Magic Industry Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Do you want to hurt her?

"Well, my introduction to the product shape designer of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce ends here. Then I will ask the city owner to speak."

Seeing that Xu also retired, the Count of Satsuma came to the stage, and the doubts and curiosity in the hearts of the people were even more intense.

Listening to Xu Yi’s words, this master who is curious to everyone should have been hired by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to become a product shape designer for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but what about the city’s master? What do you need him to say?

Count Satsuma greeted everyone with a slight smile, and sighed: "The residents of Bangta City, and friends from outside Bangta City, everyone, I am the head of Bangna City, the head of Sean Satsuma. Look. I have been so happy to have a lot of people coming to the stage to participate in the product launch conference held by the new Feishang Association. Because they are able to attract so many people to participate in this conference, then this product must be Being able to sell enough quantity to satisfy him, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can make a big profit. But unfortunately, the new Feishang will make more money, but will not give me even a copper coin, so I will give it a chance. I am happy, I am afraid that he will not appreciate it."

Speaking of this, the Count of Satsuma even deliberately made a helpless expression and sighed.

The people in the audience suddenly burst into laughter, thinking that the Earl of Satsuma was always on the high, and it was quite funny to think of someone.

"Well, let's get back to the topic. I will ask everyone a question first. In so many people in the audience, are there friends of other races besides human beings?" asked the Count of Satsuma.

Everyone looked around and turned around and saw that they were all the same human beings.

Count Satsuma took back his hand on his forehead. Sighed: "It's a pity. It seems that there is no. Everyone. On thousands of years ago, in addition to our human beings, there are also elves, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, and even dragons. All kinds of races live together together. However, thousands of years later, now we look at it, but there is only human beings on this continent. Besides occasionally we can see some dwarves, other races. We are already very difficult to see. Although it means that we humans now occupy the dominant position of this continent, I still feel that this is actually a pity. It is so much on this continent. Different races, if we end up with only human beings, it makes people feel lonely."

The people in the audience couldn’t help but somehow.

What happened to the urban master today? Suddenly, in the face of so many people, what kind of emotions do you do?

Although ethnic wars have passed for thousands of years, there has been no hatred between humans and other races, but other races have chosen to disappear into the human world. This cannot be blamed on human beings.

Besides, what does this have to do with what Xu has just said?

In the crowd, Rhine's gaze quickly fell on the masked man, and his heartbeat was a little faster.

Contact Xu Yi’s introduction and the feelings of the urban master now, then the true identity of this masked person. I am afraid that everyone will be shocked.

"I won't make a lot of preparations like President Xu. I just want to ask you a question here. If there are other races other than humans, you will treat him." How would you treat him?"

After saying this, the Earl of Satsuma unexpectedly retreated to the side.

Xu also went back to the stage and glanced at the crowd who had rioted because of the words of the Earl of Satsuma. He took a breath and sighed: "Now, let me be honored to introduce to you, our new flying chamber The design designer of the design institute, Miss Yanis Eltitan? Wein Sacklanda!"

After that, Xu also turned and reached out to the masked man behind him.

Under the gaze of everyone's strange, curious, and doubtful eyes, the masked man slowly walked over to Xu Yi, and paused, stretching out a pair of crystal whites from the cloak, slender and delicate hands, slowly lifting up, one A little bit opened the cover that shrouded his head.

A very beautiful and beautiful, but naturally revealed a mysterious face appeared in front of everyone.

However, everyone's gaze involuntarily removed from this beautiful face and fell on the pair of pointed, slender ears on either side of her head.


There was a burst of cold air in the audience.

Since thousands of years of ethnic war, mankind has begun to occupy the dominant position of the mainland of Sainz, and races outside of human beings have gradually been reduced because of human beings squeezing the living space.

Among them, in addition to the races that have disappeared completely, they still exist in other races on the mainland of Sainz. On the contrary, the elves who dominated the continent are the rarest.

For a period of time after the race war, the Elfs were still visible on the mainland of Sainz, but over time, in the last few hundred years, it has been very difficult to see the emergence of elves on the mainland.

If it wasn’t for these hundreds of years, there were always people who saw the elves in person and witnessed that the elves still existed on this continent. I am afraid that many people will think that the elves are as silent as the gnomes. It is.

The elves are hard to see, except that the elves do not trust humans, they are not willing to appear outside humans, and because the elves are extremely good at concealing, as long as they are not willing to let you see them, it is difficult to find them, so that For the vast majority of humans, the elves only existed in the legend, but they did not see it at all.

There are now more than 5,000 people gathered in this municipal square, but none of them have seen the elves, but none of them!

Now suddenly an elf suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and everyone suddenly stopped.

All eyes were concentrated on Yanis's long ears for a while, and then slowly turned to Yannes's pretty face.

After seeing the face of Yanis, everyone couldn't help but make another exclamation.

The girl of the elves is as beautiful as the legend. This unknown elf girl looks close to the young girl of about twenty humans. The facial features are extremely delicate, and the proportion of the face is almost perfect, with a pair of blue The big eyes make people unwilling to look away at first sight.

The people involuntarily compared her to Steele in the bottom of my heart, and then I was surprised to find that although this elf girl has no similarities with Steele, it is so amazing. And unlike the temperament of Steele's sunny atmosphere, she brought a natural fresh and mysterious atmosphere.

Although the style is different, it is equally fascinating.

"Hou... Xu will be long... She... Is she true?" A reporter from the audience raised her finger and asked Yanis to ask Xu.

"What is true?" Xu also inexplicably asked. "Do you still suspect that I am looking for someone to pretend to be an elf to lie to you?"

"This... I am not skeptical, just...only the elves have been reluctant to contact us humans, rarely appear in front of humans, how can it be..." The reporter looked at Yanis’s delicate face. I only feel dry mouth. "How can you reveal the true face in front of so many people here?"

This is a question in everyone's mind.

According to the character of the legendary Elf, as in the present, the face of thousands of human beings reveals the truth, which is unthinkable for the elves.

Xu also smiled slightly, looked at the next circle, and raised his voice: "Friends, the world is constantly changing. We humans are constantly changing, so it is not a strange thing to change the elves." Miss Yanis is an example of the change made by the elves. She is not only the exterior designer specially hired by our new Feishang Association, but also the ambassador of the elves and our human beings, who represent the elves to be willing to engage with us. A sign of this. Here, I want to ask everyone, after you saw Yanis, did you have any idea of ​​hurting her?"

"Ha?" The audience was amazed. The reporter who just asked couldn't help but say: "Hui Huichang, what is your ghost problem? So mysterious and beautiful Miss Elf, how can we think of hurting? She? It’s too late to protect her!”

"Yes! It's hard to have an elf in front of us. We are so curious that we don't have time. How can we hurt her? Just kidding!"

"Yes! Even if she doesn't say that she is an elf, she looks so beautiful, I have to ask her to marry her, how can she hurt her?"

"Mr. Xu, you must be sun-drenched, and people who want to hurt such a beautiful and lovely Elf girl must be perverted."

"That is, this question is simply to look down on people, and President Xu asks you to take back this question!"


Seeing the crowds under the stage, Xu also turned to Yanis and said: "How, Yanis, are you still afraid now?"

Yanis looked at the noisy crowd under the table. After a while, she asked Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, they... Are they all true?"

Xu also shrugged: "Most of them are true, but not all of them are true, then I can't guarantee it. After all, people's minds are a complicated thing, and I can't guarantee you that everyone is saying the same thing." ”

"That... you mean there are still some humans who want to hurt me?"

"Maybe." Xu also smiled. "But Yanis, we can't just look at the bad side of the problem, even if someone really wants to hurt you, but in comparison, it is more people who like you. You can see that there are more than 5,000 people below. I can guarantee that the lowest of 5,000 people are really interested in you, so you don't have to worry so much. With this opportunity, show yourself."

Yanis nodded lightly, her eyes swept over the eager face of the audience, took a deep breath, opened her mouth and raised her voice.

"Big... everyone, my name is Yanis. Just like what you see, is an ordinary elf girl, from the night song tribe..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated Faster!

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