Magic Eye Warlock

fifty-seven myths

When I opened my eyes again, what I saw was a teleportation formation similar to that of Chuyang City.

There are also no guards outside the teleportation array, only a few scattered people lining up to buy tickets at the ticket office in the distance.

Without the towering mage tower, there are only some more ordinary buildings nearby.

Of course, compared to the small town of Chenxi, it is still much more prosperous, but just after coming out of the imperial city, the sudden drop of people's atmosphere always makes people feel a kind of desolate feeling.

The cold and dry wind blew through, making Yan Chong's nose a little itchy, and he couldn't help sneezing.

"Is this still summer?" This thought suddenly popped into Yan Chong's mind.

Fortunately, there is a certain introduction to the Endless Continent in the inheritance knowledge. The Western Continent is extremely vast. Therefore, there are even two different seasons in different locations.

I don't know why, but it's the truth.

The two did not delay, they found a carriage and quickly walked out of Dusk City in the southern border of the empire. Lori took out the magic flying carpet again and started the final journey.

As the flying carpet rises, the scene on the ground keeps shrinking and retreating, again presenting a picture of the earth.

The sparse population on the crescent plain is caused by the soil quality above. It is said that a long time ago, the demons of the secondary plane once broke the passage of the endless continent and invaded the western continent.

At that time, human beings were in retreat, almost extinct, until a legendary professional who was good at speed, who did not sleep for several days, did not hesitate to overspend his life, used space jumping spells in succession, and came to the four continents of South, East, and North respectively, seeking support. , The top professionals from all continents united to drive the demons back.

At that time, battles also broke out among the gods above, and the scene was very anxious for a time. In the end, the victory of the Western Continent broke this balance. The power of faith of the demon gods was cut off, the fall of the fall, the seal of the seal, and the embarrassed escape back to the abyss among.

As the greatest hero of mankind, the sacrificed legendary professional was resurrected by the goddess of the moon on the crescent plain, and the crescent plain was named after it, indicating the goddess' gift and the new life of the legend.

The crescent plain is the most fierce place in the war. The blood of the evil and filthy demons has completely changed the geology here. No plants can grow on it, and even the gods can't change this fact.

Therefore, just as Yan Chong has seen so far, the yellow background of the whole painting of the earth is dotted with some gray and black dots. These are the rocks that are occasionally distributed on the plain, and there is a large amount of demon blood inside. .

The sun has risen to its peak, and before you know it, the time has come to noon.

The vast crescent plain finally came to the end, and sparse trees began to appear in front. The flying carpet did not stop, and the green on the ground became more and more, until the earth was completely covered with green, and the two landed from the air. down.

This is a very beautiful forest. The towering trees are luxuriant and green, and the sound of insects and birds can be heard around. Above the head, the sun shines through the leaves and sprinkles light spots all over the place.

There is absolutely no sense of autumn bleakness in Dusk City, and it also forms a sharp contrast with the dead silence of Crescent Plain.

"United College, is it in this forest?" Yan Chong asked.

Luo Li nodded: "The United Academy does not represent the union of countries, but the union of races. Building the Academy in the crescent forest where the nature-loving elves are located, away from the external disputes, is also possible for everyone. accepted results."

On the Western Continent, in addition to humans and orcs, there are also a small number of elves. They are the descendants of elves professionals who were supported from the Southern Continent in the demon invasion campaign. Because of their relatively peaceful temperament, they have always been with humans. Living in harmony, even when William Maca fought on the Western Continent, he deliberately avoided the Crescent Forest.


Lori took out a small bottle very similar to the cosmetic potion, except that the liquid inside was pale blue.

"Remove the makeup on your face, or you won't be treated as an invading enemy by the elf guards."

Yan Chong hurriedly took the bottle, put a drop in the palm of his hand, and spread it evenly on his face.

With the application, the face felt warm, some inexplicable substances detached from the face and evaporated into the air. Looking at Luo Li's magic water mirror, Yan Chong nodded in satisfaction, the earth-shattering handsome back again.

As the two walked into the depths of the forest, a treeless clearing gradually appeared, and in the center of the clearing was a towering giant tree with at least a hundred people hugging each other.

Yan Chong was extremely surprised. When he was on the flying carpet just now, he didn't see such a giant tree in front of him. Could it be invisible? It can only be seen if certain conditions are met?

Quickly launch [read]:

Name: Elf Ancient Tree

Race: mythical elves

Profession:? ? ?

Combat Strength: ? ? ?

Status: healthy


Mythical kind! Even the Legendary Species had only heard about them before, but this time they actually faced the Mythical Species with bloodline talents that surpassed the SSS level. I am afraid this is the only one in the entire Western Continent.

You must know that even if they are gods, their bloodline talent may not be able to reach the mythical species, which is different from the level of strength. This bloodline represents nobility, mystery, and legend.

As for the question mark behind the occupation and combat power column, it was the first time Yan Chong had seen it, and he couldn't explain why this happened.

"This is the sacred tree of the elves, the ancient elves, which originated from a branch of the elf ancestral tree in the southern continent." Luo Li explained to Yan Chong's surprised expression, "It is said that the elves belong to the goddess of the moon. Heirs, the blood is born with the blessing of the goddess."

"When the elves become adults, they must be awakened under the ancient tree and obtain the bloodline magic, so they are all followers of the goddess of the moon."

At this time, two little people with translucent wings flew from the sky, similar in appearance to humans, but only the size of a slap. If you look closely, they look extremely delicate and have pointed ears, like a legend. fairy in .

They are wearing miniature leather armors and carrying mini bows and arrows on their backs, which are very cute.

"Lori, you're back!" One of the little girls with long purple hair greeted Lori familiarly, with a clear and sweet voice.

"Yes! Triris, you are on duty today!" Lori also said to her with a smile.

"Well, how is it, what is the result of going to Chenxi Town this time?"

"Although there were some twists and turns, the task was successfully completed."

The two were talking, but the other girl with short green hair kept looking at Yan Chong curiously, and flew around him a few times before she said, "Lori Lori, who is this?"

"Hello, you two—two ladies!" Yan Chong was stunned for a while, and then he quickly introduced himself with a solemn expression, "My name is Yan Chong, I'm a newcomer who just joined the revolutionary army, please give me more advice!"

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