Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1179: The mobility of the airship

Those who can become airship crew members are all elites. They are also people who have fought in wars and seen blood, and they are not newbies. That chaos was a disadvantage because they hadn't experienced anything like it; but as long as someone showed up to lead, they would be able to rebuild quickly and get everything back on track.

Juan Javier, who regained control of everything and tied himself to the seat, looked at his old friend with a sad expression.

As always, treat him with care. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be cheated. But in every pit he dug, there are always delicious-looking and sweet fruits, tempting people to jump down.

Buckle the spoke rudder with a fixed lock to keep the airship flying smoothly. Lin came behind Kaya, instructed his apprentices, called the flight data of the Gosperton, and checked the parts he was interested in.

Juan's voice sounded faintly at this time, saying: "My friend, don't you think you should inform us before all this happens."

Beginning with the same tone as Juan, Lin helplessly spread his hands and said: "Friends, I was ridiculed by you for a long time just for designing a seat belt. How many people do you think will believe me if I tell these things first? If I told you in advance that the airship I designed has very slender controllability. I have set twelve gears on the engine side. Don’t start at half speed or full speed as soon as you get started, otherwise accidents will happen. Yes. It’s the same with controlling the rudder, don’t just hit the rudder at full speed, how many people will believe it?”

Turning his head, Lin turned his attention back to the data chart that Kaya called up, and continued to say: "And in this period of time, I have heard more than once: 'I have served on airships for most of my life, how can I Need to hear your little doll's opinion' or something. Even if I don't say it, it's implied. Even if I have a record of building a Sid, there are more people who doubt it than believe it Think about it, some time ago, I spent the most time studying the technical improvement of airship modification, or was it convincing you to believe my approach?"

That's why a certain person came later and asked the apprentice to hand over the blueprint. If you believe in it, do it, if you don't believe it, you will fall down.

Juan was also helpless about this. There are quite a few old people on the airship. No matter how loyal these people are to themselves, it doesn't mean that they will blindly follow their own judgment. And believing that the man in front of them can create many miracles that break through the original cognition is exactly the most impossible thing in their eyes. Anyway, in terms of results, this man can always convince or slap a lot of people in the face.

However, Juan didn't think about spending time to resolve such conflicts. Anyway, this is a deal. After the airship is rebuilt, I will return to the Leon District, the southwest peninsula of Lost Land. Gabrash Tripwood knew this as well, and cared less about what other people thought.

"The Almighty King of the Female President"

However, looking at the old friend and his apprentice, who no longer tied themselves to the seat, Juan suddenly felt that his behavior was stupid. He tried to untie the cloth strip that was tied into a knot by himself, but after a few tugs, he couldn't untie it. He simply put his index and middle fingers together, and used the magic sharp blade technique to cut the seat belt at once, freeing himself.

He pretended to be nonchalant, walked towards Lin, and asked, "Is there any data that arouses your curiosity?" After asking, he turned to his deputy and said, "Find someone to remove the two pieces of paper on my seat." Fix the strap, or just replace it. Maybe it will be used later.” When Juan looked back at someone again, his attention was on Lin’s feet.

Facing the question from his old friend, Lin replied: "I am checking the climb data just now. Although it is not completely a vertical climb, we also climbed to 9,000 meters in one breath in just over seven minutes. The altitude above. This has completely surpassed my knowledge of the propeller engine. Not only the speed of climbing, but also the altitude limit of the engine. Sure enough, although the pipeline has not stopped running at such an altitude, the output power of the engine It did drop, too.”

"Oh, after you built the Sid, you didn't do similar tests or actions?"

"When I was flying the Sid, I did a steep climb. This kind of almost vertical climb and then flipping is too stupid. I really haven't done it. This is not a fighter jet. I want an English-Mac Man rounds."

After laughing awkwardly a few times, Juan asked again: "What do you mean by that Immelman maneuver? And what is a fighter jet?"

"Well, a fighter jet is a highly maneuverable one-man aircraft. As for the Immelman maneuver,—"

Lin used the whiteboard pen technique to make a simple maneuvering trajectory to assist in the explanation,

"—Actually, it is the vertical rotation of the airship and the side-to-side roll of the ship. This is a difficult maneuver to quickly decelerate, change direction, get rid of the chasing troops behind, and even bite the opponent's tail. It's just the situation just now. , I believe the final recovery will not be completed. The most likely thing that will happen is that we will directly dive and hit the ground."

"Oh, is such a maneuver worthwhile?" Juan asked with interest, his eyes glowing.

Lin just wanted to dissuade the other party's thoughts, saying: "It may be possible for the small single-person aircraft I mentioned, but it is not necessary for the airship."


"The small single-person aircraft is limited by the user, so the attack direction of the weapon carried will only be the In order to attack the enemy in front, it will need a lot of special maneuvers to let the enemy land steadily It is within its own attack range. But for airships that are relatively large and controlled by multiple people, there is no such need at all."

"Just add weapons and attack directions." Juan immediately thought of the key point.

"That's right, for a flying war fortress, extra fancy moves are unnecessary. As long as you add more artillery positions and more manpower, you can attack in all directions at the same time. At this time, let the crew inside It is more important to have a stable environment where you can flexibly support each other in battle, rather than throwing everyone dizzy or tying people to chairs. So I think that some restrictions should be added to the control rudder, so that No matter how it is manipulated, it will not make these maneuvers beyond the normal range. How about such an improvement idea?"

After pondering for a moment, Juan said: "Is it possible to make a switch. Usually, the airship is controlled according to the restrictions you mentioned, but when necessary, the restrictions can be lifted to make these unconventional maneuvers. "

"Make it a switch, if that's what you want, it's not difficult to do. It's just that, for all the items on the airship in the super-maneuvering state, you have to consider these things during the rolling maneuver. How to store it. Breaking it is second, and it is more troublesome to hurt people.”

Juan waved his hand and said, "This kind of trivial matter, the magicians on this ship will naturally have a solution. I'm just curious, the magic you added to yourself just now is like walking on the ground?"Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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