Magic Industry Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Larger order

The banquets for this business association can be a thorough brainwashing for the other chambers of the Chamber of Commerce. Under the explanation of Xu Yikou, everyone has an almost new understanding of magic machinery.

Previously, they only used a special invention for all the magical machines produced by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. It was the product of Xu Yiling’s movement.

However, after a detailed explanation by Xu Yi, everyone discovered that these magical machines actually have a common point, and they also have an extremely large, complex, and extremely fine theoretical system as the basis.

Whether it is a magic fan, magic air conditioner, magic rice cooker and other household magic machinery, or magic machine tools, farmland magic machinery, the Falcon Chamber of Commerce now uses the mine magic machinery, all these magic machinery are built on this The series of magical machinery theory.

Only by studying this theory can we thoroughly understand the true principles and manufacturing processes of magical machinery.

If you can't do it, then anyone who wants to produce magical machinery can only be imitated and copied. If you want to make changes with the president of the Mita, you will find your way to death.

It is precisely because of Xu’s explanation that everyone knows, don’t look at the magic fan is just a gadget that is only a few tens of centimeters high and weighs less than five kilograms, but the various theoretical knowledge contained therein is extremely rich, far from looking So simple.

The fan blade alone is related to the aerodynamics, spatial geometry and simple physical knowledge that Xu also said.

The fan blades of the new flying magic fan seem to just randomly insert three pieces of special-shaped iron pieces, but in fact why it is this shape, why is it three pieces, why is it this size... And so on, all of which were determined through accurate theoretical calculations and countless practical studies. It is by no means arbitrary.

So when Xu also explained the explanation, although everyone was fainted by the large number of words that Xu Yi also spit out, he understood the fact.

Magic machinery is actually a profound study. It is not as simple as everyone thinks, and it is not easy to grasp it casually.

Previously, major chambers of commerce have invested a lot of money, manpower and resources to conduct related research. But there has never been a chamber of commerce that makes a magical machine that can be compared with the products of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, everyone thought that the time of their own research was too short, and when they continued to invest in research, they would study it sooner or later.

However, after hearing the explanations of Xu Yi, everyone realized that they did not invest enough money and did not study enough. The difference between the company and the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is that it is too big, and it is so desperate that it will cause this result.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has formed such a complete and complicated theoretical foundation in the research of magic machinery, and these chambers of commerce still stay in the most basic magical array research, and even the most important mechanical process. The design did not touch at all.

Such a huge gap suddenly caused many small chambers of commerce that had come to understand to give up the idea of ​​continuing to study magic machinery, and also let the super-large chamber of commerce like the Falcon Chamber of Commerce also give up the waste of manpower and material resources.

The Chamber of Commerce participating in the joint meeting of the Business Federation was not included in the new Feishang Association represented by Xu. A total of twenty-eight, until the end of the meeting, there are actually twenty-three directly announced the exit of the magic fan production, and no longer involved in the magic machinery industry.

I am also very disappointed with this.

He has always hoped that all chambers of commerce on the mainland of Sainz can be invested in the study of magical machinery, so that a complete industrial system can be established on this continent faster and better.

But he did not have any position to blame the twenty-three chambers of commerce.

After all, researching magic machinery requires a lot of money and manpower, which is no small burden for any chamber of commerce.

It is also a normal idea to choose to give up after recognizing that there is such a gap that is almost impossible to reverse between the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover. From the perspective of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, isn't it the less competition of the Chamber of Commerce?

Therefore, although Xu is very worried that the remaining five chambers of commerce will not opt ​​out, they cannot make any redundant representations.

He can't jump to the other side and say, hey, come on, come and study magic machinery with me, I really support you, give you the technology, give you money, give you...

Others don’t blame him for being a neuropathy.

"Hey. I will have my heart to the moon, but I can't help but see the ditches." Xu also looked up helplessly, and after swearing, he found that it was already the morning of the next day, and there was only a bright sun in the sky. Where is the shadow of the moon?

"Hui Huichang, you seem to be very busy." A familiar laugh sounded behind him. "Although I don't understand what you just said, it feels good to listen to the rhythm. Can you explain the meaning?"

Xu also looked back and saw the gentle smile of Servini.

"His Royal Highness, how come you are here again?"

"What? Don't you welcome me?" Servini smiled. "Mr. Xu, the language you used to read the two sentences I have never heard before. It is very good. Is it the language used in your hometown? Can you tell me what the two sentences mean?"

"You guessed it right, it is indeed the language of our hometown. As for the meaning..."

Listening to Xu also explained the meaning of this poem, Servini blinked a few times and praised: "These two sentences...the poem is really beautiful. In such a short sentence, there is such a rich meaning. It seems that your hometown The language is very good, if you can, please teach me."

"It is very difficult to learn our hometown. I think you should not have that much time, His Royal Highness." Xu also shrugged. "For example, if you suddenly come here again, it is definitely not to find me to learn my hometown."

Severini smiled and said: "Yes, this time is coming to tell you a good news."

"Oh? Is there any good news?" Xu also immediately felt a shock and asked.

"The first good news is that the question about the labor certificate that you mentioned to me last time was finally passed in the parliament. No accident. Within two months, the kingdom will set up a new labor department, then You can apply for a labor certificate for the dwarf of your chamber of commerce," Sevigny replied.

"Really?" Xu also suddenly rejoiced. "That's great! If the dwarf brothers in the Chamber of Commerce know this good news, they will be happy! You don't have to worry about any inconvenience here, and our new club can justifiably go." Hire more dwarves!"

"I have to remind you. Although I know that you hire these dwarves just want them to work for your chamber of commerce. But if there are too many, it will still attract some special attention. I hope you pay attention to this problem." Servini is right.

"Thank you for reminding my Royal Highness, I will pay attention." Xu also quickly responded.

"That's good." Serviniton paused and suddenly asked: "Right, I heard that your new flyer will even hire a female elf called Yanis?"

"Yes. Actually, when you came last time, we already hired her. But at that time she was not willing to show up in front of other humans, so you have not seen her." Xu also replied.

"I heard that she appeared in front of a lot of people. Can she ask her to come out and meet me now? To be honest, I have never seen an elf since I was so big, and I am very curious about the elves."

"This is really not a coincidence. Today, Janice is just staying in Bangta City to do design work. Not in the Sanctuary Manor." Xu also apologized.

"That's a pity." Sevigny was a little disappointed.

"It doesn't matter, the next time you come to see her again, maybe you will stay here for a few more days, and naturally you will see her." Xu also laughed. "Right, you just said that the labor certificate is the first good news. Is there a second good news?"

"Of course." Servini nodded. “The second good news is that the Agricultural Department’s promotion of farmland magic machinery has received a good response throughout the country. Almost all the aristocrats in the kingdom have expressed strong demand for farmland magic machinery, so your Chamber of Commerce A total of less than 10,000 sets of farmland magic machinery completed in a period of time. Now that it has been cleaned up, you have to step up production time."

Xu Yimei frowned: "What good news is this? It is obvious that you will tell the order every time you come."

“Listen to me. The Agricultural Department has re-estimated the demand for farmland magic machinery and finally concluded that if you want to spread the farmland magic machinery all over the country, you need at least 70,000 farmland magics. mechanical."

Xu Yi suddenly brightened his eyes: "That is to say... aside from the 20,000 units we have not delivered yet, is there still 50,000 units?"

Sevigny smiled and nodded: "Now you understand why I said this is good news? Yes, these 50,000 farmland magic machinery still need your new flying business association to complete. I am here to represent the father and agriculture. The department will again place an order with you."

Xu also thought about it, but did not show too much happy look. Instead, frowning asked: "His Royal Highness, I said something unpleasant. A total of 50,000 farmland magic machinery, but it requires a total price of more than three million gold coins! How can King Majesty and the Agriculture Department get so much money? Can you sell me to two mines without the King?"

"You are right, the father can't get the money, so I can only continue to sell it to your mine. How? Don't you want it?"

"Of course I want to. But the Queen's Highness. What should I do when the Falcao Chamber of Commerce comes to the chaos? The last time a small mine pitted me two million gold coins, this time the King wants to use two smaller mines from our Chamber of Commerce. Is there a full set of 50,000 farmland magic machinery here?" Xu also asked with some dissatisfaction.

Severini shook his head: "If you only need gold coins, it is better to conduct a public auction like the last time. But Xu also, the father does not want any mine to continue to fall into the hands of the Falcao Chamber of Commerce, so this time will not Open auction, but directly according to the market price. Of course, the price of iron ore has risen now, and the valuation of the mine is of course higher than the last time. I hope you understand."

"I understand this. But what I don't understand is, isn't the King's Majesty not afraid of the Joseph family to protest again?" Xu asked with sorrow.

"This time it won't be." Servini's gentle eyes suddenly passed a trace of ugly coldness. "They won't be in the future."

Looking at the calm and pretty face of Servini, Xu also suddenly gave birth to a chill.

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