Magic Eye Warlock

Five hundred and ninety-five domain fusion

There is a huge gap in strength between the Heavenly Rank and the Earth-ranked, but ten Earth-ranked professionals besieging two Heavenly-ranked demons under the leadership of the two Heavenly-ranked demons can definitely cause a crushing advantage.

But it was just a regular battle. Nibel didn't expect that the two heaven-level demons they faced were so strange that they could unknowingly let the earth-level professionals be recruited, but instead became a burden to the heaven-level professionals.

In the final analysis, it was because of his unfamiliarity with demons that the information was poor, so he was caught in the lightning-like battle.

At this moment, the ground-level professional who had just woken up was infected by the sweet smell again.

This kind of gas is mixed in the air. Although it is colorless and odorless, anyone who smells it will feel a sweet smell permeating the surroundings. This is a direct spiritual feeling. It is like a spiritual sound transmission. Listen, you can also get relevant information in your mind.

Paralyze, and then eliminate hostility, this is where the sweet smell is really terrifying, and the fields below the heaven level cannot stop its penetration. It does not directly control others, but it can make it difficult for the recruiter to be hostile to the caster, but has a slight favorable impression.

The slight degree of this kindness is not even noticeable, except in one case, that is--

The Heavenly Succubus looked at the giant hammer that was waving towards her. Although she was separated by a layer of Heavenly Domain, she had no doubt that the terrifying power contained in that giant hammer could definitely tear her domain apart like a broken bamboo. Crack open and smash her into patties.

Under the law of force, her figure has been locked by the giant hammer and cannot escape.

So as soon as she moved, she flew towards the other ground-level professionals.

"Stop her!" The sky-rank dwarf roared, but found that the ground-rank professionals who came with him avoided one after another, making way for the sky-rank succubus, and at the same time seemed to block the sky unintentionally. The path of the tier dwarves made him have to curb the power he just burst out, so as not to affect these tier professionals.

And the ground-level professional who got out of the way realized what he had done, and he couldn't help but feel extremely horrified.

They were not so easily controlled by the succubus, but unknowingly they lost their hostility towards her, they did not want to be her enemy, and they did not want her to be hurt, so they took the initiative to make the move just now.

And the succubus is very fast. Through this method, it not only escaped the attack of the dwarves, but also successfully merged with the desire demon.

The two heavenly demons looked at each other, and the communication had been completed invisibly.

The realm on the body burst into a bright light, and there was a faint trend of fusion.

The Unicorn Demon contacted them just now, and they are going to use domain fusion to break the situation. At that time, they will have the determination to fight against the water. Domain fusion is extremely dangerous. The same law, either without any resistance, let the main body act, and a slight error will cause major trauma in the field.

At this moment, there are only Desire Demon and Succubus, and the rules of cultivation are very compatible. It can be said that the danger of domain fusion is greatly reduced, and it is natural to decide to integrate the domain into one.

The Glory Knights and the Heavenly Dwarfs restrained them too seriously. Even if there were ten Earth-level professionals who could use them, they could only deal with them for a short time. Over time, they would inevitably fall into the state of being slaughtered by others.

Nibel noticed this, golden flames flared up all over his body again, the surrounding space shattered, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place, appearing outside the realm of the two heavenly demons.


This is a space skill that most melee legends can master. It can achieve the same effect as space jump in a short distance, but the method is relatively crude. It is not the use of space laws and space elements, but the use of brute force to make two The space is broken to form channels, so this way also limits the distance of movement.

But the advantage is that this skill is faster than space magic, it can be said to be instant, and there is no risk of backlash.

However, just as Nibel was about to enter the realm of Desire Demon, the succubus flew towards the earth-level professionals with Desire Demon again, and ten earth-level professionals avoided one after another, and stood in front of Nibel again. Let Nibel's raid come back in vain.

Teleportation is an explosive skill, so it cannot be activated continuously. Nibel is like a sad guy who immediately fell into sage mode as soon as he took off his pants.

Taking advantage of this kung fu, the domains of the Heavenly Rank Succubus and the Desire Demon also completed the fusion, forming a qualitative change.

If Yan Chong were to observe at the moment, he would find that the two law strings outside the domains of the two heaven-rank demons were harmoniously intertwined, making the merged domain wider and more stable.

It's just that unlike Yan Chong's domain, domain fusion is temporary, and requires a lot of law power at all times, so it cannot last.

The bodies of the succubus and the desire demon also leaned together with the fusion of the domain, and then the flesh and blood were squirming, and they merged into one.

It has to be said that this is a situation where the fusion of the legendary professional field of the human race will not occur. In general, the field will be transformed, but the professionals participating in the fusion will all be in a new field, similar to forming a special battle formation.

But the demon family is very strange, and even the professional body is integrated.

After the fusion, the demon still looks like a succubus, but his temperament has changed, and he said in a hoarse voice: "You all have to die!"

After all, the heaven and the earth in the prison plane have changed greatly, and countless demons have appeared, ranging from heaven to earth, and the number is hundreds or thousands, and each exudes a terrifying atmosphere.

It's illusion!

However, this illusion is so powerful that it distorts the senses of the professionals in the sky, making them aware that it is an illusion but unable to escape, as if they were caught in a lucid dream.

With one punch, Nibel smashed a monster as large as a hill that rushed towards him. His heart was dignified. The most brilliant illusion was to turn a fake into a real, and an illusory attack came. If you don't take precautions, then the illusion will become true .

With the touch of his fist just now, these illusory demons are real in a sense!

On the other hand, the dwarves of the sky-ranking dwarves also fell into a hard fight. The big hammer was flexibly swung under the control of his thick arm, smashing the demons that were coming towards him, but the rapid consumption of power made him not happy. stand up.

The ten earth-level professionals also formed a circle, resisting the illusion attack, but the appearance of these demons was also constantly changing, and suddenly they changed into the appearance of the people they knew, which made their movements stiff. It didn't take long for several people to be injured.


In the death maze, Yan Chong also launched an offensive against the unicorn.

If the black holes were not exhausted, he would have almost forgotten that he was a Heaven-ranked knight.

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