Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1135: dawn raid

After simply analyzing the cause and effect of the matter, it still didn't make the young knight on night duty any less worried. Although he wanted to refute, he couldn't tell what the strange feeling in his heart was. Although there was commotion on the opposite side, it didn't look like a nighttime activity. At least the number of their lights at night is no different from the past, only a little more noisy.

Seeing the hesitation of this young junior, the old knight who had followed Duke Lisa for a long time said again: "If I remember correctly, you will inherit your father's knight territory in the future. To be a lord, politically You need to be more familiar with things, not just know how to cut people with a sword. Martial arts are very important, but if you want to climb up, you still have to rely on contacts."

Other people who did not participate in the topic did not miss these conversations that can pass the boring time. They all nodded and agreed with the old knight's opinion, which made the old knight who led the young people even more proud.

Just wanted to continue to talk about the "vision" about the future, to let young people know what they are good at, and saw the door of the opposite car center opened. Everyone noticed that the headlights of cars flickered at the gate, which was extra obvious in the pre-dawn moment.

Everyone is no stranger to such a scene. In these days of traffic jams, you can occasionally see people in the opposite car center driving out in the middle of the night. Especially after the Grand Duke Kavi came, there were more such actions. It is estimated that they also sent people to contact them.

But when countless red dots appeared behind the door, things were not so right. Several young knights poked their heads out one after another, wanting to see more clearly, so as to determine what happened. But the well-informed old knight was speechless after seeing this scene.

The recruit who had been taught a lesson before was the closest to his squad leader. He looked at the old knight's surprised expression and asked, "Captain, did you see anything?"



The speechless old knight could tell that this was magic night vision. It allows people to see the surrounding things clearly in a weak and nearly dark environment.

Casting this magic is not easy, and it will last for a different time depending on the physique of the caster. Therefore, for the general army, it is more convenient and economical to take torches directly for night operations. But for an elite force like the Duke's Guard, it is not difficult to use night vision to move covertly in the night.

And the night vision users of this scale in front of them are not just messengers sent out to contact everywhere, they must be an established team. And what else can such a team use for!

So the old knight who reacted shouted: "Knock, ring the alarm! That's night vision, the enemy on the other side is about to attack!"

Before the others realized what their little captain said, a magic light bullet accurately blasted the old knight's head, and then a feathered arrow passed the same place and shot into the wooden post of the watchtower .

Everyone's actions were not unpleasant. After hiding in the cover at the first time, they avoided the next intensive long-range attack towards the watchtower.

But that doesn't mean they'll be safe. Duke Kavi's custom-made car was driven by his guard knights, and at the same time, he opened the magic of brutal collision. The sound of the engine is like the roar of a giant dragon. On the eve of the dawn, it is like a beast hiding in the dark, tearing everything in its path. And the thick log door was smashed into pieces like paper.

The kinetic energy of the vehicle that crashed into the wooden village did not weaken much. The magic effect of the savage collision was still tyrannical, rolling straight towards the interior of the wooden village, even cutting off a corner of the watchtower.

The toppled wooden tower is not a trouble to the lost high-ranking fighters. With their skills, even if they are fully armed, they can still land flexibly and safely while falling. The premise is that there are no people with bows or guns waiting to snipe.

In particular, the guard soldiers with bows seemed to be showing off their skills, playing various lore effects. It's like proving to colleagues who have switched to guns that their archery skills are not lost to new weapons. And the proof of the competition between the two is the lives that have been harvested.

But the long-range attack is not the end, it is just the beginning of this massacre. Two cavalry teams, one forward and one detour, galloped on horseback.

The cavalry team attacking from the front scattered after entering the wooden village. With three cavalry as a small team, they set fires everywhere, infinitely magnifying the chaos of the attack on the camp.

The detour team is going to block the position of the back door, and it is also the exit that the rampaging 'chariot' is expected to break through. After all, the Patriarch's order was to wipe out all the members of the Lisa family in the wooden village. At this time, the strong wall became a prison for the Lisa army. As long as the front and back doors are closed, no one can escape!

However, the real killers were the heavily armored foot knights who formed a formation and entered the wooden village side by side. A good infantry formation, with shields and axes, bows and spears, a series of team coordination, strangle ability even surpasses cavalry. In the complex terrain in the wooden village, it turned into a moving meat grinder, smashing the corpses of the enemies in front of you into thousands of pieces.

Even if someone can keep calm during the early morning raid and fire attack, and organize the manpower around him, they still can't stop the strangling of the Duke's guard of Kawei's family who came prepared. At least the members of Lisa's family never thought about sleeping with their armor and sword in their hands.

Being able to wake up, stay calm, and grab a weapon to resist is already quite lucky. More people were either burned to death or stabbed to death in their They didn't even have a chance to resist.

This raid was beyond anyone's expectations. Even before Duke Kavi gave the order, not even the members of his guard thought that they would point their swords at another Grand Duke's guard.

But since he raised the butcher's knife, there is no room for regret. What they killed were not ordinary people, let alone old and weak women and children. Give these elites who are not inferior to themselves a little breathing room, and their companions may have to pay the price of their lives to achieve similar results, or even turn the tables in this way. In any case, the number of enemies is more than ours.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on the ground in the wooden village, expelling the colorless night, there were only two colors left here: fiery red and blood red.

The fire was burning brightly, crackling and crackling. The blood was gurgling, forming pools of blood on the uneven ground of the wooden village.

Turning himself into a ruthless killing weapon, coupled with mental arithmetic and unintentional, Duke Kavi's Duke Guards exploded with unimaginable lethality. In an instant, Muzhai was turned into hell, bringing the battle to an end.

The soldiers sweeping the battlefield saw those who were still panting and made up their swords. Those who have lost any signs of life have to make up for it again! Make sure that the other party is really dead, not a fake death.

However, in the main account office, members of Kavi's guards only dared to surround it. Because as far as they know, there are not only members of his family in the Muzhai of the Lisa family, but also other nobles who have a long history in the empire.

The Patriarch's order was only to annihilate the Lisa family. But for other nobles with status, the power of disposal does not rest with them. The only person who has the right to speak is the old man who is walking over—the Grand Duke of Kavi.

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