardless of the faster-than-flying giant octopus, Lin returned his attention to the main point of the trip. After nearly ten days of voyage, he finally approached this rumored island. Lin was looking forward to the Dragon Island that would reveal its mystery.

Originally, I heard that to go to Dragon Island, one must be accompanied by the navy fleet of the empire, so as to be able to pass through the giant dragon that is the gatekeeper. At first, Lin didn't really believe such a statement.

The sea is so big, with the development of mysterious technology or magic, is there a way to guard every inch of the coastline and avoid the situation of smuggling? This kind of thing can't even be done at home. There is always a sparseness in a hundred secrets.

However, after actually seeing Long Island and cooperating with William's father, Henry, who is also the chairman of the Greco Chamber of Commerce, Lin believed that such a thing was really possible.

The terrain of Long Island is quite peculiar. The outer edge of the island is not a sandy beach or a rocky shore, but a circle of mountains! Although it is not so towering, the straightened rock wall and height will make all those who want to smuggle ashore feel desperate.

Even if there were stowaways, they probably wouldn't be able to carry too many things with them if they climbed rocks from the boat and crossed the mountains into Dragon Island. It's a good thing to send a few spies in such a terrain, but it is absolutely impossible to form a normal business route.

According to Henry, the checkpoint for entering Dragon Island is the only strait terrain on the outer edge of Dragon Island. At the narrowest point, at most two boats can be carefully sailed side by side. In other places, if the captain is not skilled enough, he may hit the mountain wall even if he makes a 180-degree turn.

Around the pass, there are huge dragon sculptures. One is in the ascending posture, and the other is in the diving posture. The appearance of the withered sculpture is rough, as if it was born by nature, and it does not look like someone deliberately carved it.

On the towering rock wall behind the sculpture, there are cave entrances. Here lives the dragon responsible for guarding the pass. It is said that it was originally rotated, but in recent years it has been changed to be garrisoned by fixed dragons.

When they saw the ships approaching, a giant dragon flew out of the hole and flew over the ships non-stop. It's like in my hometown, when the ship approaches the coast, there will be seagulls flying close and singing. But the sense of oppression of the giant dragon is not comparable to that of the seagull.

The flagship of the accompanying naval fleet of the Karlsruhe Empire actually hung a very special flag as early as a day ago. On the mainmast, there was a flag much larger than ordinary flags. It was embroidered with a dragon-like pattern, but was actually a magic rune. It was a golden thread flannel flag on a black background. With the support of power, it radiated dazzling light. Like a little sun, it is difficult to look directly at it.

This flag is not for looking at. In Lin's perception, it will release a power map with a unique frequency, similar to a fragment of dragon language magic, but the content cannot be translated specifically. It's just to remind the dragons that the fleet flying this flag is friend rather than enemy.

Relying on the effect of this flag, the giant dragons flying over the fleet remained harmless. Otherwise, a few dragon flames would wash the ground, and the fleet in this narrow waterway would not even be able to turn around, and would have to sink into the sea.

The customs clearance here is not like the impression of someone's hometown in someone's memory. Every boat has to stop and let the dragons board the boat for inspection. Basically, the dragons don't board the ship, even if they stay on the deck, given the opponent's size, even the largest ship doesn't have room for the dragons to maneuver. Not to mention entry checks.

In short, entering Dragon Island, everything looks so simple. There is no making things difficult, no ugly face of accepting bribes, and of course there are no plethora of customs clearance procedures. Just hang a flag, and then you can sail all the way in.

Quietly write down the dragon language band emitted by that flag, maybe it will be useful in the future. Lin took a closer look at this rumored island again. Since he didn't know if the Dragon Clan had any hidden detection methods, Lin didn't dare to use detection magic in a big way, but just observed with the naked eye and passively collected information.

In Lost Land, it would be regarded as a kind of offense if one were to inquire into other people's details at will. In certain aristocratic territories with a sense of extreme insecurity, if an adventurer is found carrying a map with him, he may be executed as a spy, let alone direct investigation. Because he didn't know Long Dao's attitude towards this, Lin still restrained himself a lot.

However, from the appearance point of view, except for the mountain range around the outer edge, the internal terrain of Dragon Island is just a volcanic rock island, and there is not much green vegetation. There are seemingly natural caves everywhere, but they may actually be violently dug by dragons, inhabited by all kinds of dragons.

What is more special is that there will be multiple dragons living in a dragon lair, but these dragons will be of the same race. However, the dragons living in adjacent dragon lairs are not necessarily of the same race. It is possible that in the eyes of outsiders, the metal dragon and the color dragon that belong to the feud live in the dragon's lair next door.

This is different from what someone originally guessed. Someone originally thought that different dragon species would gather together, so that several major factions would be formed in Dragon Island, as well as two camps of metal and color. But in reality, the barriers between dragon species are not so clear.

This made Lin couldn't help wondering, how did so many dragon species divide different mountains? ...Could it really be a mountain, just surrounded by a group of like-minded dragons.

However, apart from the question of the distribution of dragons, after passing through the Dragon Island checkpoint, Lin felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity lingering in his heart.

But comparing the composition in the air and various conventional data, there is no difference between Dragon Island and other places in Midi. Even the degree of diffusion of power in the atmosphere is similar, and there is no particularly dense or thin phenomenon.

In other words, from the data point of view, there is nothing special about Dragon Island. Then the sense of familiarity that arises from me, if it is not an illusion, is that there are places that I have not observed, which bring me this feeling.

Is it an illusion? Or do you admit that your environmental detection technology has been developed so far, and there are still some omissions?

Disregard such questions for the moment. For a newcomer, intelligence is still the most important. Although there are many methods that may trigger the warning signal that cannot be used, there are still many methods that will not trigger the warning signal. So Lin tried his best to collect information on this aspect, and established a reasonable physical and ecological model for Long Island.

As the fleet advances in the river, the mystery of Long Island is revealed bit by bit by a magician. From the visible part, this is an island with poor natural resources. It's no wonder that the dragons need to hunt or import food from the main continent. If they want to rely on the island's natural resources to feed this huge number of dragons, it may take less than a year, and 90% of them will starve to death.

As for mineral resources, there is no need to mention it. Other than obsidian, no precious mineral veins could be observed. On this point, Lin was even more convinced after being certified by the two original earth element lords, Imaginary Number and Hevequin.

But this also proves that Long Island is a volcanic rock island, and there may even be an active volcano. This judgment can only be said to be not surprising at all. Because the red dragons and black dragons among the colored dragons originally like to live in areas rich in volcanic craters and sulfur.

As the fleet got deeper into Dragon Island, the number of dragons also became denser. In the past, when wandering in the Lost Landlord Continent, it may be more than a month, and it may not be possible to hear a rumor about the dragon family nearby. It seems that this group of creatures who are born to be kings only live in children's pillow stories or drunk nonsense in taverns.

On Long Island, not to mention a dragon with ten steps, but it can be seen everywhere. Especially when the fleet is sailing in the river, on the cliffs on both sides of the river, you can see giant dragons squatting on high places from time to time, with their wings folded and looking down.

That kind of feeling, to use a very earthy way of describing it, is like watching the small train of sushi in my hometown, the plates of sushi that keep turning. And I was like the vinegared rice in the sushi, even though there was something covering my head, I still couldn't avoid the fate of being swallowed in one bite. All in all bad.

However, as the fleet continued to advance, Lin found that Long Island was not without green vegetation, but very little. However, there are still no tall trees to be seen, at best it is a grassland, and then a few shrubs are dotted.

In addition to some people who look very Druyin from the outside, they are nourishing the grass with magic, and some cattle and sheep are sparsely grazing. The whole area looks rather empty.

This leisurely scene should be admirable from the bottom of my heart, but a sudden hunt makes this idyllic style more giant dragon flies from the sky However, he bit off a sheep along the way.

The dragon's hunting was not as fast and sharp as the eagle's. The speed of the dragon's flight is not even fast, but the dragon's power is very good at reducing the target's intelligence. I didn't see those cows and sheep didn't even dare to run, or they were so frightened that they didn't know how to run. They just stood there obediently and let the dragons choose.

But the dragon's predation was not so unbearable, a series of movements were very smooth and...elegant? In short, after the fancy flight, picking up a sheep by the way, it feels like watching the group of masters who are good at riding skills show off their skills on horseback on the grassland of their hometown.

It's hard to say whether every dragon can play like this. But Lin probably also knew where the cattle and sheep brought by the fleet went, and why there were so few livestock on the pasture. Isn't it because I'm almost finished eating, so I need to add it.

I don't know if there is only such a grassland on Long Island. Otherwise, judging from the number of livestock on the pasture and the number transported by the fleet, the consumption and speed of the giant dragons are astonishing.

It seems that every replenishment is carried out against the bottom line of consumption, and of course it is impossible to have much reserve. It can be said that as long as the animal husbandry of the Karlsruhe Empire suffers a disaster, or the supply fleet is attacked, Long Island will be short of food.

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