Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1146: Joe Ruolian

"Captain, it's been a long time. I really didn't expect to meet again on such an occasion." Although the marquis' substitute didn't admit anything, he didn't deny it either. It looked like it was just saying hello to an old acquaintance.

Regardless of whether he was bound by several iron chains, he immediately entered the state of chatter, saying: "Joe Ruolian is my real name. At least that's what my mother calls me. As I am, There is no need to change anything."

This is undoubtedly a straightforward acknowledgment of the suspicion of the person opposite. The most surprising thing was not the intruders from Duke Rissa's side, but the members of Marquis Falshid's guard who have fought together so far. They were still alive, just a few people who were blocked by other intruders, looking at the 'master' they swore allegiance to serve with disbelief. But I never thought that the master had already dropped the bag.

After being surprised, the members of the Marquis Guard looked at the captured man with complicated expressions. I saw that he had no sense of being caught at all, but continued to chat: "Nonan originally wanted to promote you, but he didn't expect the captain to disappear suddenly, and no one knew where you went. I didn't expect to join Prince Rissa's guard."

"I applied to the military for retirement. Don't make me look like a deserter. At that time, I needed a lot of money, and the Grand Duke could afford it, so I worked hard for him. There's nothing wrong with doing this, right? "

"That's true, Captain." Joe, who was chained, gave up his struggle and agreed.

Seeing that the soldier he admired the most still called himself the captain, even though he was only a small captain in charge of ten people at that time, the one-eyed man still showed a regretful expression. Suddenly thinking about it, he said, "Don't you think it's a pity to die casually like this. If you have a chance to survive, would you consider it?" After finishing speaking, the one-eyed man tilted his head and looked inward. Grand Duke Sa said: "Grand Duke, I want a favor, and I should get it."

"The Imperial War Ghost made a request to me, and I have no reason not to agree. It's just that I have corresponding conditions on my side, so it's reasonable." Lord Lisa didn't make things difficult, but he didn't accept it completely, but put forward his own request .

The one-eyed man was quite satisfied with the positive response. With an exaggerated gesture like an opera, he saluted and said, "Of course, this is reasonable. You are willing to consider, which has demonstrated your mercy."

"Ruolian, nameless." Knowing the original meaning of his surname, Lisa Gong looked at the person in front of him thoughtfully. Ruolian, it can be said that it is the common surname of all illegitimate children in the Gwana Empire. Some orphans whose fathers are unknown, mothers are unknown, or orphans are also recorded with this surname in the official documents of the empire. But he is the blood of that man after all.

Thinking of this, Duke Lisa came up with a brilliant idea. With a deep and magnetic voice, he said seductively: "As an illegitimate child, you don't get the love your father should give you. Would you be jealous of such a life? You obviously have the same blood and the same face." , don’t you resent your father’s injustice. Now I’m giving you a chance to really take charge of the Kawei family and be the master of the family. This is the condition I give you to live, how about it?”

"Oh, isn't this wonderful." Joe Loren changed his original aristocratic temperament and resumed his own habits. This change actually made his appearance, which was originally similar to that of Marquis Falshid, become different.

Different from the marquis's piercing eyes, Joe's eyes are slightly thinner, with a bit of evil color. He lowered his head, squinted at people from bottom to top, and said in his own voice, "I think the Grand Duke's extra request is probably the same old way. Give up the blood flag revenge and admit that the old man is confused, right? .”

"You want my support and complete control of the Kawi family. This is a very reasonable price for cooperation, isn't it? You don't even have the most basic harmony. How can I help you in the Kawei family?"

"In order to seize the family, they want me to replace other people's lives. As a result, they don't even have to be an illegitimate child. Does this count as turning over and becoming the master? Hahaha." Qiao Ruolian laughed with a little madness.

The old duke didn't care, and explained: "If you want to use your own name and identity to take charge of the Kawei family, it is not impossible. After all, you are the blood of that person in your bones, and no one can deny this. If you just do this, you will have to expend extra energy to subdue the entire family. It is definitely not as easy as directly replacing the identity of Falshid. What's more, no one knows the whereabouts of Marquis Falshid now. As long as you are willing to tell me, let I will do it for you, pack up the fugitive for you, and throw it into the forest. There will be no monsters or wild beasts who will give up this delicious food. At that time, it will be justifiable for you to inherit the Kawei family, and no one will be able to pick it Something went wrong."

"Haha, that's really good. I can see what it will look like after it's done." Qiao Ruolian said with a smile. Without waiting for other people to react, he widened his eyes and said in a roaring voice: "Don't just arrange others for yourself, or put your own ideas on others. Those It has nothing to do with me, it’s a mess! The only reason I do anything is because that’s what I want to do. I don’t live under anyone’s control, not even my old ~ You are even more so. So here, use your eyes to witness my awakening!"

After finishing speaking, Joe Ruolian gritted his teeth and triggered a small magic item stuffed in the tooth socket. The inside of his entire face revealed a strange red light, and the red light became more intense; cracks appeared on the skin, and they continued to extend and become more numerous.

Even the best magician knows it's too late to stop this. Because everything changes too fast and too suddenly.

The close guard knight of Grand Duke Lisa only had time to deploy multiple magic shields at the first time. Cooperating with the solid kite-shaped shield, it stood in front of the Grand Duke, blocking the skull fragments from the explosion and the more deadly magic burst power.

When everything subsided, what was bound by the iron chain turned into a headless corpse. For the Grand Duke Lisa, there is no further use value. If the other party is simply taking poison, as long as the face is still preserved, then there are many kinds of magic that can solve the troubles you encounter, such as resurrection and Kui Puppet. In the category of necromancer magic, there are countless related magic.

But without that face, everything becomes worthless. Blowing up one's own head not only prevents the enemy from using one's identity to make a fuss, but more importantly, the head is an important medium used by necromancers to summon souls. Once the soul falls into the hands of the enemy, countless dark secrets may be revealed in the sun.

As long as the head is gone, it is almost impossible to summon the soul. Because there is a saying that the head is the place where the soul resides. As long as the head is destroyed, the soul will also dissipate, no longer existing between heaven and earth. And this is also an extreme method that many dead men who have important secrets will use to keep it secret.

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