Made in Hollywood

Chapter 259 The risk is too great (for subscription)

Just as Duke returned to Los Angeles to negotiate a new movie project with Warner Bros., another remarkable thing happened in Hollywood - Michael Ovitz, the once mighty and hyped-up Hollywood behind-the-scenes king. , was forcibly fired by Walt Disney and swept out of the house.

And one of the most important reasons for dismissal is that Michael Ovitz is not capable enough to manage such a huge media company as Walt Disney.

The emperor of CAA, who has not yet realized his ambitions, was defeated in the complicated personnel struggle and had to withdraw from Disney sadly.

Just like the fiercely competitive Hollywood, there are complex struggles and compromises within the major film companies, and they are also fighting each other with sex, money and power.

There is no easy way to get to the top.

The only surprise to Duke was that he got news from Robert Iger that the board of directors headed by Michael Eisner fired Michael Ovitz, and there was one more direct reason - he had bad vision and rejected The dropped project "Chicago" sells all over the world!

If you take it literally, without "Chicago", Michael Ovitz might have spent more time as Disney's CEO.

Of course, Duke was not so naive to understand where the heart of the matter lies.

It's true that Michael Ovitz is not enough to control a huge media company like Walt Disney, but since Michael Eisner chose his childhood friend, he might just set up a puppet, but like Ovitz, who was once in power How can you be willing to be a puppet?

Power is a poison, even more attractive to men than money and beauty.

In the face of a power struggle, it is normal for a pair of childhood friends to turn against each other.

The conflict between the two parties was still limited to a certain extent. But Michael Eisner's surgery changed everything.

Earlier the year before last, Michael Eisner had an operation because of a heart problem. After the operation, Michael Ovitz took advantage of Eisner's wife's trust or other reasons that were not circulated to take control of Eisner's ward. Wife of Ovitz and Eisner. Not to mention Disney's executives, not even Eisner's lawyers could meet him in person...

The power that originally belonged to Michael Eisner, according to Disney's rules, was naturally deferred to Ovitz's hands, but the good times did not last long. Eisner's recovery speed was extremely fast, and he came back again. The two tore their last face off.

According to Duke's speculation, "Chicago" is just a small trap that Eisner set for Ovitz.

Michael Ovitz left Disney and couldn't return to CAA. He had no shares in his hands, and Duke was looking forward to his return. In that case, Martin Bob and Eno Martin will definitely not hand over the power in their hands. CAA, which has been in constant internal friction due to the power struggle, will definitely be more exciting.

It is a pity that the shares that Eno Martin owns and has won are always limited, and he has been unable to drive Martin Bob out of office.

Duke will not forget the potential and even the acknowledged foe over there. The other party was just distracted by Eno Martin, and he believed that as long as there was a chance. Martin Bob would bite him like a viper waiting for an opportunity.

And he also has this ability and strength.

Michael Ovitz, who left Disney, received a large severance package, coupled with his already considerable net worth and deep network of contacts, and soon established an entertainment brokerage company. He is said to have persuaded Sony Entertainment to help them bring a terrifying monster to the screen.

In addition to busy film work, Duke also got good news from outside the film, Steve? Jobs, with the great success of Pixar Studios, returned to Apple earlier this year.

For investments other than movies, Duke finally let go of most of his heart.

By the end of April, Warner Bros. had passed the preliminary review of The Matrix with the fastest speed in the program, and will fully participate in the investment and publicity of the film.

At the same time, Duke and Robin Grande officially set up the film project, established a hacking studio, and used the Warner Bros. shares in their hands as collateral to borrow $20 million from the bank, plus directly from his book. The $20 million allocated accounted for half of the total production cost of "The Matrix" at $40 million.

Twentieth Century Fox did not participate in the investment in the end, their funds were extremely tight, and the two super productions "Life and Death 2" and "Titanic" have already made Fox battered. It's a 'pit'...

As a result, Warner Bros. will not only occupy the remaining $40 million in investment, but will also become the film's North American and overseas distributor.

"Our competitor Fox has fallen behind!"

Like other films, the press conference announcing the project was followed by a celebratory party, and Warner Bros. CEO Jeff Robinoff looked smug, "Guys, we've tied Hollywood's best young directors to the Warner's chariot!"

"I propose, a toast to this."

An executive vice president of Warner Bros. was the first to raise his glass, and even though the protagonist of the party was outside dealing with the media, Warners executives were the first to raise a glass.

These high-level gradually spread out, and Robert Solomon suddenly found Jeff Robinoff.

"Have you heard, Jeff."

With a serious expression, he called Jeff Robinoff into a corner of no one, "Duke has obtained the film rights of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", and the Duke Studio is already preparing for the adaptation of the film, I listen It's been mentioned that Charles seems to have joined it."

"I also got some relevant news." Jeff Robinoff nodded earnestly, "Duke and Charles went to Australia some time ago. Except for a visit to Sydney, they should be preparing for this."

He understood what Solomon meant. "Robert, I already have a plan. I'll talk to Duke about it."

Suddenly there was a loud noise at the entrance of the banquet hall, and many people gathered around, Jeff Robinoff just glanced over there. With the most enthusiastic smile on his face, he strode up to greet him.

Duke Rosenberg deserves what any studio CEO should do, isn't it?

With this thought in mind, Jeff Robinoff walked through the crowd, saw Duke on the opposite side, and took the initiative to open his arms. He hugged him hard, looking extremely enthusiastic, as if the two were good friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

As long as he can continue to work with Warner Bros., let alone hugs, Jeff Robinoff is willing to climb on the table and tap dance like Michael Ovitz.

After a simple greeting. Jeff Robinoff watched Duke chat with others, and his heart was filled with emotion. The ordinary young man who fought for a chance in front of him has now become a super director who wants to fight for Warner. How many years?

The other's face was still young and firm. It's just a little more mature, and there is always confidence in the dark eyes, just like when he rejected the promotion of "Speed ​​of Life and Death", and he still went out full of fighting spirit.

It takes people who are confident, determined, tenacious, hardworking and truly talented to succeed in Hollywood. Isn't the young director opposite the best portrayal? It seems that since the day he saw him, he has never lacked the essential elements of a successful person.

After a round of entertainment. Duke turned around and found Jeff Robinoff, who was standing beside him, as if waiting for him.

The two also had a tacit understanding and walked to a quiet corner together. Sit on either side of the table and get straight to the point.

"Duke, I heard you are planning to adapt Tolkien's masterpiece?" Jeff Robinoff asked.

"That's right."

Although it is still in the confidential stage, once the preparation speed of the film is accelerated, the news will soon spread. Duke has no intention of denying it, "Trilogy, one-time production."

"Are you so confident?" Jeff Robinoff frowned slightly, "This is recognized by Hollywood as the most difficult work to adapt. Some people have tried it in the past, but they all ended in failure. The part is too risky!"

"I don't dare to say that I will succeed." Duke just smiled, "but every director always has to try something different, and always make the impossible possible."

Hearing Duke's words, Jeff Robinoff nodded heavily. His past achievements are the strongest evidence. Thinking about this time last year, how many people thought he could successfully adapt "Chicago"? How many people think that his rash transformation can be successful? Even I didn't decide to release "Chicago" for the sake of taking a long-term perspective, and even prepared for a loss.

The results of it? The film has fetched 185.5 million US dollars at the box office in North America, and the global box office is now as high as 325.75 million US dollars. There is room for a number to rise.

The income from the opposite director’s Duke Studio is even more astonishing. The two parties have just made a share of the overseas box office. Jeff Robinoff remembers it very well. Just adding up the North American box office and overseas box office profits, the Duke Studio has already taken it. At 45 million US dollars, the peripheral profit is also close to 20 million US dollars, and the two figures will continue to rise. What a horror movie investment income ratio.

Not to mention other things, let’s just say that “The Matrix” just officially launched. If it weren’t for 20th Century Fox, because the capital chain was so tight that it was close to breaking, how could they not participate in the investment?

If there is anyone in Hollywood who can successfully make Tolkien's masterpiece into a movie, Jeff Robinoff believes that this person is Duke Rosenberg.


Before Jeff Robinoff could say anything, he was interrupted by Duke raising his hand, "Jeff, Warner Bros. has always been the most supportive partner for me, and I am also a shareholder of Warner Bros., as long as there is a need. My first choice is definitely Warner Bros, and I can tell you with certainty that Nancy will be talking to you about the global release of the Lord of the Rings trilogy later."

Having said this, Duke suddenly changed the subject, "I think we can further work together to create a profitable and terrifying project like Star Wars!" (To be continued ~^~)

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