Made in Hollywood

Chapter 745: Leonardo

In Paris, Duke mainly filmed the scene between the leading actor played by Leonardo and the dream builder Adrian. When the crew arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Scarlett Johansson and Michael Caine, who had arrived ahead of schedule, had already Waiting here.

Apart from the snow mountain location in Canada, Paris is already the last overseas stop of the crew.

Because there were enough rehearsals in the early preparations, the crew quickly entered the shooting state after the jet lag was over.

However, the shooting in Paris also had certain troubles. Duke needed to shoot some explosive scenes, but the Paris authorities did not buy his account and strictly prohibited the crew from using explosives. The team has done a lot of related experiments, using high-pressure nitrogen to complete the explosion effect.

During the pre-production, the crew tested for several weeks, and the actual shooting effect was also very good. You must know that the two leading actors were located in the center of the explosion, but they were not affected at all during the shooting, and even the paper cups on the table did not move at all.

In the high-speed slow motion shot by six cameras from different angles, the explosion fragments float in the air like suspended matter, which is enough to create an extremely shocking visual impact.

After filming Scarlett and Leonardo's scene, Charlize Theron, who is promoting the World Cup in South Africa, also came to Paris on time to report to Duke and the crew.

Duke rented an old hotel in Paris for the filming of Charlize Theron's character jumping off a building.

Of course, this will not be filmed on a high-level, the shooting location is on the first floor, and then by using lens misalignment and editing methods, the desired effects in the film can be easily achieved.

Outside the hotel, on the periphery of the crew, Scarlett crossed her arms and looked at Charlize Theron sitting on the window sill. Wei Wei pursed his lips.

She told Tina Fey, who was standing together, "She stabbed me in the morning filming."

Tina Fey turned her head and looked at Scarlett with a little surprise, not quite understanding what she meant about the scene in the morning. It was she who entered the dream of Leonardo's character and was killed by the subconscious character...

Scarlett's right hand was drooping, and she gently rubbed the position below her chest line, "I don't know if she did it on purpose. When she stabbed me with a prop knife, she used a little force, and I still feel pain..."


Tina Fey didn't know what to say. Whether the other party meant it or not, no one could say for sure, and even if she really meant it, in that case, no one could say anything.

Looking at Charlize Theron on the windowsill. Scarlett was still muttering something, probably looking for a chance to return it.

It's just that when the front shot started, she immediately shut her mouth, and Scarlett knew it very well. Whatever the reason, it cannot affect Duke's work.

The two cameras cross diagonally without affecting each other. Aiming at Leonardo and Charlize Theron in front of the two opposite windows, the microphone used for live recording also slowly descended from above to the upper edge of the window.

Leonardo walked to the window and asked in surprise when he saw Charlize Theron sitting on the opposite window sill. "Honey, what are you doing?"

"Come together." Charlize Theron shook her feet from time to time.

"You go back inside first." Leonardo said while making persuasive gestures, "Okay? Go back inside, hurry up!"

"No!" Charlize Theron refused without hesitation. As the lighting team adjusted the light on the scene, her face was gradually covered in shadows, "I'm going to dance, I want you to dance with me!"

"No, I can't jump." Leonardo shook his head slightly, and said again, "My dear, now you listen to me, if you jump now, you won't wake up, understand? You will die! So Back inside, okay?"

"Please!" he went on, "you go back to the house and we can talk again."

"We've talked enough!"

Saying that, Charlize Theron kicked off one of her high-heeled shoes, and the shoe fell quickly onto the green mat under the window.

"Sally!" Leonardo immediately frowned, and at the same time his eyes widened.

"You step out quickly, or I will jump right now..."

Before Charlize Theron could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Duke's shout, "Cut!"

He waved to Leonardo, and Leonardo jumped directly from the window and walked to Duke in a few strides.

"My question?" he asked, pointing to himself.

"Frowning, staring..." Duke replayed the shot just now, pointed to a movement of Leonardo, and said unceremoniously, "The three biggest flaws in your performance I mentioned to you, appeared at the same time. two!"

Leonardo raised his chin, looked at the picture frozen by Duke, and nodded, "I will try my best to correct it."

Duke waved to him, "Go back and touch up your makeup, continue."

Years ago, Duke had mentioned to Leonardo his three biggest problems with performances - frowning, staring and growling...

These are three very obvious problems, and the most direct consequence is that all the characters acted, in some respects, became Leonardo DiCaprio.

From the time he met Leonardo DiCaprio when filming "Saving Private Ryan" in 1995 to now, Duke knows very well that Leonardo's acting skills are definitely not bad. Maybe he lacks some talent, but every time It can be seen that he worked very hard in all the films he starred in.

Among actors of similar level, Leonardo must be the one who works very hard.

Duke still remembers the scene where he was shocked when he watched "Django Unchained". Leonardo accidentally slapped the glass shards and his hands were covered with blood. Normal people would not subconsciously watch the scene. He slapped his hands or screamed, but Leonardo didn't. He continued to act calmly, and even impromptuly used his bloody hand to rub the face of the female black slave, fully portraying a bloodthirsty, cold, profit-seeking southern slave to the fullest.

Today, Hollywood and even the entire North American film industry often compares Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio for comparison. The three have something in common, and they are all at the top of Hollywood. The superstars in the film also want to get the best actor statuette, but they are not welcomed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

In fact, as long as these three people can maintain their status, they will definitely be recognized by the academy in the future. There are too many examples like this in the past, and Oscar performance awards have never been determined by roles and acting skills.

But among these three people, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio have taken a very wide road, but Johnny Depp is different. Once there is an accident in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, he will not take long It will fall from the position of a giant star.

This is also related to the different styles of the three people. To a certain extent, Brad Pitt is a yuppie line, which has something to do with his image. Playing a ruffian will attract audiences; Johnny Depp's acting skills are both gloomy and Jumping back and forth between off-lines, his span is very large, but neither of the two directions is considered mainstream, and his own style is obvious; Leonardo is a typical academic acting, the kind that pays attention to every move and style, which is most suitable for Hollywood style of protagonist shaping.

It's just that Leonardo's thoughts on the Olympic Games these years are too obvious, and he offended the old man of the academy with his words when he was young, so it is not easy to win the award.

However, in Duke's view, among the three, Leonardo must have the greatest chance of winning the Oscar for Best Actor first.

Johnny Depp may be the first one to fall. If he is a non-mainstream, as long as he continues to be non-mainstream, if "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a little turbulent, I am afraid that he will leave the mainstream film industry in a short time.

In fact, he is more dependent on a series than Tom Cruise.

It can be said that Depp left a deep impression on Duke. He left the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series and made a big-budget six-game tragedies. And it's not the kind of small pounce, but a super big one that can make investors spurt blood. hit the street.

Duke is quite satisfied with Leonardo's performance in "Inception", except for one thing, he is really not suitable for acting in action scenes, and action scenes are far worse than his image and acting skills.

Fortunately, there is still something called a stunt double in this world.

After filming the rival scene between Charlize Theron and Leonardo DiCaprio, Duke temporarily handed over the remaining work of the crew to Anna Prinz, and he brought Tina Fey into the Jamie Johnson, who is in charge of publicity and distribution for Warner Bros., just arrived in Paris today from Los Angeles.

He came here not only to visit the set to understand the progress of the filming, but also to discuss with Duke about some publicity matters.

In the coffee shop, Duke put Tina Fey's Apple customized machine in front of Jamie Johnson and said, "I think we must pay attention to the promotion on terminal equipment."

It is now 2010, and the penetration rate of smartphones is quite high. For social networking sites such as instant sharing and Twitter, the number of users on mobile phones gradually exceeds that on PCs.

"The rise and popularization of emerging media represented by the Internet, mobile phones, and various PDA devices has enabled consumers in contemporary society to no longer be passive receivers, but to be able to directly participate in knowledge production activities such as content and information. production-consumer in the middle!"

Although not as professional as Jamie Johnson, what Duke mentioned is the general situation, "The situation of monopolizing information production and controlling information flow in the past is being replaced by a more democratic and pluralistic form of mass participatory media. .This transformation has not only resulted in richer media content and a multiplicity of voices, but also provided an opportunity for a community of like-minded and collective identities and wisdom to coalesce.”

He said solemnly, "These are all aspects that must be paid attention to in film promotion."

"I know!" Jamie Johnson nodded and said, "Warner Bros. is also using your suggestion to formulate a targeted publicity strategy."

Duke is very clear that if "Inception" wants to be more successful, it must make a fuss about publicity. (to be continued ~^~)

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